  • 骨骼体支撑的骨骼,由中胚层而来的,是脊椎动物及某些无脊椎动物所特有的特性
    An internal supporting skeleton, derived from the mesoderm, that is characteristic of vertebrates and certain invertebrates.
  • 自上周某机构宣称已经成功克隆出第一个人类后,12月30日该机构负责人宣布,克隆宝宝和她的母亲已于周一回到自己的家中。此外,该机构还将在一周向科学家和其他对此事抱怀疑态度的人们提供证据,来证明克隆宝宝确为克隆出来的。
    The head of a company that says it has produced the first human clone said on Monday that the mother and baby were home following the child's birth last week and genetic proof demanded by scientists and other skeptics should be available in a week.
  • 意大利一位人类生育学专家日前宣布,他的一位实验对象将于明年年初生下第一个克隆人。然而,许多科学家,甚至包括克隆羊"多莉"之父在,都对此表示怀疑。
    An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts, including one who helped create Dolly the sheep, are skeptical.
  • 当时我们党还有人采取怀疑的态度,香港舆论界不管是反对我们的还是赞成我们的,也都有人持怀疑态度,不相信我们是正确的。
    At the time, some people in the Party had doubts about that policy, and some of the people in Hong Kong, whether they were for us or against us, were skeptical too and thought it was incorrect.
  • 1990年秋,在北京的博物馆举办了有700多件由在押罪犯创作的美术作品展,容涉及书法、篆刻、素描、油画、国画、水粉画、泥塑、石刻、玉雕、木雕、根雕、蜡染、刺绣、编织、剪纸等,在社会上引起了极大反响。
    In autumn 1990, a museum in Beijing held an arts and crafts exhibition where over 700 pieces done by prisoners in calligraphy, seal cutting, sketching, oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, gouache, clay sculpture, stone carving, jade carving, wood carving, root carving, batik, embroidery, weaving, and paper cutting were displayed, which was well-received by the public.
  • 他们的作文更是"惨不忍睹",篇幅短、容空洞、错字连篇、词不达意、条理不清、段落不明,写的人不知所云,看的人一头雾水。
    Their compositions would make the reader helplessly sad -- sketchy and hollow, full of miswritten characters and misused words, and poor in organization and paragraphing. The writer himself does not know what he is writing about, leaving the reader in a fog about what the written stuff means.
  • 澳大拉西亚太平洋南部岛屿,包括澳大利亚、新西兰及新几
    The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.
  • 科纳克里城几亚的首都和最大城市,位于该国西南部大西洋沿岸。它坐落于一个通过堤道和大陆相连的岛屿上。人口600,000
    The capital and largest city of Guinea, in the southwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It is on an island connected with the mainland by causeway. Population, 600,000.
  • 巴布亚湾珊瑚海的一个位于新几亚东南岸的大海湾
    A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea.
  • 亚是一个热带国家。
    Guinea is a tropical country.
  • 如果你们去滑雪,不要把我算在
    If you go skiing , count me out.
  • 技术精湛经验丰富的人;行;专家
    Highly skilled and experienced person
  • 由于事故、不可恢复的错误或故障,以一种受控制的方式提前结束计算机系统的处理活动。
    A controlled premature termination of processing activity in a computer system because of a mistake, nonrecoverable error, or malfunction.
  • 在高温煎锅每一边煎二十五秒钟
    Fry for twenty - five seconds each side in a very hot skillet.
  • 约瑟夫兹佩尔塞人首领,他曾娴熟地指挥过一次从美国军队那里的撤军,但未成功(1877年)
    Nez Perc leader who conducted a skillful but unsuccessful retreat from U.S. forces(1877).
  • 我听不懂他的演讲,他总是从一项容跳到另一项容。
    I couldn't understand his lecture because he kept jumping from one topic to the next.
  • 而一位减肥者如果在她每日的食谱中加入几杯脱脂牛奶,就能够有效地控制其体的卡路里含量,并且使新陈代谢速度保持在正常的脂肪消耗水平。
    But if a dieter adds a couple glasses of skim milk to her daily menu, she can keep her calorie count in check and her metabolism at a normal fat?burning level.
  • 的在皮肤部的;皮
    Within the skin; intradermal.
  • 不要穿那些有花边或饰带的东西(除非是套服的上衣)--也不要穿鲜红的超短连衣裙。
    Skip anything with frills or lace (except for a top under a suit)--and skip the bright red minidress.
  • 白菜一星期就发芽了。
    The cabbage germinated within a week.
  • 如果你碰巧处在洛杉矶市中心,想快速去环球电影制片厂主题公园和娱乐中心游玩,你现在可以躲过拥挤的高速公路,在大约28分钟毫不费劲地乘地铁前往。
    If you ever happen to find yourself in downtown Los Angeles and fancy a quick trip to the Universal Studios theme park and entertainment complex, you can now skip the congested freeways and make the trip by underground train, hassle?free, in about 28 minutes.
  • 降钙素一种缩氨酸荷尔蒙,由人体的甲状腺产生。在不增加钙含量的情况下,可降低血中钙和磷酸盐的含量
    A peptide hormone, produced by the thyroid gland in human beings, that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion.
  • 穿在裙子里面的衣。
    a undergarment worn under a skirt.
  • 整本书的容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。
    The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip.
  • 骨膜脑颅的表面
    The inner surface of the skull.
  • 戴在头盔的防护帽一种钢或皮革制成的帽子,以前戴在头盔或铠甲头巾下
    A heavy skullcap of steel or leather, formerly worn under a helmet or mail hood.
  • 骨板被板障骨隔开的头盖骨的层或外层扁平的骨头
    The inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe.
  • 对于科莫来说,尚有潜在政治困难。如果[长]岛电费飞涨,或油价窜升,或短期备用能源不能落实,以避免停电或其他形式的电力不足,目前的赞扬可能变成批评。
    But there are potential political difficulties for Mr.Cuomo, too. What is now praise could turn to criticism if electricity rates on the Island wind up skyrocketing or if the price of oil shoots up or if alternative sources of power are not in place soon enough to prevent any blackouts or other power shortages.
  • 他面对着党左翼日益增强的反对势力。
    He faces a growing rebellion from the left wing of his party.
  • 马克思说的武装起义之后一刻也不应该停止进攻,这是说乘敌不备而突然起义的群众,应该不让反动的统治者有保守政权或恢复政权的机会,趁此一瞬间把国反动的统治势力打个措手不及,而不要满足于已得的胜利,轻视敌人,放松对于敌人的进攻,或者畏缩不前,坐失消灭敌人的时机,招致革命的失败。
    When Marx said that once an armed uprising is started there must not be a moment's pause in the attack, he meant that the masses, having taken the enemy unawares in an insurrection, must give the reactionary rulers no chance to retain or recover their political power, must seize this moment to beat the nation's reactionary ruling forces when they are unprepared, and must not rest content with the victories already won, underestimate the enemy, slacken their attacks or hesitate to press forward, and so let slip the opportunity of destroying the enemy, bringing failure to the revolution.
  • 衬袖穿在另一袖子作装饰用的袖子,做成向下延伸或通过开叉在外袖里露出
    An ornamental sleeve worn under another sleeve, designed to extend below or show through slashes in the outer sleeve.
  • 现在剩下来留待考虑的只有两位候选人,其余的人,包括你弟弟在,几在前就全被淘汰不予考虑了。
    There are only two candidates that remain to be considered. The rest, your brother among them, were wiped off the slate days ago.