  • 我喜欢吃龙, 但它不适宜于我的健康。
    I like lobster but it does not like me.
  • 我喜欢吃龙,但它不宜于我的健康。
    I like lobster but it does not like me.
  • 有八条腿两条爪子。
    Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.
  • 我喜欢吃龙,但吃了身体不适。
    I like lobster but it doesn't like me.
  • 可食用的欧洲龙,与美洲龙相似但较小。
    edible European lobster resembling the American lobster but slenderer.
  • 我不敢吃龙虾。
    I daren't touch lobster.
  • 我要龙虾。
    I'll have the lobster.
  • 产于美洲大西洋沿岸的龙
    lobster of Atlantic coast of America.
  • 产于欧洲大西洋沿岸的龙
    lobster of Atlantic coast of Europe.
  • 服务员给客人端来了龙
    The waiter brings them the lobster.
  • 来份“喜相逢——龙迎小”如何?
    How about "Lobster Invites Shrimps"?
  • 我想吃龙虾。
    I'll take the lobster please.
  • 我也要一盘龙虾。
    I'll have a lobster plate, too.
  • 切成块的龙肉放在牛奶或奶油里。
    diced lobster meat in milk or cream.
  • 我没吃龙,但她吃了。
    I didn't eat lobster but she did.
  • 那龙使他肚子难受。
    The lobster lay heavy on his stomach.
  • 捕获于欧洲水域;比美洲龙细长。
    caught in European waters; slenderer than American lobster.
  • 尾巴上的肉;通常是多刺的岩石龙
    lobster tail meat; usually from spiny rock lobsters.
  • 我可以向你推荐龙吗?
    May I suggest the Lobster Tails for you?
  • 龙虾肉食用的龙虾肉
    The flesh of a lobster used as food.
  • 和牛排是这家的拿手菜。
    Lobster and steak are the specialty of the house.
  • 服务生说:“今天的特色菜是龙。”
    "Today's special is lobster," said the waiter.
  • 某些雌性水生动物,如雌章鱼或
    female of certain aquatic animals e.g. octopus or lobster.
  • 爆大片,蘑菇龙片怎么样?
    How about saute prawn section, saute lobster slices with mushroom?
  • 纽堡沙司里的龙,覆在涂黄油的吐司或米饭上。
    lobster in Newburg sauce served on buttered toast or rice.
  • 对不起,今天的大已经卖完了。
    I' m sorry, we haven' t got any more lobster today.
  • 这是您预订的龙,其余几道采随后就上。
    This is the lobster for you. The other dishes won't be long.
  • 雌性水生动物某些水生物的雌性,如雌章鱼或
    The female of certain aquatic animals, such as an octopus or a lobster.
  • 体节任一纵向排列的相同器官中的一节,它构成某些动物的躯体,如蚯蚓和龙
    Any of the homologous segments, lying in a longitudinal series, that compose the body of certain animals, such as earthworms and lobsters.
  • 弹涂鱼一种虎鱼科的鱼,尤指弹涂鱼属,发现于印度-太平洋地区和非洲热带西海岸,能够离开水存活并在泥沙上活蹦乱跳
    Any of several fishes of the family Gobiidae, especially of the genus Periophthalmus, that are found along the western coast of tropical Africa and in the Indo-Pacific region and are able to survive out of water and maneuver on land.
  • 空间站的物品清单中可以看出,佩吉为她的太空之行一共准备了40顿"餐"。
    A quick check of the station's manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay.
  • 我们有滑炒仁、芙蓉仁、核桃仁和榄肉仁。
    We have fried shrimps, fried shrimps with egg white, fried shrimps with walnuts and fried shrimps with olives.