  • 该页还会显示该ds0的维护和诊断状态,并提供了使ds0退出或恢复服务,以及对ds0运行接测试的按钮()。
    It also shows the maintenance and diagnostic status of the DS0, and provides buttons to remove or restore the DS0 to or from service, and to run a connectivity test on the DS0 ().
  • 例如,网络管理员可以把下列每种因素结合起来:低价、高性能的第2层交换机、广播包容的vlan、vlan之间接的高速第3层交换机以及优化整体交换机能力的抄近道路由。
    For instance, a network manager may combine elements of each: low-cost, high-performance Layer 2 switches, VLANs for broadcast containment, wire-speed Layer 3 switches for inter-VLAN connectivity and cut-through routing for optimization of overall switch capacity.
  • 从图g中移去顶点(和相关的边)使图成为一个非通图或是单个顶点的“平凡图”的最少顶点数称为通度。一个k通度的图至少必须从图g中移去k个顶点才能成为非通图。
    The minimum number of vertices(and associated edges)of G whose removal from G results either in a graph that is no longer connected or in a trivial graph with a single vertex: at least K vertices must be removed from a graph with K-connectivity.
  • 印刷电路板接器触点。
    A printed circuit connector contact.
  • 在流程图中,表示断开的流线继续的一种接符。
    In flowcharting, a connector which illustrates continuation of a broken flowline.
  • 如果必要,从transpondertelemetryinterface接器上拔下现有的电缆。
    Unplug the existing cable from the Transponder Telemetry Interface connector, if necessary.
  • 可以或直接地,或通过单元的应答器接器,或通过网络对模块进行编程。
    You can program modules directly, through the unit誷 transponder connector, or over the network.
  • 如果必要,从光模块上的nmtinterface接器上拔下现有的电缆。
    Unplug the existing cable from the NMT Interface connector on the optic module, if necessary.
  • 如果必要,从电源上的nmtinterface接器上拔下现有的电缆。
    Unplug the existing cable from the NMT Interface connector on the power supply, if necessary.
  • 如果必要,从rf模块上的nmtinterface接器上拔下现有的电缆。
    Unplug the existing cable from the NMT Interface connector on the RF module, if necessary.
  • 麦克风电平输出必须与麦克风接。接处在系统背面。
    Mic level output must be connected to the microphone connector on the back of the system.
  • volumecontrol设置决定遥控器上的音量按钮控制哪一个输出接器
    The volume control setting determine which output connector the volume button on the remote will control.
  • 或参考相关章节,其中都对使用应答器接器的接信息进行了详细地图示:
    Or, refer to the appropriate sections that follow for diagrams illustrating detailed connection information using the transponder connector:
  • 在流程图中,一种指示流程线断开而改接在另一点的接符。
    In flowcharting, a connector that indicates a point at which a flowline is broken for continuation at another point.
  • 扬声器settop250上的接处只从另一头输出音频,并不在ext。中混合。
    The speaker connector on the settop 250 output the audio from the far end only, and do not mix in the ext.
  • 使用作为快速参考,确定通过应答器接器对单元的aip编程所需的接和电缆适配器。
    Use as a quick reference to determine the connections and cable adapters required when programming a unit誷 AIP chips through the unit誷 transponder connector.
  • 组成系统互电路的大部分或全部的接插件和布线部件。例如,个人微机中组成系统的印刷电路模块就是插接在底板上。
    Connector blocks and wiring units constituting most or all of the intercon- necting circuits of a system. For example, the printed-circuit modules of a personal microcomputer that make up the system are mounted by plugging into the backplane.
  • 如果接插件不包括柔韧的接部分,则称为无绳插头。
    On patch cords, if connectors do not include a flexible portion, they are termed cordless plugs.
  •  即将成为中国首位皇帝的"他"要统一这片饱经战争的土地。而他的三个敌人(分别由张曼玉、梁朝伟、章子怡扮演)则企图消灭他。于是这位皇帝雇专人(李杰扮演)来阻止他们。
    China's soon-to-be first emperor is about to conquer the war-torn land and three of his enemies (played by Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung) and Zhang Ziyi to stop them.
  • 他困得那副样子, 汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒.
    In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
  • 在视频光盘上,一种续的帧序列。
    In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames.
  • 数字四、五、六是一组续数字。
    "The number 4, 5, 6 are consecutive."
  • 三天都缺席;一路上续赢了五场比赛
    Was absent on three consecutive days; won five consecutive games on the road.
  • 展览会已续举行了数日。
    The exhibition has lasted several consecutive days.
  • 达拉斯小牛队输了19场球。
    The Dallas Mavericks lost their 19th consecutive game.
  • 我已续42天未在这儿了。
    I have been away for forty-two consecutive days.
  • 扑克牌戏中同花色的数字贯的纸牌。
    a poker hand with consecutive cards in the same suit.
  • 他以做假帐的手法续3年逃税。
    He avoided paying tax for three consecutive years by doctoring his accounts.
  • 当他的队失三分时就应叫暂停;
    A coach should call a time-out when his team loses three consecutive points;
  • 在一部电影里形成一系列行动的续的列图。
    a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film.
  • (天主教)续九天为了特定目的的祷告式
    A recitation of prayers and devotions for a special purpose during nine consecutive days.
  • 一系列事件思想符号在一起。
    the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc.