  • 倾向于爆炸、用以爆炸或者以爆炸、然的爆发为特点。
    tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst.
  • 或许有关c/linear最奇特的地方在于它并不象科学家们预测的那样然爆炸。
    Perhaps the weirdest thing of all about C/LINEAR is that it didn't explode all at once, as scientists would have predicted.
  • 尽管她通常温文尔雅,但会然大发雷霆或失声痛哭,大喊大叫或乱扔椅子,或者在接受问话时冲出房间。
    Though normally mildmannered, she would explode into a rage or burst into tears, shout and throw chairs, or storm out of the room when interviewed.
  • 他们俩从来不曾红过脸,自从这回闹了之后,彼此都着了创痕,稍一冲就决裂起来。
    The two of them had never had an angry exchange. Ever since this argument took place, both felt deeply hurt; even the slightest disagreement between them would explode into a big fight.
  • 舞台上的然熄灯为表示时日的变化或指明一幕或一场的终结而将所有舞台灯光然熄灭
    The sudden extinguishment of all stage lights in a theater to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act or a scene.
  • 牙齿出并且需要要矫正。
    The tooth erupted and had to be extracted.
  • 尤其是进入二十世纪九十年代,在宗教极端主义、分裂主义和国际恐怖主义的影响下,境内外部分“东”势力转向以恐怖暴力为主要手段的分裂破坏活动。
    Especially in the 1990s, influenced by religious extremism, separatism and international terrorism, part of the “East Turkistan” forces both inside and outside China turned to splittist and sabotage activities with terrorist violence as their chief means.
  • 上海合作组织倡导新型安全观、新型区域合作模式和新型国家关系,加强了军事领域的信任与合作,强化了在打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义方面的实质性协作,达成了在防止与和平解决国际冲中相互协助的共识。
    The SCO has initiated a new security concept, a new pattern for regional cooperation, and state-to-state relations of a new type, strengthened trust and cooperation in the military field, beefed up substantive cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, and reached a consensus on mutual assistance in preventing and peacefully solving international conflicts.
  • 通货危机是现今不应发生的事。谈到这件事就令人想到往昔的新闻影片,政府大员头戴高顶礼帽,表情沉重,从礼宾车里出来,声音沙哑而低沉地促请民众冷静。可是现在然间欧洲通货危机已迫在眉睫。
    A currency crisis is something that is not supposed to happen these days. The very idea evokes images form old newsreels, with grave statesmen in top hast emerging from limousines to urge calm in gravelly voices. But suddenly Europe is up to its eyebrows in one.
  • 党派间在增税问题上发生冲;与公开的报道相矛盾的目击者的报告
    Factions that clashed on a tax increase; an eyewitness account that clashed with published reports.
  • 独角兽,麒麟一种虚构的代表童贞的动物,通常表示为一匹马,有直螺旋状的独角从它的额部
    A fabled creature symbolic of virginity and usually represented as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.
  • 宏伟的外观、雄伟的建筑、威严的人、出的个性
    An imposing facade, building, person, personality
  • “慢着,亚瑟,老兄,”他想说句俏皮话掩饰心中的紧张,“我这次然来,你家的人肯定受不了。
    "Hold on, Arthur, my boy," he said, attempting to mask his anxiety with facetious utterance. "This is too much all at once for yours truly.
  • 邮电通信建设飞猛进。
    Construction of postal and telecommunications facilities greatly expanded.
  • 经济或财政上的然失败
    A sudden economic or fiscal failure.
  • 然传来了微弱的铃声。
    Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell.
  • 摇滚音乐会场里又热又拥挤。然我的脑子里天旋地转,于是我昏晕过去。
    It was terribly hot and crowded at the rock concert. Suddenly, everything went round and round in my head and I fainted.
  • 我看到他然脸色变白,急忙得去扶他,他已一阵昏晕,从椅上跌倒在地板上。
    I saw him suddenly change colour, but before I could reach him he had slipped off his chair on to the floor in a faint.
  • 然感到一阵晕眩,只好躺下来。
    A feeling of faintness came over me, so I had to lie down.
  • 最后,过了卢浮宫,牧场上横着圣奥诺雷镇,当时规模已十分可观;还有郁郁葱葱的小布列塔尼田庄;还有小猪市,市场中心圆地立着一口可怕的大炉,专门用来蒸煮那班制造假钱的人。
    Lastly, beyond the Louvre, the Faubourg Saint-Honor? already considerable at that time, could be seen stretching away into the fields, and Petit-Bretagne gleaming green, and the Marchaux Pourceaux spreading abroad, in whose centre swelled the horrible apparatus used for boiling counterfeiters.
  • 地震由于地质断层积聚的压力被释放或由于火山活动引起的地壳的然变动
    A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity.
  • 我不认为这样可行;原料的价格已经然上涨,所以这个价格不可能再调整。
    I don't think that's feasible. We've already had an unexpected rise in materials costs. The price isn't very flexible.
  • 他面部最出的部分是那双眼睛.
    His eyes are his most striking feature.
  • 出的表现或者强调;具有显著性。
    made a feature or highlight; given prominence.
  • 主演演员;销售中出的项目。
    a featured actor; a featured item at the sale.
  • 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然出;
    The Party's way of leadership and governance does not yet entirely meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks. Some Party organizations are feeble and lax. We must pay close attention to these problems and continue to take effective measures to solve them.
  • 发酵剂导致起、发芽或发酵的制剂;发酵剂
    An agent that causes rising, fermentation, or ferment; leaven.
  • 谁的动作只要让裁判们觉得不舒服,他就会然冲出来给你一张白牌,而三张白牌之后,就会有一个凶神恶煞似的小胡子老头用红牌把你恶狠狠地罚出去。.
    If a judge felt uncomfortable with some movements, he would dash out suddenly to give you a white brand. If the athletes got three white brands, an old man with a devil look and mustache would use a red brand to punish you ferociously out of the race.
  • (神经细胞)单的单个纤维构成的过程,用于神经细胞
    A single fibrous process. Used of a neuron.
  • 那个国家被部落间的激烈冲弄得四分五裂。
    The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.
  • 那位政客为何在猛烈抨击政府数月以后又然收敛了锋芒、停止攻击了呢?
    Why did the politician suddenly draw in his claws after opposing the government fiercely for months?
  • 苏姗曾是一个极为自立的女人,可现在命运的变却让她成了周围人的一个负担,脆弱、无助。
    Once a fiercely independent woman, Susan now felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to become a powerless, helpless burden on everyone around her.