  • 我们打开大门一涌而,欢迎我们胜利的军队。
    We opened the gate an poured forth to greet our victorious army.
  • 他们从汽车里走来时,一位服务员走上前去迎接。
    As they stepped out of the car, an attendant came up to greet them.
  • 无论他们到何地,都有成千上万的人来欢迎他们。
    Wherever they(popstars) go, people turn out in their thousands to greet them.
  • 但我擦擦眼泪,强挤笑容,要让自己在女儿面前露喜悦之情。
    But I made myself smile so I could greet my little daughter with a Pretense of happiness.
  • 属于或关于罗马教皇格列高利十三世或他1982年提的历法的。
    of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the calendar he introduced in 1582.
  • 格雷戈里·保罗在1989年发表的一篇文章里,比较了当时已知的中生代的撞击与火山活动,用发光法测定了翼龙、恐龙和鸟类种群,试图找一个固定的模式。
    Gregory Paul, in a 1989 article, compared known impacts and super eruptions of the Mesozoic with radiations of the major pterosaur, dinosaur, and bird groups to see if a pattern could be identified.
  • 连接来复枪膛的从水下掷的手榴弹。
    a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle.
  • 进入瑞典皇家剧院附属学校学习,为她的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础。另一位生于瑞典的好莱坞明星葛丽泰·嘉宝也是在这里开始了她的演艺生涯。
    Her understanding of the art came at the royal dramatic theater school where Greta Garbo had also taken her first steps toward a career in a film.
  • 在他的一头黑发之中渐渐生缕缕银丝。
    His black hair was tinged with grey.
  • 拂晓时分我们就发了。
    We started in the grey of the morning.
  • 乌云渐渐散去,露了蓝天。
    The grey clouds gradually gave way to a blue.
  • 巴尼很能辨认赛狗,因而常常能挑选优胜者来。
    Barny has a good eye for a greyhound and very often picks the winner.
  • 她儿子去世时她没有显露悲伤。
    She did not show her grief when her son died.
  • 吃惊、悲伤、患病的样子
    Fake surprise, grief, illness
  • 给法庭据的请求伸冤的书面控告。
    a written statement of the grounds of complaint made to court law asking for the grievance to be redressed.
  • 内心痛苦(不表露来)
    Grieve inwardly, ie not show one's grief
  • 上帝赦免罪人宣告(人)无罪,把(人)从与滔天罪行相连的惩罚中解脱来。只用于上帝
    To free(a human being) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used only of God.
  • 她脸上显严厉、 木然的神情.
    Her face wore a grim, set look.
  • 他表情严肃,我知道可能事了.
    He looked grim; I could tell something was wrong.
  • 想到这里,他的脸上不禁浮现一种可怕的笑容,他内心深处既伤感而又快活。
    The thought of it caused a grim smile to appear and joy to his heart.
  • 尽管我有许多弱点,但我至少是可靠的---也许是我的脑子里还留着旧的道德观念--不论付什么代价也要准点上班(哪怕只是坐在那里)"。
    And for all of my drawbacks, I am at least reliable--a vestige, perhaps, of the grim"show up at your desk at all costs(if only to sit there)"ethic.
  • 噘嘴,鬼脸扮的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情
    A pout, grimace, or similar expression.
  • 微笑、扮鬼脸或吼叫时拉起嘴唇、露牙齿。
    to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl.
  • 因写仙女故事而名的格瑞母兄弟中的哥哥;也是描述日尔曼语言变革的格瑞母规则的作者(1785-1863)。
    the older of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories; also author of Grimm's Law describing consonant changes in Germanic languages (1785-1863).
  • 因写仙女故事而名的格瑞母兄弟中的弟弟(1786-1859)。
    the younger of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories (1786-1859).
  • 他咧开嘴笑,露了全部牙齿。
    The wide grin showed all his ivories.
  • 他咧嘴笑著,露一对残牙。
    He wears a broad grin, display twin stump of teeth.
  • 尽管她处于半昏睡状态,但仍尽力向我露了微笑。
    Although she was groggy, she managed to flash me a grin.
  • 他狞笑著掏了刀子。
    With a nasty grin on his face he take out a knife.
  • 他狞笑着掏出了刀子.
    With a nasty grin on his face he took out a knife.
  • 他神色激动,眼睛瞪得圆圆的,咧嘴而笑,露那还没长牙的牙龈。
    His face was alive with excitement, eyes wide, gums bared in a toothless grin.
  • 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露满口白得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着。
    said he, with a broad Marseillaise accent, and a grin that displayed his ivory-white teeth.