  • 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是一种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。它可以让用户不费力气就能接到因特网和网络资源上。从这种台式装置上,他们就能享到任何资源,完成所有目前需要在pc机上进行的计算任务。
    The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,no maintenance desktop device. It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. From there, they can share any resource and perform all computing tasks that they currently do on their PCs.
  • 释放配给某个特定任务的资源。
    To release a resource that is assigned to a specific task.
  • 打入工作的任务是:长期埋伏,进行隐蔽的、巧妙的、谨慎的宣传组织工作,积蓄力量,提高自己和革命者、抗日子的地位,以待时机,配合反攻,适应革命的需要。
    The tasks are: to lie low and conduct covert, resourceful and discreet propaganda and organizational work; to build up strength and to raise our political position, in addition to that of other revolutionaries and anti-Japanese people, so that when the time comes, they can support counter-offensives and meet the needs of the revolution.
  • 她对他的羡慕带有几忌妒。
    Her admiration for him was tinged with jealousy.
  • 在很长的一段时间里,广大青少年好好学习,天天向上,爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱护公共财物,英勇机智地同敌人、坏子作斗争,树立了一代新风。
    For a long time, our children and young people studied well and made progress every day. They were filled with love for their motherland, for the people and for labour, science and public property, and they struggled heroically and resourcefully against bad elements and enemies, setting the tone for a new era.
  • 我十佩服他的勇气。
    I have great admiration for his courage.
  • 对英国和英国文化过地崇敬。
    exaggerated admiration for England and English customs.
  • 资源最优分配
    optimal allocation of resources
  • 水资源系统分析
    analysis of water resources systems
  • 这种网络资源可为网络设备资源和网络信息资源。
    The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources.
  • 谄媚过的谄媚或恭维
    Excessive flattery or admiration.
  • 我们对人民英雄怀有十钦佩的心情。
    We have a great admiration for the people's heroes.
  • 在那一点上她们有歧。
    it differs in that respect.
  • 当他们完成了“基本评估”后,tenet要求一个专家专门小组析他们的“基本评估”和最高安全委员会的“发现”。
    (Chaired by Admiral David Jeremiah,panel members were Brent Skowcroft,.Johnny Foster,Richard Kerr,Roland Herbs and Howard Schue), The Panel of Experts concurred in the Top Secret Findings and worked with the interagency group to develop a set of unclassified "Key Findings" that were made public on April 21, 1999.
  • 少数民族的风俗习惯受到充尊重。
    Ethnic minorities’ folkways and customs are fully respected.
  • 他们获得许多知识子和一些严肃的音乐家们的尊敬。
    They were respected by many intellectuals and by some serious musicians.
  • 死亡是不贫富贵贱的。
    Death is no respecter of persons.
  • 对特务子,在其没有危害我们时,应采劝敬鬼神而远之”的态度。
    With regard to secret agents who have not harmed us, they should take the attitude of "staying at a respectful distance".
  • 22年来,走在街上,遇到的无论是镇上和他一样慢慢变老的男人还是女人,都会有人十恭敬地同他打招呼。
    For twenty-two years he had been greeted respectfully along the way by men and women who had grown old with him.
  • 要反对不尊重知识子的错误思想。
    The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed.
  • 关于财富我们已作了以上预述,下一步将转而考察财富在不同国家与不同时代之间的巨大差异,考察财富在数量和种类方面的差异,并考察在社会成员之间配财富的方式方面的差异。
    These things having been premised respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary differences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and between different ages of the world; differences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its members.
  • 他们分头各自回家。
    They went home to their respective houses.
  • 请注意下列我们的别签名。
    Please give attention to our respective signature at foot.
  • 苏美英法区占领德国
    Soviet Union, United States, United Kingdom and France Respective Occupation of Regions in Germany
  • 早上7点40,我们都站在各自的战斗岗位上了。
    At 7: 40 a.m., we all took up our respective combat stations.
  • 有关部门和地方也别制定了实施可持续发展战略的行动计划。
    The various departments and localities also worked out their respective plans of action to implement the strategy for sustainable development.
  • 议席按照各份名单获得的票数配。
    The seats for the constituency will be distributed among the lists according to the number of votes obtained by the respective lists.
  • 它们别是什么意思?
    What do they mean respectively?
  • 他建立了产品控制标准数据,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本析系统。
    He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department.
  • 这对兄弟别叫做费利克斯和马克斯。
    the brothers were called Felix and Max, respectively.
  • 死亡数别下降了97.4%、99.3%、96.5%、97.7%;
    the death rate decreased by 97.4, 99.3, 96.5 and 97.7 percent respectively.
  • 二零零一年,两所大学别录取医科学生161名及155名。
    They took in 161 and 155 medical students, respectively, in 2001.