  • 自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探和思索的人
    One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
  • 教理神学对宗教教义的研,尤指基督教教义学
    The study of religious dogmas, especially those of a Christian church.
  • 以陈腐或教条的方式施教的人
    One who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner.
  • 自由主义神学19世纪一场新教活动,其主张自由的理性研,强调基督教徒间伦理和人道的一致,而不强调教条的神学理论
    A19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.
  • 发现,口腔异味并不一定是因为大蒜、洋葱、咖啡或酒精引起的,罪魁祸首有可能是位于舌尖背部的几种特殊类型的细菌。
    It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol. Rather, a new study links it to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of the top of your tongue.
  • 该研报告的第一作者唐纳德·雷德梅尔说:“通常身体健康和事业有成总是紧密联系在一起的,但编剧是我们发现的第一种在工作中成功与长寿并没有联系的职业。”
    " Because success is usually linked to better health,this is the first occupation ever that success is not associated with improved longevity," says Donald Redelmeier, lead author of the study.
  • 香港赛马会慈善信讬基金已同意捐款五亿元,资助中药研院的研计划。
    The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has agreed to donate $500 million to support the institute's research programmes.
  • 保罗是纽约市的一名研生,而唐娜是一名金融顾问。他们俩仅仅是无数结为夫妻的表兄妹中的一对。
    Paul, a graduate student in New York City, and Donna, a financial adviser, are just two in a long, flourishing line of kissin' first cousins.
  • 没有人能猜出他竟是什么意思。
    Nobody could dope out what he meant.
  • 设计要求都在这儿啦。你能搞清楚它们竟是怎么回事,不要蓝图就造出这条船来吗?
    The specifications are there. Could you dope them out and build the boat without blueprints?
  • 波普和摩根等研人员可能对数据的看法有很大的分歧,但是他们都同意一件事:酗酒对你的神经细胞的影响比吸毒更糟糕。
    Researchers like Pope and Morgan may look at the data very differently, but they agree about one thing: heavy boozing is worse for your neurons than dope.
  • 那些目击者肯定对我作了种种猜测,他们一准会暗暗思忖,我花一百法郎的高价来买这么一本书竟是为了什么,这本书到处都可以买到,只要花上十个法郎,至多也不过十五个法郎。
    I must have greatly intrigued the onlookers who, having witnessed this scene, doubtless wondered why on earth I had gone there to pay a hundred francs for a book that I could have got anywhere for ten or fifteen at most.An hour later, I had sent round for my purchase.
  • 当研水质参数如水温时,影响的范围应包括水库库区和下游河道,直到预测水温的改变为1c的河段为止。
    In the case of a water quality parameter, such as temperature, the area affects into perspective. In the area and the reaches downstream, where the temperature of the water is estimated to change at least 1.0.
  • 第二种是由埃里克·伯尔尼博士研出来的。
    the second was developed by Dr. Eric Beme.
  • 贺尔医师正在研小儿麻痹症的新治疗法。
    Dr. Hall is studying a new treatment for polio.
  • 中国曾多次派人参加由联合国主持的有关研裁军和安全问题的专家组、讨论会,认真负责地为拟订公正合理的研报告作出了自己的贡献。
    On many occasions China sent representatives to UN expert group meetings and symposiums on disarmament and international security issues, conscientiously and responsibly making its own contribution to the drafting of fair and rational research reports.
  • 中国曾多次派人参加由联合国主持的有关研裁军和安全问题的专家组、讨论会,认真负责地为拟订公正合理的研报告作出了自己的贡献。
    On many occasions it sent representatives to UN expert group meetings and symposiums on disarmament and international security issues, conscientiously and responsibly making its own contribution to the drafting of fair and rational research reports.
  • 这个研是项目几个月来没有取得进展。
    The research project dragged on for months.
  • 他研了蜥蜴、昆虫和飞虫,汲取它们的细微之处,画出了一个令人生畏的逼真的龙。
    He studied lizards, insects and flies, and took details from different species to make a fearsomely realistic dragon.
  • 和他创作龙的时候一样,列奥纳多一直在研自然现象。
    All the time Leonardo was investigating natural phenomena in the same way that he had done when he created the dragon.
  • 虽然他的精力在渐渐耗尽,但他仍坚持他的研工作。
    Although his energy is draining away he still insists on his research work.
