  • 我送了菲薄的东西,做为你的生日礼物。
    I sent a few trifles for your birthday.
  • 他太忙,不能为这小事烦心了。
    He was too busy to bother about such trifles.
  • 他们总是为一小事彼此争吵。
    They were always quarreling with one another over trifles.
  • 朋友们为了一小事而不和是令人遗憾的。
    It's a pity friends split up over trifles.
  • 那次就医引发了一连串的事情,而就是这意想不到的事情,把三姐妹拉得更亲、更近。
    That hospital visit triggered a chain of events that brought the three sisters closer together than ever.
  • 目前的争端是由谣传某人将失业所引起的。
    The present dispute was triggered off by a rumour that some workers were to lose their jobs.
  • 食物会引起头痛或偏头痛,有食品则不会引起。
    There are some food that trigger off a headache or migraince attack and some that don't.
  • 孩子们问我关于他们死去的祖母的一事情。
    Ask your teacher about trigonometry; The children asked me about their dead grandmother.
  • 三角测量法一种测量技术,通过将某一地区分成许多三角形,这三角形是以一条已知长度的线为底,由此可通过使用平面直角三角形计算工具精确地测量距离和方向
    A surveying technique in which a region is divided into a series of triangular elements based on a line of known length so that accurate measurements of distances and directions may be made by the application of trigonometry.
  • 有些鸟颤声鸣唱。
    Some birds trill their songs.
  • 有些鸟颤声鸣唱。
    Some birds trill their songs.
  • 后背的头发请稍修掉一
    Trim a bit off the back, please.
  • 两边请再修掉一些。
    Trim a little more off the sides, plase.
  • 两边请再修掉一些。
    Trim a little more off the sides, please.
  • 让园丁把这花圃修剪一下。
    Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds.
  • 他乐意在这里花上一两个钟头,修枝,除草,这儿那儿,在土里搠一窟窿,摆下种子。
    He liked to pass an hour or two there, trimming, hoeing, and making holes here and there in the earth, into which he dropped seeds.
  • 他给她买了不值钱的珠宝。
    He bought her some trinket.
  • 她经常能从丈夫那里得到一小饰品。
    Ms Ng regularly receives trinkets and other things she can wear from her husband.
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研究方面,研究者们已然考虑到这样的事实,即那想通过医学手段而受精生育的夫妻们年龄比一般生育年龄大,而且一次多胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 你能读这篇文章而不读错一难懂的外国人名吗?
    Can you read the article without tripping over some of those difficult foreign names?
  • 你能不能一口气读完这条新闻,在那难读的外国名字上也口齿流利不打结?
    Can you read the whole of the news without tripping over some of those difficult foreign names?
  • 他补充说:"从艾伦·谢菲尔的经历来看,这个仅15分钟的旅行需花费至少10万美元,而对于其他即将经历这的人来说,他们可以有机会体验失重的感觉,可以从高处俯瞰这个地球。"
    He added, "We are saying these trips will cost a minimum of $100,000 for a 15-minute trip, which was the amount of time the first American in space, Alan Shepard, had and for that you get to feel space weightlessness and see the world from up there."
  • 甜菜、棉籽和一谷物中的三糖。
    a trisaccharide that occurs in sugar beets and cotton seeds and certain cereals.
  • 我们的许多研究都浪费在一无足轻重的琐事上。
    Much of our research is wasted on trivia.
  • 对于你们,这都是一无聊的琐事。但对于我们,这是对生命意义的一种致关重要的理解。
    To you, it's withering trivia but to us, it's a vital insight into the nature of existence.
  • 别把这稀松的事放在心里。
    Don't take such trivial matters to heart.
  • 他会因一鸡毛蒜皮的事而情绪激动。
    He works himself up about the most trivial things.
  • 喋喋不休地谈这琐碎的细节是无用的。
    It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.
  • 他父亲成天在工场里,是理不到这闲事的;
    His father worked all day at the factory and was not expected to be involved in such trivialities.
  • 父母和教师漠视幼童的愿望。
    Those parents and teachers trod on young children.
  • 在这事件包围之中,“樵夫”和“农民”仍然悄悄地干着活,而那两位大下巴和另外两张平常的和姣好的面孔却都威风凛凛,专横地运用着他们神授的君权。
    Environed by them, while the Woodman and the Farmer worked unheeded, those two of the large jaws, and those other two of the plain and the fair laces, trod with stir enough, and carried their divine rights with a high hand.
  • 衣箱太沉了,我们需要一辆小手推车。
    These suitcases are too heavy to carry; we need a trolley.