  • "新瞄准靶子射击,但又没有射中。"
    "The new soldier shot at the target, but missed it again."
  • 一名士在交火中受伤。
    A soldier was wounded in the exchange.
  • 将军赞扬士们穿着整齐。
    The general praised the soldiers for their smart appearance.
  • 非常精神地(向将军)行礼.
    The guard saluted (the general) smartly.
  • 在偷偷地挨近敌人实施突然袭击。
    The soldiers were sneaking up on the enemy for a surprise attack.
  • 我们的士狙击了敌人。
    Our soldiers sniped at enemy.
  • 房顶上有几个敌在狙击我们的战士。
    There's several enemy soldiers on the roof, sniping at our men.
  • 藏在屋顶上的狙击手击毙了三名巡逻
    A sniper hide on a roof picked off three of the soldier on patrol.
  • 狙击和非正规军袭击了巡逻队
    Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.
  • 一个炮台或狙击的隐匿处。
    a machine-gun nest or a nest of snipers.
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真名为拉维维尔海滩)5英里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞部队在此着陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了英勇战斗,从此一举成名。
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.
  • searchspace用“哨”一词来形容自己的软件。
    Searchspace describes its software units as" sentinels".
  • 你们这帮东西, 弱不禁风! 中士对新嚷道.
    You're a bunch of softies!' the sergeant shouted to the new recruits.
  • 士兵的职业是打仗。
    The trade of the soldier is war.
  • 内务值勤人员,勤务被指派负责某一特定维持任务的士或士
    The soldier or soldiers assigned to a specified maintenance duty.
  • 乙:怎么样,弟兄们?众士:怎么样?怎么样?你们听见这个声音了吗?
    Second Soldier: How now, masters? Soldiers (speaking together): How now? How now? Do you hear this?
  • 雇佣为钱财而战的士
    A soldier of fortune.
  • 他是士兵。
    He is a soldier.
  • 李:我国有句古话描写士怎样成为将军时,是这么说的,“一将功成万骨枯。
    Li: We have an old Chinese saying describing how a soldier becomes a general. It goes to the effect that a general's reputation is built upon sacrifices of tens of thousands of soldiers.
  • 他乔装成士兵。
    Hedisguises himself as a soldier.
  • 那个士迅速做立正姿势。
    The soldier sprang to attention.
  • 一种类似士的玩具娃娃。
    a doll that resembles a soldier.
  • 士兵因伤而死。
    The soldier died from his wounds.
  • 这个士兵常梦到家。
    The soldier often dreamt of home.
  • 这名士在战报中受到提名表扬。
    The soldier was mentioned in dispatches.
  • 我不知怎的无法想象他是个士
    Somehow I can not fancy him as a soldier.
  • 报数时不得出错。
    The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.
  • 美国南部对美国北方居民的称呼(尤指内战期间的联邦军队的士)。
    used by southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States (especially a Union soldier).
  • 说地雷与其他武器不同是因为一旦它们被埋下,一旦埋雷的士离开地雷,它就无法辨别是士还是平民——出去拾柴做饭的妇女、儿童或老祖母。
    Lancimines distinguish themselves because once they have been sown, once the soldier walks away from the weapon, the landmine cannot tell the difference between a soldier or a civilian -- a woman, a child, a grandmother going out to collect firewood to make the family meal.
  • 军队里为士建的临时居所。
    temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers.
  • 由于通常是较好的合格的妇女志愿拥有比从前甚至更大的选择军职专业的范围,因此这是妇女进入军队的一个绝好机会。
    It was a perfect opportunity for women,as the generally better qualified women volunteers filled an even larger selection of military job specialties than before.
  • 指秦始皇兵马俑
    The spectacular life-size army statues