  • 他衹得忍着,裝一副很高興為大藝術傢做模特兒的樣子。
    He would grin and bear it, pretend he was pleased to act as a model to so great an artist.
  • 不久後他卻抱着一大堆書面帶笑容地回來了,"我不會讓一個瘋女人和一條狗把我趕傢門,"他說。
    Later he returned with an armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home," he said.
  • 搜索枯腸湊幾行詩來
    Grind out some verses
  • 用手搖風琴奏一支麯調
    Grind out a tune on a band organ
  • 發動機發一陣軋軋聲,隨即停了下來。
    The engine gave forth a grinding noise, then stopped.
  • 船舷撞到碼頭髮刺耳的聲音.
    The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar.
  • 澄清,淘選通過水磨把精細的顆粒從粗糙的顆粒中分離
    To separate fine particles from coarse by grinding in water.
  • (傳動裝置互相摩擦發的)刺耳的聲音。
    a harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears).
  • 他們色地控製住了局勢。
    They have a good grip on the situation.
  • 戲演得如此扣人心心弦,以致觀衆很快就跟演員們發生了共鳴。
    The play was so gripping that the audience quickly identified with the actors.
  • 戲如此扣人心弦,以致觀衆很快和演員融為一體。
    The play was so gripping that the audience quickly-fied with the actors.
  • 棲木類鳥,大部分都比較小並離地面較近,有四個腳趾便於抓緊樹枝;其中很多是鳴鳥;剛孵的幼鳥不能獨立生活。
    perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless.
  • 售你的汽車時同有得到你所想要的錢,不過沒關係,這樣做也是有利的。
    So you didn’t get as much as you would have liked when you sold your car, but never mind, it’s all grist to the mill.
  • 目前雖有較多的民意似乎傾嚮接受北京所提的“一國兩製”,但這其中仍有許多問題有待釐清,不能草率以對。
    While there seems to be a growing inclination towards acceptance of the Beijing-proposed “one country, two systems” formula, there is a need to get down to the nitty-gritty and the matter must be handled carefully.
  • 當胖女人坐在椅子上時,椅子發吱吱聲。
    The chair gave a groan when fat woman sat down.
  • 呻吟聲;作為沉默的反應
    Gave a groan; gave a muted response.
  • 他往下一坐,椅子就發了響聲。
    The chair gave a groan as he sat down in it.
  • 他往下一坐,椅子就發了響聲。
    The chair gives a groan as he sits down in it.
  • 弗爾南多象一個戰敗了的戰士垂下了頭,長長地了一口氣,突然他又擡起頭來望着她,咬牙切齒地說:“假如他死——”
    Fernand let fall his head like a defeated man, heaved a sigh that was like a groan, and then suddenly looking her full in the face, with clinched teeth and expanded nostrils, said,--"But if he is dead"--
  • 教會把他逐教外,他也用同一手段把他們逐教外。
    The church excommunicated him, and he gave them groats for pease, he excommunicated them.
  • 那傢食品雜貨店今天有低於平常價格的咖啡售。
    The grocer has coffee on sale today.
  • 他藉助手電筒的光看到一個人影,一眼便認此人便是本地雜貨商比爾。威爾金斯。
    In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
  • 後來,一個朋友告訴她鄰城裏有雜貨商以黑市形式售巧剋力。
    Then a friend had told her of a grocer in the next town who sold chocolate " under the counter".
  • 她在打款機上打我們這些物品的價錢。
    She punched up the cost of our groceries on the cash register.
  • 我的理論是如果我看上去還富足的話,我可以毫不心疼地為一小袋食品付28.49美元。
    My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28. 49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing.
  • 她計算食品雜貨店賬單的總數。
    She summed up bills at the grocery store.
  • 他花了兩個晚上計算食品雜貨店帳單的總數。
    It took him two nights to sum up bills at the grocery store.
  • 受傷的男子仍不很清醒, 衹能含糊地說事故的情形.
    The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident.
  • 受傷的男子仍不很清醒,衹能含糊地說事故的情形
    The injured man is still groggy and can only give a garble account of the accident
  • 幫我梳洗打扮這些馬參加今天下午的展
    Help me to groom the horses for the show this afternoon.
  • 他們的見解如一轍。
    Their ideas run in the same groove.
  • 鋸面,切面切割性工具所切的溝槽的寬度
    The width of a groove made by a cutting tool.