  • 迄今,委员会已公布13套这类指引。此外,自一九九零年起,委员会还版了年报。
    The TPB has promulgated 13 sets of such guidelines and has published annual reports since 1990.
  • 在他们的帮助下,我们得了下列准则,可以帮助你做十分重要的决定。
    With their help,we've come up with the following guidelines to help steer you through this all-important decision.
  • 公共系统中的个体必须了解道德对他们提的要求,做的判断和制定的准则对他们必须是合理的。
    The indMduals of the public system must know what morality requires of them, and the judgments and guidelines made must be rational to them.
  • 一个伸食指的手形路标。
    a guidepost resembling a hand with a pointing index finger.
  • 我要是想得办法, 就不会来给你添麻烦了。
    I'll not give you any trouble if I can help it.
  • 财政的支,应该根据节省的方针。
    Thrift should be the guiding principle in our government expenditure.
  • 他说,我们终究搞一些章法来了。
    He said that we had finally managed to work out some guiding rules for industrial work.
  • 在我们不曾亲眼见过断头台前,我们对死刑多少还能漠然视之,不表示自己的意见,不置可否;但是,如果我们见到了一座,那种惊骇真是强烈,我们非作决定,非表示赞同或反对不可。
    One may feel a certain indifference to the death penalty, one may refrain from pronouncing upon it, from saying yes or no, so long as one has not seen a guillotine with one's own eyes: but if one encounters one of them, the shock is violent; one is forced to decide, and to take part for or against.
  • 尽管他说自己没做过错事,他的脸上却显了内疚的神情。
    His face showed guilt though he said he had done nothing wrong.
  • 他的脸上流露内疚的神情。
    His face showed guilt.
  • 陪审团作有罪的裁决。
    The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.
  • 他对那个罪犯做了裁决。
    He passed judgement on the guilty man.
  • 9月里,几内亚举行公民投票赞成从法国统治下独立来。
    In September Guinea voted for independence from France.
  • 有个人装扮成樵夫的样子现在城堡大门口。
    A man appear at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.
  • 叛徒假装友好暗地卖他人的人
    One who betrays another under the guise of friendship.
  • 有个人装扮成樵夫的样子现在城堡大门口
    A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter
  • 以最高法院形式现的司法分支,是法律的终极负责者。
    The Judicial branch, in the guise of the Supreme Court, is ultimately responsible for legislation.
  • 但是克服客户机/服务器某些缺陷的解决方案已在internet的旗帜下现。
    But a solution to some of client/server's shortcomings has come along in the unlikely guise of the Internet.
  • 他善于假装鼓励家人自己作决定而实则把自己的意愿强加于他们。
    He's an expert at imposing his will on other members of the family under the guise of encouraging them to make their own decisions.
  • 使弦乐器的弦发声音。
    sound the strings of (a guitar or similar string instrument).
  • 砰砰地响,如琴弦发的声音。
    pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion, as of guitar strings.
  • 让他拿西班牙吉他,弹奏了一首优美的吉他曲。
    He took out his Spanish guitar and played a nice tune on it
  • 毕加索从一张纸中剪了一个吉它的形状来。
    Picasso cut out a piece of paper in the shape of a guitar.
  • 地面震动,突然我们面前现了一道深沟。
    The ground trembled, and suddenly a great gulf opened before us.
  • 昆虫的一侧鼓的食管。
    the ventricose gullet of an insect.
  • 他想说什麽,但哽住了,什麽话都说不来。
    He tried to say something, but gulp, and no word come.
  • 雷喝了一大口咖啡,接着便冲了房间。
    Ray take a gulp of coffee and rushed out of the room.
  • 雷喝了一大口咖啡,接著便冲了房间
    Ray took a gulp of coffee and rushed out of the room
  • 用橡胶调制来的一种不透明水彩。
    an opaque watercolor prepared with gum.
  • 香枫树流的芬芳的分泌物。
    aromatic exudate from the sweet gum tree.
  • 血从牙缝间的牙龈处流来。
    Blood comes out from the gum between the teeth.
  • 一种咀嚼胶,可以吹许多泡泡。
    a kind of chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles.