  • 约翰对着那瓶兰地酒大口地喝个不停。
    John kept swigging at the bottle of brandy.
  • 茅台比兰地和威士忌都要厉害些。
    Maotai is stronger than either brandy or whisky.
  • 我们最后喝了一杯兰地酒。
    We finished up with a glass of brandy.
  • 只要一杯兰地就可使他恢复正常。
    A single glass of brandy may effect his recovery.
  • 法国阿马尼亚克地区的一种经蒸馏制成的干兰地酒。
    dry brandy distilled in the Armagnac district of France.
  • 他摇晃着高脚大玻璃杯使里面的兰地酒旋动起来。
    He swirled the brandy around in the huge goblet.
  • 我发现那个孩子在地窖里喝兰地。
    I found the child drinking brandy in the cellar.
  • 意大利的一种从葡萄经过挤压的残余中制成的兰地。
    Italian brandy made from residue of grapes after pressing.
  • 史密斯对着那瓶兰地酒大口地喝个不停。
    Smith kept swigging away at the bottle of brandy.
  • 我们这顿饭最後喝的是咖啡和兰地。
    We ended off the meal with coffee and brandy.
  • 来杯白兰地提提神吧
    Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirit up
  • 我想喝杯兰地,你想喝什么?
    I'm going to have a brandy. What's yours?
  • 喝白兰地酒易碎。
    It's easy to get lit up on brandy.
  • 葡萄酒可蒸馏成兰地。
    Wine may be distill, (distil) ed into brandy.
  • 有人说彼得可受而顽皮,但坦地说,他只不过是一个宠坏了的孩子。
    Some people say that Peter is cute and mischievous but in words of one syllable, but in words of one syllable, he's just a brat.
  • 切碎的熟肉(或蔬菜)放在稠的蛋沙司里;加面粉然后油炸。
    minced cooked meats (or vegetables) in thick white sauce; breaded and deep-fried.
  • 纤维蛋溶解纤维蛋的溶解,通常通过胞质素的酶促作用完成
    The breakdown of fibrin, usually by the enzymatic action of plasmin.
  • 更令人激动的是斯拉米的最新发现:一种分子“破坏者”,这种药物实际可以破坏糖一蛋质之间形成的化合键,从而逆转老化过程。
    Perhaps more exciting is Cerami's recent discovery of a molecular "breaker" -- a drug that may actually reverse the aging process by cracking sugar-protein links once they foim.
  • 糖尿病人的早衰就是因为糖诱发的机能破坏急聚加快从而使上了年纪的人体内含age的胶原蛋水平上升的结果。
    (Diabetics age prematurely because sugar-driven damage acquires breakneck speed , raising their levels of AGE-infused collagen to those of elderly people.
  • 该署在年内继续策划改建中国客运码头的北防波堤,重建五个分别位于沙湾、东龙洲、喜灵洲、大榄涌及青山的公众码头。
    It continued with the planning of the modification to the northern breakwater of the China Ferry Terminal, and the reconstruction of the existing public piers at Pak Sha Wan, Tung Lung Chau, Hei Ling Chau, Tai Lam Chung and Castle Peak.
  • 她脸色苍,屏住呼吸。
    She paled and caught her breath.
  • 不要白费口舌了。
    Save your breath to cool your porridge.
  • 他做那种恳求是费口舌的。
    In making that plea he will breathe in vain.
  • 毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间挥毫以继续天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。
    Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed.
  • 辛德雷真扔了,打在他的胸上,他倒下去,可又马上踉跄地站起来,气也喘不过来,脸也了。
    Hindley threw it, hitting him on the breast, and down he fell, but staggered up immediately, breathless and white;
  • 非常大的多毛色狗,与纽芬兰犬形似。
    bred of large heavy-coated white dogs resembling the Newfoundland.
  • 原产法国大型色或乳色牛。
    large white or cream-colored breed from France.
  • 那房子是用砖盖的。
    The house was built of white brick.
  • 新娘穿一身色的礼服。
    The bride was dressed in white.
  • 新娘身着白色套装。
    the bride wore a white fitted suit.
  • 像刚下的雪一样;新娘的色裙子。
    as white as fresh snow; a bride's white dress.
  • 新娘通常穿着漂亮的色长裙。
    The bride usually wears a beautiful,long white wedding dress.