  • 你要利用一切机会说语。
    You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English.
  • 你要利用一切机会来提高语水平。
    You should avail yourself of every chance to improve your English.
  • 你应该利用一切机会练习说语。
    You should avail yourself of every opportunity to practise speaking English.
  • 你必须利用一切机会练语。
    You should avail yourself of every opportunity to practise your English.
  • 克利须那,黑天毗湿奴的第八个和主要的化身,经常被描绘成一个吹笛的俊年轻人
    The eighth and principal avatar of Vishnu, often depicted as a handsome young man playing a flute.
  • s&d廉价家具店的店东阿尔·罗德里格斯说,“我们倒霉到家了。”他的店离被烧成焦炭的堤坞大道irt地下车站的楼梯只有几步远……。
    "We've had everything here but the locusts," said Al Rodriguez, owner of S & D discount furniture, a few feet away from the steps of the charred Intervale Ave. IRT station…
  • 他们的行车速度平均为每小时45里。
    Their speed averaged out at 45miles per hour.
  • 他平均每场球得4.8个篮板,而他的对手比他那6尺5的个头要高出好多。
    He averaged 4.8 rebounds per game against opponents that towered over his 6-foot-5 frame.
  • 有些麻雀可达六寸长,但它们平均要小些。我们的支出平均每天四十五美元
    Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller. Our expenses averaged out to45 dollars per day.
  • 国人民知道,我们将把货币制度和财政制度合二为一的做法继续下去。平均利率为6%。
    We have combined monetary discipline with fiscal disciplines which people know we will keep; interest rates have averaged 6 per cent.
  • 税务局算出他5年的平均利润为每年3000镑.
    The tax authorities averaged his profit out at 3000 a year over 5 years.
  • 克罗伊登机场的关闭,是国民航史上的一个历史阶段的结束。
    The closure of Croydon airport rang down the curtain on a historic phase in British civil aviation.
  • 巴滕,简1909-1982新西兰的飞行员,她是第一个独自做从国到澳大利亚的环绕飞行的女飞行员(1935年)
    New Zealand aviator who was the first woman to fly a solo round trip between England and Australia(1935).
  • 国)用来表示体重;等于磅。
    (British) an avoirdupois unit used to measure the weight of a human body; equal to 14 pounds.
  • 格兰西南部一工业城市,也是一个港口,位于埃文河入海口。
    an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon.
  • 国中部一市镇,在埃文河畔;为莎士比亚出生与埋葬之地。
    a town in central England on the River Avon; birthplace (and burial place) of William Shakespeare.
  • 怀特菲尔德,乔治1714-1770国宗教领袖,是约翰·卫斯理的追随者。他曾在美国殖民地广泛传教,是在美国建立新教教义大觉醒及卫理公会派的中心人物
    British religious leader. A follower of John Wesley, he preached widely in the American colonies and was a central figure in the Great Awakening of Protestantism and the establishment of Methodism in America.
  • 当我接见雄、安抚遇难者家属、直面救援人员疲惫不堪的脸庞时,我对美国人民充满了崇敬。
    As I have met the heroes, hugged the families, and looked into the tired faces of rescuers, I have stood in awe of the American people.
  • 在南部非洲深处汹涌的赞比西河上,有一令人叹为观止的雄伟瀑布。远在20里之外,你就能看见它的水雾。
    Deep in southern Africa,on the mighty Zambezi River,there's a falling wall of water so awesome and powerful that you can see its mist from 20 miles away.
  • 自慕尼黑起飞的航144班机因引擎故障面误点了。
    BA flight 144 from Munich was overdue owing to engine trouble.
  • 那天傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交给我一封信,他说是那位国老爷留给我的。
    Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me.
  • 里内交通都阻塞了。
    Traffic backed up for miles.
  • 我来自一个用华语沟通的家庭,在这个以文为主的社会里,我很庆幸自己还能应付自如。
    I come from a Chinese-speaking background.
  • 银行资助他总额达10,000镑。
    The bank is backing him to the tune of 10.000.
  • 银行资助他总额达10,000镑。
    The bank was backing him to the tune of 10.000.
  • 博吉是隔壁邻居的国叭喇狗,平常总是套着链子,拴在他们家后院的铁丝围栏上,那围栏大约100尺长。
    Bogy was the next-door neighbors' English bulldog.Normally he was linked by a chain to a wire that stretched about 100 feet across their backyard.
  • 硝基呋喃妥一种硝基呋喃的衍生物,c8h6n4o5,用来治疗尿道细菌感染
    A derivative of nitrofuran, C8H6N4O5, used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the urinary tract.
  • 野口,世1876-1928日本裔美籍细菌学家,发现梅毒和黄热病的病因和治疗该病的方法
    Japanese-born American bacteriologist who discovered the cause and worked toward a treatment of syphilis and yellow fever.
  • 我的语不好,她的就更糟了。
    I am bad at English, but She is worse.
  • 她喊价500镑(买这幅画).
    She bid 500 (for the painting).
  • 即使现在有些大学语教师也很缺。
    Even now some universities are badly off for English teachers.
  • 那么羽毛球比赛时怎样用语报分?
    Then, how to call the scores in a badminton match?