  • 這座白房子的旁邊是一個剛用鐵銑鬆過土的花畦,花畦旁有一堆而肥沃的泥土。
    Beside the house was a freshly spaded flower?bed, and nearby a pile of dark, rich earth.
  • 那個影嚮他逼近, 他嚇得叫了出來.
    He cried out in fright as the dark figure approached.
  • 剋勞蒂婭怕,但喬易絲卻一點不怕。
    Claudia is frightened of the dark, but Joyce isn't frightened a bit.
  • 站長身穿禮服大衣頭戴高頂色大禮帽在那兒恭候,一定是有什麽大人物要在本站下來。
    There’s the atation-master in his frock and top-hat. There must be a big bug getting off the train here.
  • 福美鐵一種用作農業殺黴菌劑的色粉末,c9h18fen3s6
    A black powder, C9H18FeN3S6, used as an agricultural fungicide.
  • 老虎的皮毛是橘黃色的,帶有色條紋。
    Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.
  • 另一種有星係質量大小的洞常發現存在於活躍的星係核心(agn)。
    On the other hand, galaxy-mass black holes are found in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN).
  • 與釋放出v射綫輻射的脈衝星自己閃爍不同,很多極大的中於星和洞受其伴星的影響,也釋放出y射綫。
    Unlike gamma ray emitting radio pulsars which shine on their own, there are a large number of galactic neutron stars and black holes which owe their gamma-ray light to the effect of a companion star.
  • 暗中的強盜卻是大白天的城市商人。他若是被他以“老大”的身份搶劫的同行認了出來,遭到挑戰,便瀟灑地射穿對方的腦袋,然後揚長而去。
    the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised and challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of `the Captain, 'gallantly shot him through the head and rode away;
  • 做一個第三代意裔美國人,我有理由為我的傳統自豪。最令人氣忿的是人人都對我們任意亂加批評。我同別人一樣喜歡看幫派電影。我不否認有意大利手黨存在(雖然幫派當然並不限於我們)。可是大多數意大利人是受人尊敬,守法的公民,為什麽他們一定得為少數人的罪行付出代價呢?
    As a third-generation Italian-American, I am justifiable proud of m y heritage—and outraged at the potshots that everyone feels free to take at us. I enjoy gangster films as much as anyone else, and I don't deny there is an Italian Mafia (although gangsterism is certainly not exclusive to us). But the majority of Italians are respectable, law-abiding citizens; why should they have to pay for the sins of a relative few?
  • 糞癥由消化道大出血而引起的病癥,其特徵為排出色柏油樣糞便或以經胃液分解之血液為主要成分的嘔吐物
    A condition marked by black, tarry stool or vomit composed largely of blood that has been acted on by gastric juices, resulting from a hemorrhage along the digestive tract.
  • 哎呀,我簡直等不到天了。
    Gee, I can hardly wait till it's dark.
  • 哎呀,我簡直等不到天了。
    Gee, I can hardly wait till it 's dark.
  • 電腦空間的士兵將是身着製服的年輕怪傑,他們能夠把病毒程序插入德蘭市的供電係統,使整座城市陷入一片暗之中。
    The soldier in syberspace will be the young geek in uniform who can insert a virus into Teheran's electricity supply to plunge the city into darkness.
  • 雁一種雁屬小型色野鵝,産於北極地區,尤指雁屬,具有色的頸和頭
    Any of several small, dark wild geese of the genus Branta that breed in arctic regions, especially B. bernicla, having a black neck and head.
  • 一種由鈣鐵硅酸????礦物組成的石榴石,有黃色、緑色、褐色、色,用作寶石。
    a garnet consisting of calcium iron silicate and having any color ranging from yellow and green to brown and black; used as gemstone.
  • 應當加以強調的是,可以說所有的本原的或出色的藍調藝人皆是人。
    It must be stressed, however, that virtually all of the significant and original contributions to the stylistic genesis of this music have been and are being accomplished by the Black player.
  • 為了更好地接受並欣賞藍調音樂這一流派,我們建議聽衆們首先去全面發掘由人藝術傢演繹的藍調音樂。
    To develop the fullest appreciation of this genre, the listener is encouraged to first fully explore and enjoy the works of the African-American blues musician.
  • 黑棍侍衛
    Gentleman usher of the black rod
  • 他們舉起他們那粗的手,加在紳士們頭上了。
    They have raised their rough, work-soiled hands and laid them on the gentry.
  • 由一個科組成;蘚科。
    comprises a single genus: Andreaea.
  • 蒙古沙鼠一種蒙古沙鼠(長爪沙鼠),有大而的眼睛及長而多毛的尾部,常被當作寵物豢養
    The Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus), having large dark eyes and a long furry tail and often kept as a pet.
  • 在藍調音樂的萌芽時期,人占了藝人與聽衆的絶對多數。
    Both audience and player alike were predominantly Black for that gestation period.
  • 暗之中我仍然可以看到那充滿熱情的手勢。
    I could see that murkily passionate gesture.
  • 曼哈頓的一個區;人猶太人的居民區。
    a district of Manhattan; now largely a Black ghetto.
  • 衹要人的基本活動範圍衹限於從狹小的人居住區到較大的人居住區,我們就决不會滿意。
    We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.
  • 暗裏,我看見前面有一道飄忽的亮光。
    I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.
  • 然而,歷史上有些統治者,卻利用非常時期,特意製造幕沉沉,“鬼”氣陰森的恐怖氣氛,以求駕駛人民思想,鞏固其既得利益和地位的目的。
    And history tells us that there have been rulers who, at critical times, deliberately created a "ghostly" atmosphere, to control the minds of the people and consolidate their gains and power.
  • 在老太婆顫抖的手中拿着一盞油燈,那油燈左右搖晃,在灰色墻上投下的陰影如同巨魔似的蠕動着。
    In the old woman's shaking hand she held a lamp: it swung from side to side and cast shadows which moved like giants on the dark grey wall.
  • 産於蘇門答臘的大型色長臂猿,第二腳趾與第三腳趾之間由蹼部分相連。
    large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web.
  • 當吉爾在暗中聽到身後有腳步聲時,嚇得渾身哆嗦。
    Gill shook like a leaf when she heard the footsteps behind her in the dark.
  • 薑味糕點,蛋糕一種有生薑味的糖蜜糕點
    A dark molasses cake flavored with ginger.