  •  现为中国昆剧研会理事、中国戏剧家协会理事、上海戏剧家协会理事。
    He is director of Chinese Kunju Opera Research Institute, director of Chinese Dramatist Association and director of Shanghai Dramatist Association.
  •  他现为上海昆剧团团长、第八届中国人民政治协商会议委员、文化部振兴昆剧指导委员会委员、中国昆剧研会常务理事、中国戏曲表演学会常务理事、中国戏剧家协会会员、上海戏剧家协会副主席、上海市文学艺术家联合会委员、上海市艺术教育委员会顾问、上海昆剧联谊会会长。
    He is Chief of Shanghai Kunju Opera Theater, a member of 8th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,a member of Development Kunju Opera Direction Committee, a permanent member of Chinese Kunju Opera Research Institute, a vice-chairman of Shanghai Dramatist Associationa, a member of Chinese Dramatist Association, a member of Shanghai Writers and Artists Federation, a consultant of Shanghai Art Education Committee.
  • 他不断地研油画衣纹、植物、风景、图案和机械装置。
    He did endless studies of drapery, plants, landscape, figures and mechanical devices.
  • 大力提高我国竞技体育科研管理水平,加快建立和培养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理人才队伍,造就一批在科学选才和科学训练方面的优秀研员和教练员,培养出一批竞技运动的新尖子人才;
    we will endeavor to drastically upgrade the management skills and the scientific research work of China's competitive sports, creating a strong team of organizers and managers for sports activities, a large number of researchers and coaches who excel in selecting and training athletes, and a large number of outstanding and promising athletes.
  • 努力实现中国体育事业的全面协调发展。大力提高中国竞技体育科研管理水平,加快建立和培养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理人才队伍,造就一批在科学选才和科学训练方面的优秀研员和教练员,培养出一批况技运动的新尖子人才;争取参加2008年奥运会所有大项和更多小项的比赛,力争金牌总数有新的突破,综合实力有明显增强;认真实施《全民健康计划纲要》,不断提高全体国民的身体素质和健康水平;加强体育法制建设,不断深化改革,加快体育社会化和产业化,促进体育事业持续、快速、健康发展。
    Striving for an all-round and concerted development in China's China will endeavor to drastically upgrade the management skills and the scientific research work of its competitive sports, creating a strong team of organizers and managers for sports activities, a large number of researchers and coaches who excel in selecting and training athletes, and a large number of outstandeing and promising athletes. While aiming at participating in all the sports and more events at the 2008 Olympic Games, China will make efforts for a breakthrough in the total number of gold medals and a noticeable improvement in the overall strength of the country's sports. China will implement the "National Sports For All Program" to improve the physical quality and fitness of the whole population. China will enhance sports legislation, further promote the reform of its administration and speed up its socialization and industrialization so as to achieve a sustainable, speedy and heal thy development of sports.
  • 他的兴趣包罗万象,他所有的研都以完美尤缺的草图形式记录了下来,这使得他留下的它记趣味盎然。
    His interests ranged everywhere and all his investigations were recorded in the faultless draughtsmanship that makes his surviving notebooks so interesting.
  • 近年来,艾滋病蔓延的幅度进一步扩大,一项新的研预测,到2005年,世界上有超过三千万人将感染这一可怕的疾病。
    There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years , with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over 30 million people worldwide by the year 2005.
  • 这些模型可应用在填海工程规划、海事结构设计、航道研和拟定日后的海港疏浚计划。
    The models are used for reclamation layout planning, design of marine structures, waterway studies and assessment of future maintenance dredging requirements.
  • 关于管理本港填料资源和卸置淤泥容量方面,土木工程署继续为填料管理委员会进行连串岩土、环境及生态研,了解挖砂和卸泥活动所引起的影响,并寻求可行方法,避免或尽量减低对海洋环境造成的不良影响。
    In connection with the management of Hong Kong's fill resources and mud-disposal capacity, the CED, on behalf of the FMC, continued to undertake a series of geotechnical, environmental and ecological studies to examine the effects of the dredging and disposal activities, and to investigate possible ways to avoid or minimise adverse effects on the marine environment.
  • 用不著穿讲衣服--就穿平常的衣服来吧。
    Don't bother to dress up come as you are.
  • 他们俩是讲穿著的一对儿.
    They're a very dressy couple.