  • 拖延推遲工作(尤其是於懶惰或習慣性的粗心疏忽)的人。
    someone who postpones work (especially out of laziness or habitual carelessness).
  • 曠工頻率習慣性缺勤或缺席的現率
    The rate of occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty.
  • 推遲拖延做某事,尤指於習慣性的粗心或懶散
    To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
  • 習慣性地裝他本來不是那樣子的人的人。
    a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not.
  • 習慣於超車的駕駛員遲早要車禍
    Driver who habitually cuts in is bind to cause accident sooner or later
  • 性急的慣於超車的司機遲早會事故的。
    Impatient drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause an accident sooner or later.
  • 貫於超車的不耐心的司機們遲早會事故。
    Impatient drivers who habitually cut in.are bound to cause an accident sooner or later.
  • 版商付給他雇傭的文人很低的費用。
    The publisher paid his hacks low.
  • 在叢林中闢出路來
    to hack out a path through the jungle
  • 探險隊員們在熱帶叢林中闢一條路來。
    The explorers hacked their way through the tropical forest.
  • "伐木工人們整天都在砍樹,為新的鐵路騰地方來。"
    The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway.
  • 根據表背上的那道痕跡,我能認那塊表是我的。
    I can identify that watch as mine by the scratches on the hack.
  • 委員會接到指示,要剋服睏難製訂編定公司報表的計劃,就是熬通宵也要完成。
    The committee has instructions to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night.
  • 董事長命令我們剋服製訂管理公司賬目的新方法,就是熬通宵也要完成。
    The president ordered us to hack out a new method of organizing the firm's accounts, even if it took all night.
  • 早期移民來這裏時,他們不得不在森林裏劈一塊空地來種莊稼。
    When the early settlers came here, they had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops.
  • 他們乘租馬車去旅行。
    They make a trip with a hackney.
  • 為了支付他們兒子昂貴的學費,這對夫婦不得不租空置的房間.
    In order to afford their son's high educational expenses, the couple had to hackney their vacant rooms.
  • 奧菲士傳說中色雷斯詩人和音樂傢,他的音樂的力量甚至可以打動沒有生命的物體,他差一點將他妻子歐瑞狄柯從地獄中成功救
    A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades.
  • 歐律狄刻俄耳甫斯的妻子,沒能被丈夫救地獄,因為他們在走冥界之前他回頭看了妻子,違反了冥王的規定
    The wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from Hades when he looked back at her and so violated the command of Pluto on their journey back to the upper world of the living.
  • 那個戰士經受了大量血的痛苦,不久便去世了。
    The soldier suffered a massive haemorrhage and died soon after.
  • 莎倫·斯通認為她腦血“莫名其妙”,但醫生認為這是與她頭一天所做的運動有關。莎倫·斯通因演盜匪片《賭城風雲》而獲奧斯卡提名奬。
    The actress has described the cause of her brain haemorrhage as a " case of the mysteries" but doctors are linking it with the exercise she did the previous day.
  • 他的眼睛露疲勞而又憔悴的神色。
    There is a draw and haggard look about his eyes.
  • 咱們叫一輛租汽車好嗎?
    Let's hail a taxi, shall we?
  • "她招呼了一輛租汽車,匆匆忙忙地走了。"
    She hailed a taxi and left in great haste.
  • 他吹口哨招呼租車停下。
    He whistled to hail a taxi.
  • 我們叫輛租汽車好嗎?
    Let us hail a taxi , shall we?
  • 演講人走上講臺時爆發一陣掌聲。
    There is a hail of applause when the speaker mounted the platform.
  • 演講人走上講臺時爆發一陣掌聲。
    There was a hail of applause when the speaker mounted the platform.
  • 這條船是從哪裏開來的(船籍港是何處)?
    Where does the ship hail from? ie Which is her home port?
  • 接著她迅速抽一把發梳,開始梳理她的長發
    Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair
  • “您,先生,把它賣了吧,”理發師正幫着喜劇演員脫掉戲裝,就主意說。
    “You had better sell it, sir,” the hairdresser who was disrobing the actor advised him.
  • 河馬非洲的一種大型水生食草型哺乳動物(河馬河馬屬),皮厚且黑,幾乎無毛,短腿,有四個腳趾,口鼻寬闊突
    A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal(Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle.