Chinese English Sentence:
  • 像体操运动员一样健壮、敏捷;像鹿一样敏捷;敏捷的手指;步履敏捷;那条老狗常敏捷,在我们能够止住它之前,它已经跑上了楼梯的一半。
    sleek and agile as a gymnast; as nimble as a deer; nimble fingers; quick of foot; the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it.
  • 长尾机灵夜间活动的洲狐猴,毛浓密,大眼大耳。
    agile long-tailed nocturnal African lemur with dense woolly fur and large eyes and ears.
  • 多种常敏捷而机警的蜥蜴。
    any of numerous very agile and alert New World lizards.
  • 岩羚一种灵巧的小型洲羚羊(岩羚),长有大耳朵
    A small, agile African antelope(Oreotragus oreotragus) having large ears.
  • 在一大片死气沉沉的荒地上,她找到了最低下的、最艰苦的活。雇主是一个苛刻粗暴的乡下佬,他怀着旧有的怨恨,对苔丝常憎恶,这给苔丝更增添了十倍的困难。
    In a great drab field of desolation, she finds the meanest, most arduous of tasks rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her.
  • 他支支吾吾,答所问。
    He, speaking at random and carelessly, scarce answered.
  • 克服了这一缺点,就把日本侵略者置于我们数万万站起来了的人民之前,使它像一匹野牛冲入火阵,我们一声唤也要把它吓一大跳,这匹野牛就烧死不可。
    When this defect is remedied, then the Japanese aggressor, like a mad bull crashing into a ring of flames, will be surrounded by hundreds of millions of our people standing upright, the mere sound of their voices will strike terror into him, and he will be burned to death.
  • 常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域。
    very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas.
  •  常常受到批评的比尔盖茨有一次对媒体说:“你们只指我赚钱的时候常凶悍,为什么不讲我捐款的时候又是那么地慷慨?”
    For example, Bill Gates once told the media, "You criticise me for making profits aggressively, but why don't you present my generosity in giving donations?"
  • “他们本来常爱寻衅闹事,”她说。
    "They tended to be very aggressive," she says.
  • 那些罢工者并向国家勒索。
    These strikers were not holding the country to ransom.
  • 绑架法地通常为得赎金而劫持
    To seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom.
  • 法地抓住和拘留受害人(经常为了勒索)。
    someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom).
  • 我从超级市场买回一只羔羊腿,价钱常昂贵!
    I bought a leg of lamb in the supermarket and it cost me a king's ransom.
  • (关于人)法地通常为得赎金而劫持的:父亲把被绑架的孩子交还给母亲。
    (of persons) seized and detained unlawfully, often for ransom: the father restored the kidnapped (or abducted) child to the mother.
  • 他在会议上的辩论态度并锋芒逼人而是坚持己见.
    His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious.
  • 每年的u签证的配额为1万张,发放给被强奸、法买卖、及其他虐待方式的受害者,而不仅仅是家庭暴力的受害者。
    There is an annual quota of 10,000 U visas,which are available to victims of rape,trafficking and other abuses,not just domestic violence.
  • 年内,谋杀、伤人、严重殴打、强奸、礼、绑架、勒索、刑事恐吓、抢劫及纵火等暴力罪案,减少至13749宗,而一九九六年则录得15191宗。
    Violent crimes, including murder, wounding, serious assault, rape, indecent assault, kidnapping, blackmail, criminal intimidation, robbery and arson, declined to 13 749 cases, compared with 15 191 in 1996.
  • 这使她更加不愿去履行作模特儿的合同,以免授人口实,因为努尔的律师会说她恢复得这么快,证明她所说受了严重摧残的话并事实。
    This made her even more reluctant to carry out modelling assignments in case his lawyers tried to prove she had recovered remarkably well from what she said had been a harrowing rape.
  • 一些男孩和女孩正常高兴地听一个有趣的故事。
    In rapture some little boys and girls were listening to an interesting story.
  • 你为什么总丢了魂似地注视着她?莫你爱上她了吗?
    Why do you always gaze on her with rapture? Do you fall in love with her?
  • (英国正式的用法)侵犯或侵略。
    (informal British usage) aggravation or aggression.
  • 其中许多都像铁60一样,常稀有。
    Many are rare -- like iron-60.
  • 电流在导体中的电流,尤其是稀薄气体中的电流
    A flow of electricity in a dielectric, especially in a rarefied gas.
  • 去度假,不然他们很少驾车远行。
    Except when they take a vacation, they rarely drive long distances.
  • 在不大开化的单一农业社会中,常见的原因是,不断增长的人口对有限的土地施加愈来愈大的压力。这种压力常常由于歉收、农业的原始状态以及要靠常狭小的国土来供应粮食而加剧。
    In the ruder and purely agricultural communities a frequent cause was the mere pressure of their increasing population upon their limited land, aggravated as that pressure so often was by deficient harvests, in the rude state of their agriculture, and depending as they did for food upon a very small extent of country.
  • “一般威胁侵犯他人身体罪”常常作为并是严重威胁侵犯他人身体罪进行使用。
    the term " common assault " is frequently used for any assault which is not an aggravated assault.
  • 两次大战的教训之一是,民族、宗教和经济问题必须受监控(欧洲国家对理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化),但是监控有赖强有力的国际协调,而以暴制暴。
    One of the lessons that can be learned from the Second World War is the issues of race, religion and economy must be monitored and controlled. (The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers.) However, to monitor and control them, a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place. We should not curb violence with violence.
  • 两次大战的教训之一是,民族、宗教和经济问题必须受监控(欧洲国家对理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化),但是监控有赖强有力的国际协调,而以暴制暴。
    One of the lessons that can be drawn from two World Wars is the issues of race, religion and economy must be monitored and controlled. (The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers.) However, to monitor and control them, a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place. We should not curb violence with violence.
  • 尽管并直接的原因,据说心理压力会加速头皮屑的产生。
    Stress is believed to aggravate dandruff, although it is not the cause of it.
  • 沙漠地区的洲小鼹鼠,几乎无毛。
    small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas.
  • 产于西的群居鼹鼠;与裸鼹鼠形似。
    colonial mole_rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat.