  • 我的父亲尽管70高龄,身体仍很硬朗,还能把菜园子里的菜挑去卖,以挣些零化钱。
    Being still hale and hearty in spite of his seventy years, my father was able to add to his pension by selling vegetables from his garden.
  • 争吵之后,比尔向玛丽作了让步。
    Bill met Mary halfway after their argument.
  • 那个农民犁地犁到一半的时候,犁了一些古币。
    Halfway across the field, the farmer ploughed out some ancient coins.
  • 清晰的表达能力是一位色的演说家的特征。
    Clear expression is the hallmark of a good speaker. (喻)
  • 大力投资於我们的儿童和劳动人口身上,将会是特区政府的标记。事实上,所有希望长期维持佳绩的公司,也该考虑在人才上作投资。
    Investing in our children and in our workforce will be the hallmark of my Administration : every business that looks to build long term prosperity may with profit consider doing so too.
  • 险境,先莫高兴。
    Do not hallo till you are out of the wood.
  • 但是,它的起源的确还要更早一些,其前身是hallo,可追溯至1840年,那时意为因受惊而发的叫喊声。
    It does, however, have earlier origins in other senses. It is a variant of hallo, which dates to 1840 and is a cry of surprise.
  • (谚)未险境,先别高兴。
    Do not halloo until you are out of the woods.
  • "未危险境,切莫先高兴。"
    Do not halloo until you are out of the woods.(谚)
  • 未走森林前别欢呼,别高兴得太早。
    Don't halloo till you are out of the wood.
  • 而hallo则又与halloo有联系,halloo乃指敦促猎狗时的叫声,其历史又可上溯至1700年。但是,在更早的一个世纪之前,莎士比亚所著的《李尔王》(kinglear)中就已经现了另一个变形词aloo。
    That in turn is related to halloo, a cry to urge on hunting dogs. Halloo dates to about 1700, but a variant, aloo, appears in Shakespeare's King Lear a century earlier than that.
  • 杰克灯,南瓜灯把南瓜挖空并雕成人面形状,通常在万圣节
    A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.
  • 汤姆扮成巫师参加万圣节庆祝会,真把我们给骗了,认不他来。
    Tom really put one over us when he came to the Halloween party dressed as a witch.
  • 数字视盘(dvd)电影应该是能防止盗版翻录的,但非法拷贝的产速度为何比万圣节连续剧推的速度还要快?
    Movies on DVD were supposed to be copy-proof. So why are illegal copies getting stamped out faster than Halloween sequels?
  • 大麻制品一种产生轻微快感、引起幻觉作用的毒品,如印度大麻、大麻麻醉剂或大麻烟,皆从该植物不同部分提炼
    Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant.
  • 拖走廊;擦去溢的水;用毛巾擦拭她的前额
    Mopped the hallway; mopping the spilled water; mopped her forehead with a towel.
  • 拉泽娜一边喊一边跑到走廊,看见每个门都敲。"大家都来!
    Razeena yelled,running into the hallway and pounding on every door she saw,“ Everybody get out!
  • 我们初次访问康复中心,经过淡黄色的1号走廊时,我听到从112号房间传一位老人带有浓厚德国口音的激动的声音。"玛,玛,那德国狗来了!那德国狗来了!"。
    On our first visit,as we walked through the canary yellow Hallway One,I heard an elderly man’ s excited voice,thick with a German accent,streaming out of room 112.“ Ma,Ma,the German dog is here! The German dog is here!
  • 幻日,假日有时现在太阳旁边的一个常常形成光亮的环的明亮光斑
    A bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo.
  • 当我“坦白”的说自己的父母不会讲英文,或者讲起英文来结结巴巴的,总觉得很不好意思。
    I always felt embarrassed when I “confessed” that my parents spoke no, or at best, halting English.
  • 与联合国讨论油价未果而决定停止石油口的伊拉克,周日宣布要自订油价。伊拉克表示他们有信心马上就可打破僵局。
    Iraq said Sunday it was free to set the price of its own oil after halting crude exports following a pricing row with the United Nations, but added it was optimistic the impasse would soon be resolved.
  • 树干长了两个分枝,形成了分开的两棵树。
    The two halves if the main branch have grown apart, forming separate trees.
  • 只有我们平摊的话,我才能同你一起外
    I can only afford to go our with you if we go halves with the bill.
  • 该付多少钱?4块钱?咱们一人一半。
    What's the bill? Four yuan? All right, let's go fifty-fifty [halves].
  • 1954年,雷·克罗克买下了麦当劳兄弟的汉堡摊,然后开始售特许权。
    In 1954, Ray Kroc bought the rights to the McDonald brothers' hamburger stand and began selling franchises.
  • 奥利佛演的哈姆雷特。
    Oliver's version of Hamlet.
  • 他扮演哈姆雷特最为色。
    His performance of Hamlet was topnotch.
  • 我觉得他扮演哈姆雷特一角很色。
    I thought he did Hamlet superbly.
  • 他们下周将演《哈姆雷特》。
    They're putting on Hamlet next week.
  • 你看过新品的《哈姆雷特》吗?
    have you seen the new production of Hamlet?
  • 在《哈姆莱特》这戏里,演员通常既要扮演第一个掘墓人也要扮演哈姆莱特父亲的幽灵。
    In the play “Hamlet”, it is usual for an actor to double the first gravedigger with the spirit of Hamlet’s father.
  • 美人鱼剧团将于下周演“哈姆雷特”。
    The Mermaid Company will present " Hamlet " next week.