  • 職業婦女然多少被認為有點怪。
    A career woman is still regard as something of an oddity.
  • 在非常不利的條件下,登山運動員們然情緒高漲。
    The mountaineers' spirits kept up against heavy odds.
  • 我提出的願效勞的想法然未變。
    My offer still stands.
  • 一個人雖然既不勇敢,也不睏窮,然而為了倦於屢次作同一的事,也會尋死的。同樣值得註意者,是死底來臨在豪傑之士底心上所引起的改變是如何地小,因為這些人好象到了最後的一剎那然是依然故我似的。
    A man would die, though he were neither valiant, nor miserable, only upon a weariness to do the same thing, so oft over and over. It is no less worthy to observe, how little alteration, in good spirits, die approaches of death make;
  • 不管雨下得多大,他們繼續在油田裏工作。
    No matter how hard it rained, they go on with their work in the oilfield.
  • 不管雨下得多大,他們繼續在油田裏工作。
    No matter how hard it rained, they went on with their work in the oilfield.
  • 如果大汽車和小轎車一起並用,我們必須建築兩套公路,一套供快速大汽車使用,另一套供慢速小汽車使用。
    If big cars are still used along with the small ones, we must build two sets of roads, one for the big, fast cars and the other for the small, slower ones.
  • 上次反共高潮中反共最力的閻錫山,這一次就站在中間立場;而上次居於中間立場的桂係,這一次雖然轉到了反共方面,卻和蔣係然有矛盾,不可視同一律。
    Yen Hsi-shan who was most active in the first anti-Communist onslaught took a middle stand in the second, and although the Kwangsi clique which took a middle stand in the first onslaught came in on the anti-Communist side in the second, it is still in contradiction with the Chiang Kai-shek clique and not to be identified with it.
  • 與c++相比,儘管運算符過載在java裏更易實現,但迄今為止然認為這一特性過於復雜。所以java程序員不能象c++程序員那樣設計自己的過載運算符。
    Although operator overloading would have been much simpler to implement in Java than it was in C++, this feature was still considered too complex, so Java programmers cannot implement their own overloaded operators as C++ programmers can.
  • 吸鴉片仍然盛行。
    The use of opium still prevails.
  • 但即使中間件供應商打入orb市場,微軟公司也推出它自己的産品,多種中間件功能的結合是進展之中的一種工作。
    But even as middleware vendors break into the ORB market and Microsoft rolls out its own wares, the merging of multiple middleware functions is still a work in progress.
  • 香港位處東方,鼕天雖然寒冷,但動物品種以熱帶為主。
    Hong Kong is in the Oriental Region and despite cool winters has a fauna dominated by tropical species.
  • 他們堅持原來的看法。
    They insisted on their original view.
  • 其他各項條件按原來打算的那樣不變。
    All other conditions must remain as originally intended.
  • 4.如果某地理標志雖然逐字真實指明商品之來源地域、地區或地方,但誤導公衆以為該商品來源於另一地域,則亦應適用本條以上三款。
    4. The protection under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be applicable against a geographical indication which, although literally true as to the territory, region or locality in which the goods originate, falsely represents to the public that the goods originate in another territory.
  • 傳統的爵士樂在新奧爾良很盛行。
    Traditional jazz is still alive and well in New Orleans.
  • 他們討論的結果然不清楚。
    The outcome of their discussion is still unknown.
  • 第三次反“圍剿”雖是那樣急風暴雨的局面,千裏回師,又被敵人發覺了我們迂回其側後的計劃,但我們忍耐折回,改用中間突破,終於在蓮塘打着第一個好仗。
    In our third counter-campaign, although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li, and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him, we nevertheless exercised patience, turned back, changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre, and finally fought the first battle successfully at Lientang.
  • 有時書成之後,作傢的興奮不消散。
    Sometimes the yeast within a writer outlives a book he has written.
  • 有時書成之後,作傢的興奮不消散。
    Sometimes the yeast within a writer outlives a book he has written. I
  • 我和我丈夫然輪流去門診所或是醫院。
    My husband and I still took turns at the outpatient clinic or at the hospital.
  • 教育及外展計劃是該團的重頭戲。
    Educational and outreach programmes continued to be an important part of its activities.
  • 她雖然在那兒住了十年,村裏人視她如外人。
    Although she's lived there for ten years, the villagers still treat her as an outsider.
  • 石:縱觀國內外形勢,今年中國對外經貿工作是機遇和挑戰並存,同時機遇還大於挑戰。
    Shi: Given the domestic and international situation, this year China's foreign trade and economic cooperation sector continues to face both opportunities and challenges, with the former outstripping the latter.
  • 通過以上討論,我們可以得出結論:自行車的優點遠大於缺點,並且在現代社會它將發揮重要作用。
    From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.
  • 我的舊外衣已穿了很久,但然很好。
    My old overcoat wears well.
  • 我的舊外衣已穿了很久,但然很好。
    My old overcoat has worn very well.
  • 「健康生活新紀元」衹是整個工作的開始,徹底整治香港的環境衛生,然還有很多的工作需要去做。
    "Healthy Living into the 21st Living" is just the beginning of our work. To overhaul our environmental hygiene, there is still a lot to be done.
  • 他們不顧我的抗議繼續開會。
    They overrode my protest and continued with the meeting.
  • 在第三次擊球時,無法回擊給對方是個很笨的錯誤。
    Going overtime is "Stupid fault".
  • 在第三次擊球時,無法回擊給對方是個很笨的錯誤。
    Going overtime is a "stupid fault".
  • 共和黨參議員們立刻把問題集中在希爾教授十年以前的動機、行為和决定上,包括何以在托馬斯法官對她提出她所謂的性要求以後願在另一處與他共事,是否她不易與一般男人相處,當她不再受雇於托馬斯法官以後為何打電話給他。
    Republican Senators immediately zeroed in on Professor Hill's motives, conduct and decision 10 years ago, including why she took another job with Judge Thomas after he first made what she called sexual overtures, whether she had difficulty in general dealing with men, why she called Judge Thomas after leaving his employ.