  • 他突然抽出枪来。
    He whipped out his gun.
  • 他拔枪来对准了我。
    He pulled a gun on me.
  • 猛烈的炮火把敌人逐要塞。
    Heavy gunfire dislodged the enemy from the fort.
  • 那持枪的歹徒恫吓她赶快交钱来。
    The gunman's threats terrified her into handing over the money.
  • 当上校从会议地点来时,隐藏在大楼后面的游击队员开枪击中了他。
    As the Colonel emerged from the meeting, the guerrillas, concealed behind the building, gunned him down.
  • 在东方,特别是东亚文化中,主流是中华文化。中国在五千年历史中有过很辉煌的创新与发明,如造纸、火药、印刷术和指南针,也现了像孔子、孟子、老子、庄子这些伟大的思想家。
    In the East, especially in East Asia where Chinese culture was the mainstream, there were many illuminating examples of creativity and inventiveness in 5,000 years of Chinese history. For example, the invention of paper, gunpowder, printing and the compass. There were also great thinkers like Confucius, Mencius, Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi.
  • 那婴儿高兴得发咯咯声.
    The baby was gurgling happily.
  • 另外,网络专家加卡伯·尼尔森指,用户甚至必须花更多的时间来掌握某个网站组织的特点(风格)、页面设置和搜索引擎。
    In addition, users must spend even more time to master the idiosyncrasies of a particular site's organization, page layout and search engine, Web guru Jakob Nielsen notes.
  • 油从断裂的管道中喷来。
    Oil gashed out from the broken pipe.
  • 从损坏的消防栓里喷水来。
    A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant.
  • 当从手臂上拔箭来时,一股鲜血涌了
    There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm
  • 从损坏的消防栓里喷水来.
    A fountain of water gushed from the broken fire hydrant.
  • 水从消防龙头中喷涌而
    Water gushing from a hydrant.
  • (五)"排放"是指把污染物排入海洋的行为,包括泵、溢、泄、喷和倒
    "To discharge" means to drain pollutants into the sea, including pumping, spilling, releasing, gushing and pouring.
  • 从生日照片可以看,他参加所有这些运动项目于一种爱好,他喜欢一种无序的生活。
    The birthday pictures show him participating in all these sports with some gusto,enjoying a rough? and? tumble life.
  • 这样的阵风天里我不想门。
    I don't want to go out in this gusty day.
  • 没人敢对保罗指他正在犯什么样的错误。
    No one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.
  • 他一直没有叫声。甚至在狗用了餐(吃人),他的肠子都挂在外面后,他都一直没有吭声。
    he never screams. Even after the dog has its fill and his guts are hanging out, he never screams.
  • 水沟被泥堵住了,雨水排不去。
    The gutter was stopped up with mud and the rain water could not flow away.
  • 狄克身低贱,但因为运气好而活了下来,而且由他的狡诈,到了16岁那年,他便够资格加入该市任何一个流氓团伙。
    Born in the gutter and surviving first by good luck and then by his own cunning, Dick at sixteen was a ripe recruit for any of the gangster mobs in the city.
  • 他发出了几声喉音。
    He made a few guttural sounds.
  • 在付努力时发的短暂、不清晰的喉音。
    making short inarticulate guttural sounds as of effort expended.
  • 我看见他从体育馆来。
    I saw him leaving the gymnasium.
  • 有些人认为,基辛格的父亲被解职,以及他自己从中学被开除来,随后又被迫进了清一色犹太人的学校,这些经历对他的世界观有深刻的影响,虽然基辛格否认这点,但这些经历必然给他留下了一些不可磨灭的烙印。
    Kissinger denies that his father's dismissal from his job and his own expulsion from the Gymnasium where he was a student,followed by forced entry into an all-Jewish school,have had the profound effect upon his outlook on the world that some people attribute to them,but inevitably they must have left some indelible marks.
  • 在世界体操锦标赛预赛中,那位上届冠军显示人意料的弱点。
    In the preliminary competition for the World Gymnastics Championship, the former champion gave the appearance of having feet of clay.
  • 在最令人难忘的体育项目中,体操显得更为突,这是因为一个名叫娜迪亚·科马内奇的14岁女学生在正式的体操比赛中获得了第一个满分,即10分,之后她再接再厉共获得了7个满分。
    Of the most memorable of all athletic events, gymnastics stood out as Nadia Comaneci, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, captured the first perfect score, a 10, in official gymnastics competition. Later, she went on to register seven perfect scores.
  • 硬石膏,无水石膏一种无色,白色,灰色,蓝色或淡紫色无水硫酸钙矿物,caso4,现在石膏沉积岩层中
    A colorless, white, gray, blue, or lilac mineral of anhydrous calcium sulfate, CaSO4, occurring as layers in gypsum deposits.
  • “这似乎暗示它们能够分辨哪些是亲属和哪些是非亲属,”哈说。
    " That seems to imply that they can recognize relatives from non? relatives," Ha says.
  • 房委会于一九七三年成立,负责策划及兴建供租或售的公营房屋。
    Established in 1973, the HA plans and builds public sector housing, either for rent or sale.
  • 男子服饰用品男子服饰用品店售的货物和商品
    The goods and wares sold by a haberdasher.
  • 世界自然保护联盟明确地指栖息地的丧失、狩猎、飓风和鸟类交易是这一物种数量减少的原因。
    The World Conservation Union (IUCN) specified habitat loss, hunting, hurricanes and trade as causes for their decline.
  • 我有一个朋友,他从星期一到星期五为那些愿意钱的人建房,而星期六则为“人道家居”组织免费建房。
    I have a friend who built houses Monday through Friday for people who could pay him and then built other houses for free on Saturday with Habitat for Humanity.