  • 为运动争取支援
    Beat up support for a campaign
  • 他为了取和平不懈努力。
    He is an untiring campaigner for peace.
  • 纽约城市大学医学院药理学家约翰·摩根曾与人合著了一本颇有议性的宣传大麻合法化的新书——《关于大麻的神话和事实》,他说:“我不知道为什么对大麻的认知反应会有性别差异。”摩根相信男性在这样的研究中表现差的原因是他们在某些细微的方面“异常”,但是没有被研究人员注意到。
    "I know of no reason why there should be a gender difference In Cognitive response to cannabis," says John Morgan, a phannacologist at the City University of New York Medical School and coauthor of a controversial new book advocating decriminalization Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts Morgan believes the reason the males underperform in such studies is that they are "deviant" in subtle ways that escape the researchers' notice.
  • 这位「调解员」去那里后,静静听着。尽量让这位好论的老先生,发泄他满肚子的牢骚。
    This “troubleshooter” listened and let the cantankerous customer enjoy himself pouring out his tirade.
  • 与人辩的演讲;爱与人辩到了刚愎自用的程度;一个聪明但爱与人辩的小孩。
    an argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous; an intelligent but argumentative child.
  • 至欲完全占领粤汉铁路和西兰公路,将经历非常危险的战,未必尽能达其企图。
    As for attempting to occupy the entire length of the Canton-Hankow Railway and the Sian-Lanchow Highway, he will have to fight perilous battles and even so may not fully accomplish his design.
  • 例如说:保卫武汉、保卫广州、保卫西北和猛烈发展敌后游击战的口号,是否依然正确呢?
    Or, for instance, are the slogans calling for the defence of Wuhan, of Canton and of the Northwest and for the vigorous development of guerrilla warfare in the enemy's rear still correct?
  • 一八九五年清朝政府在中日战中失败以后,孙中山依靠兴中会联络民间秘密团体会党的力量,在广东组织过两次反对清朝统治的武装起义,即一八九五年的广州之役和一九○○年的惠州之役。
    With the support of the secret societies among the people, he staged two armed insurrections in Kwangtung Province against the Ching government after its defeat in the Sino-Japanese war in 1895, one at Canton in 1895 and the other at Huichow in 1900.
  • 在全国,即使敌能占领广州、武汉、兰州之线及其附近的地区,但以外的地区是难于占领的,这就给了中国以进行持久战和取最后胜利的总后方和中枢根据地。
    Taking China as a whole, even if the enemy manages to occupy the line connecting Canton, Wuhan and Lanchow and its adjacent areas, he can hardly seize the regions beyond, and this gives China a general rear and vital bases from which to carry on the protracted war to final victory.
  • 取同性恋者的选票,总统候选人承认自己是同性恋
    The presidential candidate comes out of the closet when he is canvass for the homosexual ' votes
  • 在行使特区政府在贸易,财政与经济事务上自主权的同时,我们亦会好好利用香港与内地两者之间的竞优势,为双方带来最高的经济效益。
    While maintaining our autonomy in trade, financial and economic matters, the Special Administrative Region Government will work with the Mainland to capitalise on our relative competitive advantages and maximise our mutual economic benefits.
  • 这次战在所有资本主义国家都产生了深远的影响。
    This war had far-reaching consequences in all the capitalist countries.
  • 赞成资本主义的竞
    subscribing to capitalistic competition.
  • 这令每个经济体系可以自行掌握竞优势,并且利用这种优势,促进当地经济增长。
    It has enabled each economy to seize its own competitive advantage and capitalize such advantage into growth for the local economy.
  • 这些都是使国民党不易投降妥协和不易举行全国反共战的国内条件。
    These are the domestic factors which render it difficult for the Kuomintang to capitulate or compromise, or to launch a nationwide anti-Communist war.
  • 这些都是使国民党不易投降妥协和不易举行全国反共战的国际条件。
    These are the international factors which render it difficult for the Kuomintang to capitulate or compromise, or to launch a nationwide anti-Communist war.
