  • 由增值發行人提供的件;增值稅。
    software supplied by a value-added distributor; a value-added tax.
  • 衝刷相對鬆表面的衝刷,如路基被源於暴雨或洪水的水流衝刷
    Erosion of a relatively soft surface, such as a roadbed, by a sudden gush of water, as from a downpour or floods.
  • 這些代理(叫做件機器人,或簡稱softbot,或更簡單稱作bot)是一些計算機程序,它們代表主人在internet上漫遊,搜尋信息。
    These agents (called software robots, softbots or, simply, bots) are computer programs that roam the Internet on behalf of their owners, ferreting information.
  • 皮毛厚而且不會吼叫的貓科動物;傢貓;野貓。
    feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar; domestic cats; wildcats.
  • 那些擁有幾傢關鍵且有實力的大用戶(他們運行多媒體或類似應用件)並計劃更換網卡的公司應該評價一下25兆位/秒的atm(即atm25)。
    Companies that have several key power users -- those running multimedia applications and the like -- and that are planning a change from network adapter cards should evaluate 25M bit/sec ATM (ATM25).
  • i2o得到企業服務器、操作係統件和適配器卡供應商們的支持。
    I2O is supported by suppliers of enterprise servers, operating system software and adapter cards.
  • 此外,該署已完成環控溫室作物生産的本地適應性研究,並引進兩個適合本地種植的新蔬菜品種,即白玉苦瓜和莢豌豆。
    The AFCD also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation. In addition, two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production — white bitter cucumber and garden pea — were introduced.
  • 風帽,兜帽寬鬆柔的頭、領遮蓋物,與長袍、夾剋連在一起或分開
    A loose pliable covering for the head and neck, either attached to a robe or jacket or separate.
  • 在1996年,我們將看到現正在開發中的應用件更加成熟和具體化。
    In 1996, we're going to see more robust incarnations of the applications that are already developing.
  • 兩個關鍵性的內閣成員羅傑斯和萊爾德的弱無能,又加重了基辛格原有的職權和負擔。
    What added to the inherent power of his position and his burdens was the weakness of two key Cabinet members,Rogers and Laird.
  • 用以修飾或說明為某一具體應用問題而專門設計和編寫的件,有別於,例如,應用件包中的程序或者衹讀存儲器(rom)中的程序。
    Pertaining to software that has been particularly designed and written for an application(as contrasted, for example, to a program from an application package or provided on ROM).
  • 鑒於旅遊業將會普遍使用高科技件,旅遊協會現正製作一張唯讀光碟,協助舉辦公務旅遊團及團體會議的機構在本港籌辦活動。
    In anticipation of the growing use of hi-tech software throughout the travel industry, the HKTA is currently developing a CD-ROM to assist incentive and corporate meeting organisers to plan their programmes in Hong Kong.
  • 圖書館藏書也繼續增加,整個係統現時共有藏書350萬册和視聽資料247600項,包括盒式錄音帶、唱碟、鐳射唱碟、鐳射影碟、錄影帶、唯讀光碟、互動光碟及電腦件。
    The library collection continued to grow and now comprises a total of 3.5million books and 247 600 audio visual items, including audio-cassettes, gramophone records, audio compact discs, video compact discs,video-cassettes, CD-ROMs, Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I) and computer programmes.
  • 根莖擁有柔灰色茸毛的骨碎補蕨科植物。
    either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock.
  • 油地氈,漆布一種耐久、可洗材料,在粗麻布或帆布底襯上,通過在褥單上把加熱的亞麻籽油、鬆香、木粉和顔料的混合物壓製粗麻布或帆布底襯上而製成,通常用於鋪地面
    A durable, washable material made in sheets by pressing a mixture of heated linseed oil, rosin, powdered cork, and pigments onto a burlap or canvas backing. Linoleum is used as a covering especially for floors.
  • 在進行劇烈的體力運動前做的準備活動,能使身體變得柔靈活。
    prepare for strenuous physical activity.
  • 水果或蔬菜的稠腐爛。
    soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi.
  • 在計算機安全學中,使係統保護機製用陷阱隱藏起來的一種隱藏的件或硬件機構。它通常以不透明方式工作。
    In computer security, a hidden software or hardware mechanism that permits system protection mechanisms to be circumvented. It is activated in some nonapparent manner.
  • 通常由廠傢作為件提供的一些程序和例行程序,如編譯程序、裝入程序、輸入輸出處理程序等。
    Programs and routines used by manufacturer-furnished software, such as compilers, loaders, input/output handlers, etc.
  • 普華永道的剋拉剋先生認為,如果擁有大型數據處理中心的大組織想要發現可疑的交易,人工智能件和其他自動化程序是必不可少的。
    PwC's Mr Clark says artificial intelligence software and other automated routines are essential if big organisations with big processing centres are to identify suspect transactions.
  • 在計算機件中,當裝入操作係統任何部分時,事先必須已經並總是存在於內存(也叫主存)之中的操作係統中的那部分內容,主要包括一些經過嚴格測試而準確無誤的例行程序,它們實現[執行]基本的裝入和管理功能[操作]。
    In computer software, the part of an operating system that must always be in main storage when any part of it is loaded. It consists of rigorously tested routines that perform basic loading and supervisory functions.
  • roving件公司就是件初創公司模式的例子,該公司是constantcontact(不斷聯繫)件的製造商,此件能把個人化的電子郵件發送給web網站上的客戶。
    Roving Software, maker of Constant Contact, which sends personalized e-mails to Web site customers, is an example of a software start-up.
  • 用軟膏擦擦腳吧。
    Rub your feet with the ointment.
  • 捲着的橡皮管正在放開。
    The rubber hose is playing out.
  • 泡沫橡膠是充滿了小氣泡的橡膠。
    Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles.
  • 海綿乳膠柔的深層。
    a deep yielding layer of foam rubber.
  • 這臺機器用橡膠墊保護着。
    The machine is protected by rubber pad.
  • 包含粉末狀黑芥末的膏;用於皮膚反刺激劑和發紅劑。
    a plaster containing powdered black mustard; applied to the skin as a counterirritant or rubefacient.
  • 鼴鼠一種小而以蟲類為食的鼴鼠科的哺乳動物,通常生活在地下,有長着淡褐色到深灰色柔皮毛的矮胖身體,退化的眼睛,堅韌的口部和為打洞用而強壯的前足
    Any of various small, insectivorous mammals of the family Talpidae, usually living underground and having thickset bodies with light brown to dark gray silky fur, rudimentary eyes, tough muzzles, and strong forefeet for burrowing.
  • 美洲駝與駱駝有親緣關係,傢養的南美反芻哺乳動物(亞美利加駝駱馬屬),主要價值在於柔如絮的毛,並用作役畜
    A domesticated South American ruminant mammal(Lama glama) related to the camel, raised for its soft, fleecy wool and used as a beast of burden.
  • 當ap正在運行ap平臺件和正在或已經準備要運行如rcs這樣的應用程序時,其狀態就為active。
    An AP is ACTIVE when it is running the AP platform software and is running or ready to run applications such as the RCS.
  • 在我準確描述了製作甜點的過程後,他說我的配料“太粘了”,真是一語道出了我以前製作甜點的經歷。
    He pronounced the batter“ too runny,”which accurately described my experience.