Chinese English Sentence:
  • 赛前鞍具着场跑道上的圈地或围地,可在每次比赛前把马集合起来、上鞍以及列队
    An enclosure at a racetrack where the horses are assembled, saddled, and paraded before each race.
  • 改装一辆赛车
    Cut down a car for racing.
  • 这辆汽车已改为赛车。
    The car has been modified for racing.
  • 有这种支撑物的赛艇
    A racing shell fitted with such a support.
  • 装有类似架子的大车
    A wagon fitted with such a rack.
  • 草架大车上用于运干草的架子
    A rack fitted to a wagon for carrying hay.
  • 笔架,笔筒一支或几支笔的架子或杯子
    A rack or cup for holding a pen or pens.
  • 球拍夹虎钳状的防止球拍弯曲变形的
    A viselike device for keeping a racket from warping.
  • 警方积极采取多项行动,打击由三合会控制的娱乐场所、卖淫活动、敲诈修费用、"收数"、高利贷及其他有关的活动。
    Operations were mounted against triad involvement in public entertainment, prostitution, decoration-racketeering, debt-collection, loan-sharking and other associated activities.
  • 啊,他假装死了。
    Ah, he pretends to be dead.
  • 我们必须为船只上雷达设备。
    We have to provide a ship with radar equipment.
  • 几架敌机被我们的雷达置发现了。
    Some enemy planes were picked up by our radar installations.
  • 十字转门一种用来控制从一个公共区域到另一个公共区域的通道的机械置,典型的样子是从中心一根垂直的柱子上放射状地伸出几根水平的旋转臂,只允许个人走路通过
    A mechanical device used to control passage from one public area to another, typically consisting of several horizontal arms supported by and radially projecting from a central vertical post and allowing only the passage of individuals on foot.
  • 辐射计检测辐射能强度的一种置,有一个部分抽干的玻璃管,管内有若干轻质的垂直翼,每个翼的一边为黑色,在一个垂直的周围辐射悬垂,在受到投射辐射时它们可以绕轴旋转
    A device that measures the intensity of radiant energy, consisting of a partially evacuated glass bulb containing lightweight vertical vanes, each blackened on one side, suspended radially about a central vertical axis to permit their revolution about the axis as a result of incident radiation.
  • 供暖置不工作了;他们有辐射供暖置。
    the heating system wasn't working; they have radiant heating.
  • 菊,菊花一种菊科菊属植物,多数产于欧亚,有艳丽的放射头状花序,被栽培作为饰物
    Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the composite family, many of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy, radiate flower heads.
  • 瓜叶菊,千日莲一种菊科杂交的饰用植物(千里光属自咏恢郑??稍??诩幽抢?旱旱钠分址庇??矗?醒蘩龅摹⒃由?姆派渥赐纷椿ㄐ蚝鸵?俗⒛康挠幸??庠蟮囊蹲樱?魑?夷谥参锘蚧ㄌ持参锒?惴旱卦灾
    Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.
  • 犬牙饰,四叶饰四片叶状突出物由一凸起中心向四周辐射的中世纪建筑
    A medieval ornament consisting of four leaflike projections radiating from a raised center.
  • 农用装卸输送机械
    agricultural material handling machine
  • 气体在锅炉中产生并经由管道通向散热气的加热置。
    a heating system in which steam is generated in boilers and piped to radiators.
  • 水或空气在中心熔炉中被加热并经由出烟孔、管道和散热气发散到房间的置。
    air or water is heated at a central furnace and sent through the building via vents or pipes and radiators.
  • 他正在制造一种非常小的新的燃料电池,它可以代替个人电子置,例如手机上使用的电池组。
    He is making a new, radically smaller fuel cell that could replace the battery packs in personal electronic devices such as cellular telephones.
  • 网络计算机既有神秘的熟悉性、又有根本的差异性,可能代表了计算发展的下一个浪潮、也可能像苹果公司newton那样(一种称作为个人数字助理的手持式置——译注)虎头蛇尾,不了了之。
    Both mysteriously familiar and radically different, the network computer may represent the next great wave of computing, or it may sputter and fizzle like Apple Computer Inc.'s Newton.
  • 巡洋舰一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰甲少,火力小
    One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.
  • 很快就不光是你的电脑会染上病毒了,可以想象得到,手机和其它能上网的无线置也会染上病毒并将其传播到半径为十英尺范围内的其它置。
    And soon, it won't just b eyour PC catching viruses either. Cellphones and other wireless devices with Web access could conceivably catch a virus and broadcast it to other devices within a 10?foot radius.
  • 利用x光或放射能治疗疾病的备。
    equipment used to treat diseases with x-rays or radioactivity.
  • 从30年代在汽车上安摩托罗拉生产的收音机以来,美国人总是喜欢在他们的汽车上安各种置。
    Americas have always installed devices in their cars, starting with Motorola radios in the 1930s.
  • 警察巡逻街道的车;备有和总部联系的声讯通信系统。
    a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters.
  • 过去土地革命战争时代的中国红军,以弱小的军力而常打胜仗,得力于组织起来和武起来了的民众是非常之大的。
    It was largely owing to the organized, armed masses of the people that the weak and small force of the Chinese Red Army was able to win many battles in the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War.
  • 例如梁、托梁和椽等房屋的结构性部件;不是饰性的成分;结构性损坏。
    the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements; structural damage.
  • 用小瓶有易燃液体和少量易燃物的天然燃烧弹。
    a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick.
  • 日常天气仍然支配着我们生活中的许多细节,而且仍然是服业、旅游业-天知道还有些别的什么行业-的一种神赐的助力。
    Our daily weather continues to dictate the trivial scenarios of our lives-and remains manna to the rag trade, the tourist industry, and heaven knows what else.