  • 特别优秀的,要他们搭个比较轻便的梯子,使他们越级上来。
    Exceptional candidates should be provided with a sort of light ladder so they can come up more quickly, skipping some rungs.
  • 给我那条裙子。
    That skirt to me.
  • 给我那条裙子。
    Give me that skirt.
  • 裙子打褶;窗帘打褶
    Pleat a skirt; pleat curtains.
  • 老师全班同学朗诵这首诗歌。
    The teacher read the poem to the class.
  • 妈妈我裁了一件裙子。
    Mum cut out a skirt for me.
  • 一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。
    To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.
  • 请用传真机把新目录的版面编排图样传送我.
    Please fax me the layout for the new catalogue.
  • 你能所有这些书编目录吗?
    Can you catalogue all these books?
  • 斯:把你的手拿开,恶棍!在我开口之前你就知道我想说什么了,你明知道不会借钱我。
    S:Take your hands off me,you skunk!You know what I am going to say before I started.
  • 防止虐待动物协会的收容所是由私人提供资金的梅迪宠物收养中心,上个月才开张,它不是普通的动物收容所,而是一种狗和猫建造的家庭型住所,有电视设备、波斯地毯、天窗、长沙发和桌子。
    The S.P.C.A. shelter, the privately financed Maddie's Pet Adoption Center, opened last month and is not the standard animal shelter. It has "home style" quarters for dogs and cats, with television sets, Persian rugs, skylights, couches and tables.
  • 教师一直设法把这些事实灌输学生。
    The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts.
  • 显然,他一封信也没她写。
    Apparently he never wrote a letter to her.
  • 货物已交由铁路发运(贵方).
    The goods have been consigned (to you) by rail.
  • 反动势力改革造成了困难。
    The forces of reaction made reform difficult.
  • 他是个懒鬼,他居然悄悄地溜走而把清除工作留我们来做。
    He's a slacker, he actually skipped off and left us to do the clearing away.
  • 他勉强能予全家人温饱.
    He can barely feed and clothe his family.
  • 足球鞋穿鞋带时总是遇到麻烦。
    I always have troubles lacing these football boots.
  • 他爸爸给他一顿好打.
    His dad gave him a good hiding.
  • 服装业者芬克尔斯坦在付非法移民的100万美元工资中未缴纳所得税及社会保险税,因而坐牢三年。
    Clothier Jerome Finkelstein pulled three years in the slammer for failing to pay income and Social Security taxes on $1 million in wages paid to illegal aliens.
  • 但是你是男人,你比较强壮,那就是为什么你在扣球上比我后的原因,也就是为什么我一直试着要垫球你,但是你总是错失了这些好机会。
    But you're a man. You're stronger. That's why you're better at spiking, and slamming than me. It's why I kept trying to set you up all the time. But you kept missing them.
  • 自己的学生打下良好的算术基础。
    She grounded her pupils well in arithmetic.
  • 请您借我20英镑好吗?我已十分拮据。
    Please can you lend me twenty pounds? I'm on my beam ends.
  • 斜切…一个倾斜的边;切出一个斜边
    To give a slanting edge to; bevel.
  • 她狠狠地了他一记耳光。
    She fetched him a terrific slap in the face.
  • 他要是再找麻烦,他一个耳光。
    Give him a slap if he is too much of a pest.
  • 你能在我跟朋友们赶去看比赛之前我们草草凑合一顿饭吗?
    Can you slap up a quick meal for my friend before we rush to the game?
  • 玛丽正等着你对她非礼,这样她好你一记耳光呢。
    Mary was just waiting for you to try it on so she could slap your face.
  • 我记得的下一个事情是什么人了我脸上一耳光,然后把我从地上拖起来。
    The next thing I remembered was someone slapping my face and pulling me up from the floor.
  • 小姐说,1977年1月31日已经把202635号保险单发了汤姆先生。
    Miss stated that Policy No.202635 had been issued to Mr. Tom on January31, 1977.
  • 我今天早晨没零钱卖报纸,但报刊经营人说可以赊帐,我可以明天再他钱。
    I had no change to buy my paper this morning but the newsagent put it on the slate and said I could pay him tomorrow.
  • 他没有我回答他问题的机会。
    He gave me no chance to reply to his question.