  • 种群动态模型
    model of population dynamics
  • 研究社会体交互动力的社会心理学分支。
    the branch of social psychology that studies the dynamics of interaction in social groups.
  • 我们每年根据实际情况调节改革的力度,使人民众和企业能够承受。
    We will readjust the dynamite of reform each year according to the country's actual conditions, so that the masses of people and enterprises can bear the changes.
  • 这些是汀州市人民众的实际问题,十分盼望我们帮助他们去解决。
    These were practical problems for the masses of the people of Tingchow and they eagerly looked to us for help in solving them.
  • 绵羊成走,雄鹰独自飞。
    Eagle fly alone, but sheep flock together.
  • 讨论;谈论由一人来谈论一个主题;认真的谈话
    Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.
  • 我从(人的)背后插入,然后左避右闪地慢慢穿过人
    I came in at the back and started easing my way through the crowd.
  • 产于西印度岛的一种树,生长一种纹理细密的绿乌木。
    West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony.
  • 顶极落,演替顶极生态发展的一个阶段,在此阶段一有机体(尤指植物)能保持自身的稳定及永存
    A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms, especially plants, is stable and capable of perpetuating itself.
  • 生物落一组生活在特定栖息地且形成一生态落的一组相互影响的生物
    A group of interacting organisms that live in a particular habitat and form an ecological community.
  • 旱生演替系列在干燥的地面上繁衍的一个生态落的自然演化
    A succession of ecological communities originating in a dry habitat.
  • 生态系统生物落及其环境形成的生态单位,它作为一个整体发挥作用
    An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.
  • (生态学)一个充满一些相关食物链的有机体落。
    (ecology) a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains.
  • (生态学)一个其每一个组成成员依次被另一成员吃掉的有机体落。
    (ecology) a community of organisms where each member is eaten in turn by another member.
  • 植物社会学研究植物落的特点、分类、关系和分布的社会生态学分支
    The branch of ecology that deals with the characteristics, classification, relationships, and distribution of plant communities.
  • (生态学)有机体在环境或体中的状况。
    (ecology) the status of an organism within its environment and community (affecting its survival as a species).
  • 研究鸟的种和野生生物生态学的西蒙·弗礼泽大学的生物学教授弗雷德·库克说:“该省依靠伐木业收入使收支相抵。
    "The province depends on revenues from lumber to balance its budget," said Fred Cooke, a biology professor at Simon Fraser University who studies bird population and wildlife ecology.
  • 刘易斯,威(廉)·阿瑟1915-1991英国经济学家,生于西印度岛。他因对发展中国家的经济问题的研究而获1979年诺贝尔奖
    West-Indies-born British economist. He shared a1979 Nobel Prize for work on the economic problems of developing countries.
  • 生态型生态种的最小划分单位,由适应某一特定环境条件的体组成。这些体与其他同种异型的物种不能杂交
    The smallest taxonomic subdivision of an ecospecies, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. The populations are infertile with other ecotypes of the same ecospecies.
  • 远离南美洲的一个太平洋中的一岛屿;厄瓜多尔所有;因其非凡的动物生命而闻名。
    a group of islands in the Pacific off South America; owned by Ecuador; known for unusual animal life.
  • 人群在市场中打转。
    The crowd eddied about in the market-place.
  • 现在,让我们来设想一下:这座长方形的宽阔大厅,在一月某一天,光线暗淡,拥入了一大人,衣著五颜六色,吵吵闹闹,沿墙逛荡,绕着七根大柱转悠,这么一想,就大致可以对整个场面有个模糊的印象了。下面再更确切地说一说一些有趣的细节。
    Now let the reader picture to himself that immense, oblong Hall under the wan light of a January morning and invaded by a motley, noisy crowd, pouring along the walls and eddying round the pillars, and he will have some idea of the scene as a whole, the peculiarities of which we will presently endeavour to describe more in detail.
  • 孩子们侧身挤到人的前面想更清楚地看看演员们。
    Children edged themselves / their way to the front of the crowd to see the actors and actresses more clearly.
  • 我们在人当中慢慢地向前挤。
    We edged forward in the crowd.
  • 她在人中侧着身慢慢向前移动。
    She edged her way through the crowd.
  • 我们首先要自己坚定信心,然后才能教育和团结众提高信心。
    But we ourselves must be fully confident before we can educate the masses, unite with them and raise their confidence.
  • 只有代表众才能教育众,只有做众的学生才能做众的先生。
    Only by speaking for the masses can he educate them and only by being their pupil can he be their teacher.
  • 对已经弄“左”了的地方,懂得教育干部,说服众,研究妥善办法,迅速获得纠正和补救。
    We must understand how to educate cadres, persuade the masses and work out appropriate methods to quickly remedy the "Left" errors.
  • (丙)容许共产党组织的合法存在,保证共产党动员众、组织众和教育众的自由时,中共才能去参加。
    and (c) permits the legal existence of Communist Party organizations and guarantees the Communist Party freedom to mobilize, organize and educate the masses.
  • 文人,学者被作为一个体看待的受过教育的人;文人
    Educated people considered as a group; the literati.
  • 特殊妇女体也受到有效保护。
    Groups of women in special need had also been effectively protected.
  • 自鸣颓废的知识分子
    An effete group of self-professed intellectuals.