  • 其结果,在抗日时期内,在一九三七年只有四万余人的八路军和新四军,到一九四五年日本投降时就发展成为一百多万人的大军,并创建了许多革命根据地,在抗日战中起了伟大的作用,使蒋介石在抗日时期既不敢投降日本,又不敢发动全国规模的内战,而到一九四六年发动全国规模的内战时,由八路军新四军编成的人民解放军就有力量对付蒋介石的进攻了。
    As a result, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, which had just over 40,000 men when the War of Resistance began in 1937, grew to a great army of one million by the time Japan surrendered in 1945, established many revolutionary base areas, played a great part in the war and thus, throughout this period, made Chiang Kai-shek afraid to capitulate to Japan or launch a nation-wide civil war. In 1946, when Chiang Kai-shek did launch a nation-wide civil war, the People's Liberation Army, formed out of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, was strong enough to deal with his attacks.
  • 克服投降危险,力时局好转
  • 所以,斗是克服投降危险、取时局好转、巩固国共合作的最主要的方法。
    Therefore, struggle is by far the most important means of averting the danger of capitulation, of achieving a turn for the better in the situation and of strengthening Kuomintang-Communist co-operation.
  • 如此双管齐下,就有可能克服大地主大资产阶级的投降危险并取时局的好转前途。
    If we do both these tasks simultaneously, we shall be able to overcome the danger of capitulation by the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie and to bring about a turn for the better in the whole situation.
  • 党在发动团结与组织全中国人民的力量以反对全中国人民的公敌时,应该坚决不动摇地同反日统一战线内部一切动尧妥协、投降与叛变的倾向做斗
    In arousing, uniting and organizing the forces of the people throughout the country to fight the common enemy, the Party should resolutely and unswervingly combat all tendencies towards vacillation, compromise, capitulation and betrayal within the anti-Japanese united front.
  • (二)在国民党反共顽固派坚决地执行其防共、限共、反共政策,并以此为投降日本的准备的时候,我们应强调斗,不应强调统一,否则就会是绝大的错误。
    2. At a time when the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang are obstinately persisting in their policy of containing, restricting and combating the Communist Party in preparation for capitulation to Japan, we must stress struggle and not unity;to do otherwise would be a gross error.
  • 大地主大资产阶级的投降方向和无产阶级、农民、城市小资产阶级、中等资产阶级的抗战方向,是对立的,双方在斗中。
    The line of capitulation taken by the big landlord class and the big bourgeoisie runs sharply counter to the line of armed resistance taken by the proletariat, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the middle bourgeoisie, and there is a struggle between the two.
  • 例如在第一次世界大战中,德国屈服的前夜,这时协约国变成了绝对优势,德国则变成了绝对劣势,结果德国失败,协约国获胜,这是战结局存在着绝对的优势和劣势之例。
    For instance, on the eve of Germany's capitulation in World War I, the Entente countries became absolutely superior and Germany absolutely inferior, so that Germany was defeated and the Entente countries were victorious; This is an example of absolute superiority and inferiority towards the end of a war.
  • 由于这次端,卡尔的工作丢了。
    Carl lost his job as a result of the dispute.
  • 力保国际公司正努力取奈克的世界最大鞋商的头衔,将在超级商展进行最猛烈的攻势-超级商展是商界盛举。
    Reebok International is gunning for Nike's title as the world's largest footwear seller, and it brought its heaviest artillery to the Super Show, an immense trade carnival.
  • 委员会开会讨论今年狂欢节的组织问题,但是他们却花了大部分时间去论两点还是三点钟开始的枝节问题。
    The committee met to dicuss the organization of this year's carnival but they spent most of the time debating the side issue of whether to start it at two o'clock or three o'clock.
  • 美国革命战,在南卡莱罗纳考伯战役中挫败英国的美国士兵。
    soldier in the American Revolutionary War who defeated the British in the Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802).
  • 在伊丽莎白照料她姐姐期间,达西更是对她大献殷勤,卡罗琳风吃醋,大发脾气。
    While Elizabeth is nursing her sister, Darcy pays her more attention, and Caroline's jealousy rages.
  • 美国南北战后政府由南下政客所操纵的那几年间,南方各州黑人的投票产生了令人难以置信的灾祸。
    In the Southern States of the United States, Negro suffrage produced incredible mischief during the few years of carpetbag government which followed the Civil War.
  • 毛泽东此文是为了答复当时党内党外对于农民革命斗的责难而写的。
    This article was written as a reply to the carping criticisms both inside and outside the Party then being levelled at the peasants' revolutionary struggle.
  • 用住房补贴作诱饵以取工人的选票。
    used the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers to get their vote.