  • 她拿手帕擦了把鼻涕。
    She took out a handkerchief and blew her nose.
  • 他抽一块手帕来包扎手指。
    He whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his finger.
  • 他从口袋拿手帕揩了一下嘴巴。
    He drew his handkerchief from his pocket and wipeed his mouth.
  • 他抽一条手帕把受伤的指头包扎起来。
    He whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his injured finger.
  • 她把手伸进口袋里,拿了一块手帕。
    Putting her hand in her pocket, she pulled out a handkerchief.
  • 他将手伸进口袋掏一块手绢。
    Putting his hand in his pocket he pulled out a handkerchief.
  • 他从口袋里拿手帕擦眼睛。
    Producing a handkerchief from his pocket, he held it to his eyes.
  • 她打开手提包,伸手掏手帕,开始哭了起来。
    She opened her purse and reached for her handkerchief. She began to cry.
  • 小男孩拿手帕替妈妈擦干了眼泪。
    The little boy drew out his handkerchief and dried tears for his mother.
  • 我方将办理一切口手续。
    We shall handle export formalities.
  • 钳住,钳用镊子处理或拔
    To handle or extract with tweezers.
  • 经营谷物口的一家分公司
    A branch office that handles grain exports.
  • 这个酒瓶子有两个耳柄突来。
    The wine bottle has two handles sticking out.
  • 投诉调查组负责调查内部及外间提的投诉;
    the Complaints Investigation Unit which handles both internal and external complaints;
  • 整体来说,公务员为回归后香港的社会稳定作了重要贡献,他们的廉洁忠诚,也有助维持香港社会的生活方式不变。
    The Civil Service as a whole has provided much needed stability after the Handover. Their honesty and integrity help to ensure that the Hong Kong way of life is maintained.
  • 多国贵宾,包括部长级官员、市长、政府官员、领事、外国显贵、社会贤达、商界及学术界人士,均有席上述活动,有关方面还现场直播或预录播放交接仪式及香港特别行政区成立典礼。
    These events were attended by distinguished guests including ministers,mayors, government officials, consuls, foreign dignitaries, community leaders, business people and academics. Live or pre-recorded telecasts from Hong Kong of the Handover and Inauguration Ceremonies were featured in these functions.
  • 我们相信,这项在主权移交后两个月举行的活动,充份证明了中国致力维持香港的繁荣稳定,也显示中国准备让国际金融界目睹香港一切运作如常,甚或更胜从前。
    We believe that this event, held two months after the handover, is a vivid testimony to China's commitment to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. It also demonstrates China's readiness to show to the international financial community how Hong Kong will carry on business as usual, if not better.
  • 当帧中继链路完整性验证协议(有时也叫本地管理接口(lmi)不能成功地在交换机与cpe之间执行协议握手时,逻辑失效就现。
    Logical failures occur when the frame relay link integrity verification protocol, sometimes called the local management interface (LMI), fails to successfully perform a protocol handshake between the switch and the CPE.
  • 工艺精美是这些工艺品的突特点。
    Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork's.
  • 手稿作者以手写体写的草稿
    A manuscript in the author's handwriting.
  • 我们无法辨认他的笔迹。
    We could nohow make out his handwriting.
  • 手稿用打字机打印的或用手写的著作、文章、文件或其它作品,尤指作者准备提供给版社印刷的自己的手抄本
    A typewritten or handwritten version of a book, an article, a document, or other work, especially the author's own copy, prepared and submitted for publication in print.
  • 时报赞扬这位“小小外侨的聪明才智”,为此颁发给她一枚奖章和面值5美元的金币,还在1909年2月28日版的纽约时报杂志的头版刊登了她的文章手稿。
    The Times praised the "little alien's wisdom," gave her a medal and a $5 gold piece, and published a copy of her handwritten essay on the front page of The New York Times Magazine on Feb.28, 1909.
  • 经过20年的努力,共搜集藏文手抄本、木刻本近300部,除去异文本约有100部,现已正式版藏文本70余部,总印数达300余万册,使这一长期零散传唱的口头文学变成了一部系统完整、被称为“世界史诗之王”的文学巨著。
    After 20 years of effort, nearly 300 handwritten or block-printed Tibetan volumes have been collected. Among them, except 100 variant volumes, about 70 volumes have been formally published in the Tibetan language, with a total print run of well over three million copies. Thus, this epic, which had for long centuries been known only to a few folk artists, has come out as a systematically complete literary masterpiece that is called "the king of world epics."
  • 你是不是已把身份证取放在手边了?
    Have you got your identity card handy?
  • 食品协会已经版了一本合用的手册。
    The Food Association has brought out a handy guide.
  • 美国人会就近把责任推去——父母、政府、配偶、邻居。
    Americans shift the blame on to any handy object-their parents, the government, their spouses, the neighbours.
  • 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的路.然而不幸的是我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
    Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men.
  • 当你营造具有建设性的气氛时,可将你所听到和读到的鼓励字句记在笔记本上,如果你能在路上或开会时快速地书写数语,则将会为你带来长久的助力。
    As you build an atmosphere of support,keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that inspire you.When you're on the road or in a meeting.your fast scratchiness can give you lasting support.
  • 虽然汤姆并没有在这场窃案中被人拿获,他仍然显示灰溜溜的样子。
    Tom had a hangdog air about him even though he didn't get caught in the theft.
  • 他的画在现代艺术馆展
    His picture is hanged in the museum of modern art.
  • 他认为英国革命在望,之后突然发现你会坏他的事。你可能会将他驱逐境,甚至可能吊死他。
    He thought the English revolution was just around the corner. Then suddenly he found you were the nigger in the woodpile. You could have got him run out of this country. Maybe even got him hanged.