  • 个年轻的滑雪运动员见观众很多又有飘雪打扰,比赛中的表现令人失望,教练马上把他拽到边,对他说“看着前方”,提醒他要像原来滑的那样滑时注意前方的旗门。
    A young ski racer, bothered by spectators and blowing snow, was having a disappointing competition when his coach pulled him aside. “ Look ahead,” the coach said, reminding the skier to focus on the gates ahead as he skied the ones before.
  • 本好字典有助于语言的学习。
    A good dictionary can aid language learning.
  • 其他参赛者知道,如果开始让迈克尔依靠太多的话,他们就追不上了。
    The other racers knew they couldn't catch Michael if he got too big a head start.
  • 在50米以上的比赛中,选手们到达端时就得转身。
    In races longer than that, racers have to turn when they have reached the end of it.
  • 举行短程赛车是制止青少年在马路上作疯狂赛车的种方法。
    Holding drag races is a good way to stop teenage hot rod racing on public highways.
  • 稣馐俏了什麽?这是什麽用意?这究竟是什麽意思?这到底是怎麽回事?
    Hat's this in aid of?
  • 国际汽车大奖赛中的任何场比赛。
    one of several international races.
  • 参加赛车竟赛的种快车。
    a fast car that competes in races.
  • 在巴西,有多种民族杂居在起。
    Many races are mixed together in Brazil.
  • 个可以展示马或进行赛马的大型运动场。
    a stadium for horse shows or horse races.
  • 英里赛跑运动员参加英里赛跑的人
    One who competes in races one mile long.
  • 她是位非常好的游泳者,并且经常参加比赛。
    She is a very good swimmer and often races.
  • 个赛马场的老主顾。
    an habitue of the racetrack.
  • 圈跑道完整封闭的圈,尤指跑道
    One complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack.
  • 赛前停车场汽车比赛跑道的个地区,汽车在那儿进行比赛前的准备
    An area of an automobile racetrack where cars are prepared before a race.
  • 下午时,曼谷下起了大雨,开始了400米决赛,纪政的第二跑道积水特别多。
    At one o'clock of that afternoon, it rained heavily in Bangkok. There was much water on the racetrack.
  • 下午时,曼谷下起了大雨,开始了400米决赛,纪政的第二跑道积水特别多。
    At one o'clock of that afternoon, it rained heavily in Bangkok. There was much water on the racetrack. The 400-meter final race was about to start.
  • 位于圣地亚哥市以南加利福尼亚半岛较低部分的个墨西哥城市;赛马和斗牛在美国旅游者中很受欢迎。
    a Mexican City just south of San Diego on the Lower California peninsula; popular among American tourists for racetracks and bullfights.
  • 本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。
    An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English.
  • 她很独立,所以拒绝切金钱上的资助。
    She is so independent that she refused all pecuniary aid.
  • 说来有点复杂……我是computer的racheledwards。
    It's a little complicated... this is Rachel Edward of computer...
  • 说来有点复杂……我是computer的racheledwards。
    It 's a little complicated... this is Rachel Edward of Computer...
  • 当雷切尔·达冈走进鲜花店去买个婚礼花环时,她已经是夜没合眼了。
    Rachel Dagan had been up all night when she entered the flower shop and asked for a bridal bouquet.
  • 7岁那年父母离异,她和母亲与妹妹雷切尔起搬到了宾夕法尼亚州。
    Her parents separated when Christina was seven,and she moved to Pennsylvania,with her mom and sister Rachel.
  • 人类在历史上写下了毁坏海岛的可耻笔——雷切尔·卡森;可耻的退却;可耻的失败;人类贪婪的可耻纪念碑;可耻的懦弱表现。
    Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands- Rachel Carson; an ignominious retreat; inglorious defeat; an opprobrious monument to human greed; a shameful display of cowardice.
  • 两耳草种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)
    A low-growing, weedy grass(Paspalum distichum) with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis.
  • 在学习种新语言时,词典是非常有用的工具。
    A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.
  • 一个混血种人
    A person of mixed racial strains.
  • 总有天我们会克服种族偏见。
    Someday we shall overcome racial intolerance.
  • 据了解,张淑云在院工作期间,由于其工作表现不好,受到领导和同事批评,后来发现她经常指使由福利院监护养育长大的艾明偷偷地到些病房拍照.
    An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret.
  • 发动场反对种族歧视的运动
    Get up a campaign against racial discrimination
  • 美国是个多民族国家。
    The US is a multi racial nation.