  • 這兩個友好鄰打起仗來的消息使我們大吃一驚。
    The news of starting wars between the two friendly neighbouring countries has quite bowled us over.
  • 19世紀最有名的作麯傢有舒伯特、柏遼茲、門德爾鬆、肖、舒曼、李斯特、布拉姆斯、柴可夫斯基、德沃夏剋、埃爾加、馬勒、德彪西及西貝柳斯。
    Among the best-known composers born in the nineteenth century are Schubert, Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Chopin Schuirianri, Liszt, Brahms, Tschaikovsky, f)vorak, Elgar, Mahier, Debussy, and Sibelius.
  • 巴西聯邦共和國
    The Federative Republic of Brazil
  • 美國一傢聯上訴法院6月28日推翻了將微軟一分為二的判决,並命令由另外一名法官代替傑剋遜來擔任此案的主審官。
    A federal appeals court reversed the breakup of Microsoft Thursday and ordered that a new judge decide the landmark case.
  • (英)早期英聯一種價值為三便士的銅鎳合金硬幣。
    (Brit) former cupronickel coin of UK equal to three pennies.
  • 英帝國和英聯邦
    British Empire and Commonwealth
  • 庫剋,傑1821-1905美國金融傢,因參與發行聯政府的債券並資助南北戰爭而著名,他銀行的倒閉導致了1837年的經濟恐慌
    British-born American journalist and broadcaster, whose books include Around the World in50 Years(1966) and Alistair Cooke's America(1973).
  • 馬萊西特居住於加拿大新不倫瑞剋省的聖約翰河𠔌和美國緬因州東北部的一支美洲土著人。在18世紀中期,馬萊西特人曾幫助建立起阿伯納基聯
    A Native American people inhabiting the St. John River valley in New Brunswick and northeast Maine. The Malecite helped form the Abenaki confederacy in the mid-18th century.
  • 十月間,行政長官董建華在訪問完布魯塞爾後,前往倫敦,會見英國首相貝理雅、外交及聯事務大臣郭偉及英國貿易局主席貝嘉晴。
    After his visit to Brussels in October, Mr Tung went to London where he met the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair; the Foreign Secretary, Mr Robin Cook and the President of the Board of Trade, Mrs Margaret Beckett.
  • 位於比哈爾,是與佛陀生平有關的四大聖地之一。
    In the state of Bihar,this is one of four holy places linked to the life of Buddha.
  • 巴格斯·尼的口頭禪是“博士,怎麽了?”
    Bugs Bunny's catch phrase is "What's up, Doc?"
  • 儘管有同事反對,德特還是留住了布洛剋,事後來看,這是個很明智的决定。
    Even with opposition from fellow workers, De Bont kept Bullock, which evidently proved to be a very smart move.
  • 卡特爾船長搖搖頭說,連傑剋·比本人也不明白是怎麽回事……
    Captain Cuttle observed with a shake of his head, that Jack Bun-by himself hadn't made it out…
  • 斯邁思先生於1922年4月12日,星期四,出生於肯塔基州巴丁縣的廷,當時經濟形勢不穩定。
    Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting, Bradin Couaty, Kentucky, on Thursday, April 12,1922, at a time when economic conditions were unsettled.
  • 美國聯調查局的調查員
    An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • 調查局的法律執行特派員。
    a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • 發誓整頓聯官僚作風
    Promised to reorganize the federal bureaucracy.
  • 這兩個國傢(緬甸和印度)己經成為友
    The two countries(Burma and India) have become good friends.
  • 這兩個國傢(緬甸和印度)己經成為友
    The two countries( burma and india) have become good friend.
  • 一種攀緣植物,成熟時結黑紅色漿果;産於印度南部和斯裏蘭卡;引種於緬甸和阿薩姆
    climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in North Burma and Assam.
  • 這些人中有秘書、商人和婦女,有軍人和聯政府工作人員,有父親和母親,還有朋友和鄰居。
    Secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors.
  • "盡人皆知,蘇聯對古巴這時的發展感到不快,"這位[歐洲]外交官說。可是他又說,蘇聯允許國內及東歐有較多的自由,"若強行逼迫加勒比海的盟,那可真是矛盾。"
    "It's no secret that the Soviets are not happy about the developments here in Cuba, " the [European] diplomat said. But he added that with the Soviets permitting more freedom at home and within Eastern Europe, "it would be a real contradiction to twist the arm of its Caribbean ally."
  • 丹維爾美國弗吉尼亞南部一自治城,位於達恩河畔、鄰近北卡羅利納邊界,建於1793年,它是1865年南部聯的最後一個首府。人口53,056
    An independent city of southern Virginia on the Dan River near the North Carolina border. Founded in1793, it was the last capital of the Confederacy in1865. Population, 53,056.
  • 貝勞太平洋西部加羅林群島中的一組火山島和小島。當加羅林群島在1978年成為密剋羅尼西亞聯一部分時,貝勞人决定與美國建立一個有自由聯盟關係的共和國,美國將在1996年之前負責它的防衛
    A group of volcanic islands and islets in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. When the Carolines became part of the Federated States of Micronesia in1978, Belau chose to form a republic in free association with the United States, which is responsible for its defense until1996.
  • 從前的在美國贊成一個強大的中央集權的聯政府的政黨成員。
    a member of a former political party in the US that favored a strong centralized federal government.
  • 受聯政府特許的儲蓄銀行。
    a federally chartered savings bank.
  • 受聯政府特許、出售抵押品的有限公司。
    a federally chartered corporation that purchases mortgages.
  • 政府特許的商業銀行。
    a commercial bank chartered by the federal government.
  • 勝於聯政府特許的州政府特許的銀行。
    a bank chartered by a state rather than by the federal government.
  • 投降的消息使戰士們消沉。
    The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiers.
  • 他的烏托不是空想的聯,而是對那些已經存在的聯事實上的改進-道格拉斯·布什。
    his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists- Douglas Bush.
  • 位於聖剋裏斯多佛島的聖剋裏斯多佛尼維斯的聯首都。
    the capital of Saint Christopher-Nevis on the island of Saint Christopher.