  • 获得该司大量的权益
    To acquire a substantial interest in the company
  • 砖瓦坊和通往用烘炉的窑炉街,都在更远的地方,磨坊在街尽头的土丘上,还有麻风病院那座孤零零的偏僻小房子。
    the brickyard was further on, and the Rue du Four, which led to the common bakehouse, and the mill on its hillock, and the lazar house, a tiny house, isolated and half seen.
  • 他经常悲哀地称自己是美国在线-时代华纳司的类似"日本天皇"的傀儡,庆典时才被推出来。
    He often refers ruefully to himself as an"emperor of Japan"figurehead for AOL Time Warner,wheeled out for ceremonies.
  • 我们对另一家司的计划保持缄默,不管竞争对手希望我们怎样做,我们都要照办。
    We acquiesce to the other company's schedule and handle the process however the competitior wants us to.
  • 那些开的生日照片讲述了一个年轻人的故事:无论是在橄榄球场,还是坐在电脑旁都一样娴熟自在。
    The birthday pictures released tells the story of a young man equally at home or on the rugby field or in front of a computer.
  • 的确,新闻媒介及众对法国橄榄球队选拔员的尊重,几乎同法国政治家受到的尊重不相上下,当然,那也并非多大的荣耀。
    Indeed French rugby selectors receive just about the same respect from their Press and public as do French politicians, which, of course, isn't saying much.
  • 我们已在m市以y司为名,开设总代销店。
    We acquaint you that we have establish ourselves as general agent at m., under the firm- name of y.& co.
  • 我们已在m市以y司为名,开设总代销店。
    We acquaint you that we have established ourselves as general agent at M., under the firm - name of Y. & Co.
  • 司将于2月10日改为股份有限司,谨此函告。
    This is to acquaint you that our business will be turned into a limited company of February 10th.
  • 司将于2月10日改为股份有限司,谨此函告。
    This is to acquaint you that our business will be turned into a limited company on February 10.
  • 我们将以钱伯斯司为名,开设总代销店,特此奉告。
    We acquaint you that we have established ourselves as general agent under the title of Chamber & Co.
  • 司的合伙人已不亲理司业务,特此通知。
    This letter serves to acquaint you that the partner will retire from business. business.
  • 司的合伙人已不亲理司业务,特此通知。
    This letter serve to acquaint you that the partner will retire from business.
  • 国君,君主,诸候国的统治者
    The ruler of a principality.
  • 有英制和制两种刻度的尺
    A ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres
  • 突尼斯大前突尼斯王国的统治者
    A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis.
  • 女王,女诸侯统治国(或封邑)的妇女
    A woman who is ruler of a principality.
  • 拉脱维亚人举行化装舞会。罗马尼亚人则唱圣歌,歌颂图拉真皇帝和牛。
    Latvians hold masquerade parties, and Rumanians sing a carol concerning Emperor Trajan and a bull.
  • 第三十五条 城市人民政府安机关可以根据本地城市市区区域声环境保护的需要,划定禁止机动车辆行驶和禁止其使用声响装置的路段和时间,并向社会告。
    Article 35 The public security organs of municipal people's governments may, in line with the need to protect the local acoustic environment of the urban areas, demarcate no-motor-vehicle or no-horn road sections and hours, and make them known to the public.
  • 牛科动物牛属的反刍哺乳动物的、与之相关的或类似之的,如牛、母牛或水牛的
    Of, relating to, or resembling a ruminant mammal of the genus Bos, such as an ox, cow, or buffalo.
  • 山羊一种空心角的,长须反刍的。山羊属哺乳动物,起源于东半球山地地区,尤指一种驯化的山羊品种,饲养用来采皮,挤奶和产肉
    Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genus Capra, originally of mountainous regions of the Old World, especially any of the domesticated forms of C. hircus, raised for wool, milk, and meat.
  • 据说几家主要的铁路司要合并了。
    There is rumor of a merger involving several major railroad companies.
  • 那谣言在司里慢慢流传开来。
    The rumour percolated through the firm.
  • 这家司已制造出一种新的声光装置。
    The company has come up with a new acoustic - optical device.
  • 参加竞选,想让自己再次主持办事务。
    run again for office.
  • 换句话说,当风速为每小时一百二十里时大部分波浪高约为十二米。
    In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.
  • 一所勉强合乎住房最低标准的十分简陋的寓。
    a rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards.
  • 附近破烂街道上的一些翻新了的寓楼。
    some renovated apartment buildings in the rundown neighborhood.
  • 如果你搭乘的是当地破旧的小型共汽车,你很快就可以与当地居民和他们的动物亲密接触。
    And if you travel through the villages in small, local rundown buses, you will swiftly come into close contact with local inhabitants and their animals.
  • 电子司的布莱克先生刚才来电话说,他本周五上午来看您。
    Mr. black of the Electronic Co. has just rung up saying that he will come to see you this Friday morning.
  • 霍伯森说,就资格而言,"新新人类"处于工作金字塔的下方,也就是说,如果遇到司裁员,这个群体是首当其冲的。
    Generation Xers are at the lower rung of the job ladder in terms of seniority, which means they are often the first to lose their jobs during layoffs, said Hobson.
  • 例如,在非internet世界中,几个实体,如acme自行车司和acme大楼可共享同一商标,但在internet上,只能存在一个acme.com。
    For example, in the non-Internet world, multiple entities such as AcmeBicycles and Acme Buildings can share the same trademark, but on the Internet only one acme .com can exist.