  • 一個的或不存在的地方。
    a blank space or missing part.
  • 縮排産生的空格。
    The blank space produced by indenting.
  • 寄空白訂單。
    To place an order in blank.
  • 一個白字段描述符是在輸出中形成格的描述符。
    A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output.
  • 從一個到另一個我沒有頭緒的踩着機器的踏板-艾米麗·迪肯森。
    from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet- Emily Dickenson.
  • 請給我一張白電報紙。
    Give me a telegraph blank,please.
  • 請給我一張白電報單。
    Give me a telegraph blank, please.
  • 沒有寫過字的沒有寫過或印過字的;白的
    Not written or printed on; blank.
  • 錄像帶白或者先前錄製好的盒式錄像帶
    A cassette containing blank or prerecorded videotape.
  • 白狀態;沒有;虛。
    the state of being blank; void; emptiness.
  • 打字時沒有留出行白。
    typing that does not leave lines blank.
  • 考試的時候,我的腦子裏一片
    During the exam my mind was a blank.
  • 在需要的地方,用冠詞填
    Fill in the blank with article where necessary.
  • 請用合適的詞填空。
    Please fill the blank with the word needed.
  • 那以前的生活對我來說已是一片白。
    My life before that is a blank to me.
  • 白支票簿銀行簽發的白支票簿
    A book containing blank checks issued by a bank.
  • 在書頁白處寫滿了註釋
    Filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.
  • 他改變了前輩哲學家那種放炮的做法。
    He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers.
  • 那本字典夾有白紙。
    The dictionary is interleaved with sheets of blank paper.
  • 請做這個句子的填
    Please fill in the blanks in the sentence.
  • 中小姐拿來枕頭和毛毯
    Stewardess returns with a blanket and pillow
  • 我頭腦[記憶]裏(完全)是一片白--連一個答案也想不出.
    My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.
  • 我把表格填錯了. 再給我一張白的, 可以嗎?
    I've filled in this form incorrectly. Can I have another blank?
  • 第一顆可能衝散了太中的星際間粒子;
    The first would have blasted space free of interstellar particles;
  • 阿波羅16號宇宙飛船於1972年4月16日被一枚360英尺高的火箭送上太
    Apollo16 was blasted off by a 360--feet- tall rocket, April 16, 1972.
  • 今天上午8時,火箭從肯尼迪角升
    The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at 8 : 0 0 a.m. this morning.
  • 這三名宇航員飛入外層間進行一次歷史上最激動人心的冒險。
    The three astronauts blasted off into outer space on one of the most exciting adventures in bistory.
  • 吹風,送風從出口,尤其是從助燃鼓風爐的出口出來的氣,其他氣體或蒸汽氣流
    A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.
  • 有懸浮的為了阻止敵人的低飛機的電纜或網的拉長的係留氣球。
    an elongated tethered balloon or blimp with cables or net suspended from it to deter low-flying enemy planes.
  • 戰爭中許多城鎮毀於襲.
    Many towns were badly blitzed during the war.
  • 倫敦在戰時遭到大規模襲。
    London was blitzed during the war.
  • 在猛烈襲期間,居住在倫敦的人們必定經歷了睏難時期。
    The people who lived in London during the blitz certainly experienced hard times.