  • 因为,爱情底报酬永远是这样,要不是回爱,就是一种内心的隐藏的轻蔑,这定理是真的。由此可见人们更应当如何提防这种情欲,因为它不但使人失去别的事物,简直连自己也保不住。至于其他的损失,古诗人的故事表现得极好;就是喜爱海伦的人是舍弃了攸诺和派拉斯底赏赐的。因为无论何人若过于重视爱情,则自将放弃财富与智慧也。这种情欲泛滥的时候正是在人心力极弱的时候;那就是在一个人最繁荣或最困厄的时候——虽然困厄是不甚受人注意过的。这两个时候都是燃起爱火并使之更为热烈的,由此足见“爱”是“愚”之子也。有些人,即在心中不能不有爱的时候,仍能使它受约束,并且把它与人生底要务严格分开,这些人可算做事极当;因为“爱”若是一旦参与正事,就要扰害人们底福利,并且使他们无术坚守自己底目的。我不懂为什么,可是武人最易堕入爱情。我想这也和他们喜欢喝酒一样;因为危险的事业多需要娱乐为报酬也。人性之中有一种隐秘地爱他人的倾向和趋势,这种倾向若不消耗在一个人或少数人身上,将很自然地普及于众人,并使人变为仁慈的,例如在僧侣之中有时就看得到这样的情形。
    For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection,quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness;which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter:and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love:I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.
  • 马瑟韦尔,罗伯特1915-1991美国艺术家,他的抽象的表现主义绘画以色彩绚丽的杂乱线为特征
    American artist whose abstract expressionist paintings are characterized by brilliantly colored amorphous figures.
  • 为了缩小处理器与内存之间的差距,为了利用并行处理方法,为了分期清偿生产线的成本,为了充分利用可以安放在单个芯片上的数目显著的晶体管,我们预测2020年最终的微处理器将会完全是一台电脑。
    To narrow the processor-memory performance gap, to take advantage of parallel processing, to amortize the costs of the line and simply to make full use of the phenomenal number of transistors that can be placed on a single chip, we predict that the high- end microprocessor of 2020 will be an entire computer.
  • 这些件是:(1)我们有充足的力量;
    These are: (1) that we have ample strength;
  • 她的那腿伤得很厉害,医师只得将其截除。
    Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate.
  • 但是我的工作可不仅仅是拖着一像蟒蛇一样的管子。
    But there’s more to my job than wrestling the anaconda.
  • 专性厌氧生物只能在无氧件下生存。
    an obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of OXYGen.
  • 仍按前面相同的比喻,pci-x是一64车道的高速公路,其最高限速为每小时133英里,与pci相比,在给定的时间内,能运送大约10倍的流量。
    Using the same analogy as before, a PCI-X bus would be a 64-lane highway, with a speed limit of 133 mph, capable of carrying roughly 10 times the traffic in a given time frame compared with PCI.
  • 第一就是要同人民一起商量着办事,决心要坚定,步骤要稳妥,还要及时总结经验,改正不妥当的方案和步骤,不使小的错误发展成为大的错误。
    First, when handling matters we should consult the people, act resolutely but prudently, analyse our experience from time to time and correct inappropriate plans and methods so as to prevent minor mistakes from becoming major ones.
  • 如果我们不去分析和解决新的历史件下存在的问题,我们就不能够恢复和发扬政治工作的优良传统,就不能够在没有打仗的情况下提高部队战斗力。
    If we failed to analyse and solve the new historical problems, we would be unable either to restore and carry forward the fine traditions in political work or to improve the army's combat effectiveness when no war is going on.
  • 我们国际国内的件是好的,现在的问题是我们能不能善于利用这个形势,能不能花很少的钱办更多的事,能不能不断地总结经验,发扬成绩,克服缺点,避免犯大错误。
    The international and domestic situation is in our favour. What we must do now is to take advantage of the situation, accomplish more with less money, constantly analyse our experience, add to our achievements, overcome our shortcomings and avoid major mistakes.
  • 很明显,我们应该也只能采取实事求是、从实际出发、理论和实践相结合的方法,总结过去的经验,分析新的历史件,提出新的问题、新的任务、新的方针。
    Obviously, it is the method of seeking truth from facts, of proceeding from reality and of integrating theory with practice in order to sum up past experience, analyse the new historical conditions, raise new problems, set new tasks and lay down new guidelines.
  • 根据环境保护例的规定,化验所是独立于执法部门的法定化验机构。
    Independent from the enforcement authority, the laboratory served as the referee analyst under various ordinances and regulations in environmental protection.
  • 在执行《动植物(濒危物种保护)例》上,化验所亦为渔农处提供重要的技术支援。
    In 1999, analytical support was provided to the Agricultural and Fisheries Department under the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance.
  • 把这句子的各个成份加以分析。
    Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts.
  • 我总是慢斯理地读,然后分析揣摩,然后又重新阅读——甚至阅读的速度变得比平时更慢——然后静坐默思20分钟,接着才又往下阅读。
    I would read it slowly, analyze it, read it again perhaps changing down into an even slower gear and then sit for 20 minutes, thinking about it before moving on.
  • 手掌心由四线围成的人的后掌的一部分,是看手相时的依据
    A part of the human palm framed by four lines, analyzed in palmistry.
  • 我们的祖先曾沿着这小路走过。
    Our ancestors trod this same path.
  • 安第斯条约组织
    Andean Pact Organization, APO
  • 安吉拉自以为是个了不起的人物,其实他不外是小爬虫。
    Angela thought he was the big cheese, but in fact he was only one of the maggots!
  • 这两条线成一直角。
    These two lines form a right angle.
  • 这两路交叉成45度角。
    The two roads lie at an angle of about 45 degrees.
  • 正交线之间的度角。
    the 90 degree angle between two perpendicular lines.
  • 美国东南的艳丽的常绿灌木,有发亮的叶子和成角的枝,和伞状花序的粉色到红色的花丛。
    showy evergreen shrub of southeastern United States with shiny leaves and angled branches and umbel-like clusters of pink to reddish flowers.
  • 线与另一线成直角相交。
    One line cuts another at right angles.
  • 有十边和十个角的多边形。
    a polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles.
  • 八边形,八角形有八边和八个角的多边形
    A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
  • 十边形有十个角和十边的多边形
    A polygon with ten angles and ten sides.
  • 五边形有五边和五个内角的多边形
    A polygon having five sides and five interior angles.
  • 在垂直角度有两直臂的工具;用来建立或测量直角。
    a tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles.
  • 黑色胸带连接在领子上的一布带,遮住衬衣前胸,主要戴在罗马天主教和英国圣公会教士身上
    A piece of cloth fitted to the collar and covering the shirt front, worn chiefly by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy.
  • 卡宾达安哥拉领土,它在刚果和扎伊尔之间大西洋上形成一块孤立领土。是在比利时属刚果(今扎伊尔)要求沿刚果河下游建造一通向海洋的通道时,被割离出安哥拉本土的
    A territory of Angola forming an exclave on the Atlantic Ocean between Congo and Zaire. It was separated from Angola proper when the Belgian Congo(now Zaire) acquired a corridor to the sea along the lower Congo River.