  • 西尔斯然已死,但邮件征订业务却发展壮大了。
    Today, Sears is dead but mail-order thrives.
  • 然我将不遗余力通过国际经济重新协调所来恢复国际贸易,但我认为国内的紧急情况无法等待这重新协调的完成。
    I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment, but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.
  • 然他的保密消息还是被泄漏了。
    The news leaked out despite his secrecy.
  • 说可能难以置信,但真有一条蛇长着两个头的——是我看见的,百闻不如一见。
    Incredible as it may seem, there was a snake with two heads—I saw it, and seeing is believing.
  • 所以说,金钱不仅可以换来爱的表象还可以换来爱的本质,这然既不公平又不尽人意,但毕竟是一个事实。
    Wealth can often purchase not only the semblance of love but its reality. This is unjust and undesirable but nonetheless a fact.
  • 看哪,我是朱庇特,然我现在是头牡牛的形状,但只要你仔细看就能认出我来。
    Behold, I am Jupiter, even I, though, closely beheld, I wear the form of a bull, for I can put on the semblance of what thing I will.
  •  (二)“动物产品”是指来源于动物未经加工或者经加工但仍有可能传播疫病的产品,如生皮张、毛类、肉类、脏器、油脂、动物水产品、奶制品、蛋类、血液、精液、胚胎、骨、蹄、角等;
    "Animal products" mean the non-processed products or the processed products, from animals, still liable to spread epidemic diseases, such as raw hides, hairs, meats, viscerae, fat and grease, aquatic animal products, dairy products, eggs, blood, semens, embryos, bones, hoofs and horns;
  • 巧合,凑巧是偶然的,但似乎是经计划或安排的一系列事件
    A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.
  • 然余秋雨教授没有提到老舍这位世界级的作家,但人们普遍认为如果老舍没有在60年代过早悲惨的死去,成为惨无人道的文化大革命的牺牲品,他应该能够获颁诺贝尔文学奖。
    Although Prof Yu had omitted mentioning Laoshe as a world-class writer, it is widely held that he would have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature but for his untimely and tragic death in 1960s, a victim of the senseless Cultural Revolution.
  • 这一判决然简单化,但尚可接受。
    This is a rough but acceptable justice.
  • 质量差,但仍能接受。
    The quality is not so poor but it is acceptable.
  • 信用卡阿克萨斯卡(在美国与万事达卡相连,在欧洲与欧洲卡相连)和巴克莱卡(与威世卡相连)都已被将近500万家商号接受,然它们被接受的程度不同。例如:巴克莱卡在法国、西班牙和意大利流通性较强,而阿克萨斯卡则在德国和美国很有用。
    Credit cards Access ( linked to Mastercard in the VS and Eurocard in Europe) and Barclaycard ( linked to Visa ) are accepted in nearly 5 million outlets each though they vary in their acceptability Barclay-card, for example, is stronger in France, Spain and Italy, whereas Access is most useful in Germany and the US.
  • 现在办公室谈情说爱然是容许的,但是带来的一个问题是:当一位同事提出要与你约会时,你不那么容易开口拒绝,尽管你的确不愿意。
    One problem with the new acceptability of office romances is that it is harder not to date a co-worker when you prefer not to.
  • 不完全满意地同意。
    accept despite complete satisfaction.
  • 读了12年传统华校,然最终在理科班毕业,我对中华文学仍有深厚的感情。
    For twelve years, I was educated in a traditional Chinese school. Even though I graduated from a science class eventually, I still profess a profound sentiment for Chinese literature.
  • 分析家说,然朕邦储备委员会不大可能改变货币政策,不景气已在减缓而全盘通货膨胀却在加速的现象可能给联邦储备委员会一个警讯。
    The acceleration in wholesale inflation as the recession winds down may send warning signals to the Federal Reserve Board, although a change is its monetary policy seems unlikely, analysts said.
  • 红杉然逃过了伐木工人的威胁,但还得勇敢面对大自然的风风雨雨。
    Sequoias survived the loggers,but they still have to brave the elements.
  • 然我们遭受严重的自然灾害,但我们一定能克服一切困难。
    Though we suffer from serous natural calamities, we are sure to overcomeall difficulties.
  • 渐渐地,然比较缓慢,在所有文明程度较高的国家内,土地的直接耕种者脱离了奴隶或半奴隶状态,尽管他们所获得的法律地位和经济地位在欧洲各国大不相同,在由欧洲人后裔在大西洋彼岸建立的各大社会也大不相同。
    Gradually, though more slowly, the immediate cultivators of the soil, in all the more civilized countries, ceased to be in a servile or semi-servile state: though the legal position, as well as the economical condition attained by them, vary extremely in the different nations of Europe, and in the great communities which have been founded beyond the Atlantic by the descendants of Europeans.
  • 然部分小学仍然采用上下午班制,但政府现正逐步推行小学全日制。
    Some primary schools still operate on a bi-sessional mode but the Government is implementing whole-day primary schooling progressively.
  • 一场亚洲金融风暴然使包括日本在内的许多亚洲国家空前受挫,但也更突显了中国大陆在区域,甚至世界经济发展中举足轻重的地位。
    Although the Asian financial crisis is a setback for many Asian countries, including Japan, it has nevertheless highlighted China's pivotal role in the economic development of the region, even the world.
  • 事实上,然最近金融市场出现的波动,对一些国家造成短暂的冲击,但我相信,这些国家在汲取这次教训,并对其政策作出所需的修订后,其经济将会重见增长,而整个亚洲的经济亦会继续向前迈进。
    Indeed, despite the recent turmoil in the financial market which has caused temporarily setback in some of the countries. I am sure, having learned the lesson and after making necessary policy adjustment, these countries will return to the path of growth and Asian economy as a whole will continue to march forward.
  • 台湾中央研究院院长李远哲教授最近接受台湾《中国时报》访问谈及两岸关系时指出,中国要统一,台湾要独立,“说法”不同,实际上“想法”是一致的,那就是大家都不愿、也不要再被欺负。
    Prof Lee Yuan-tseh, a Nobel Prize laureate and President of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, told the island's China Times in a recent interview that, while China and Taiwan may differ in their arguments for "reunification" and "independence" respectively, they share one common concern: that they don't want to be bullied by foreigners anymore.
  • 台湾中央研究院院长李远哲教授最近接受台湾《中国时报》访问谈及两岸关系时指出,中国要统一,台湾要独立,“说法”不同,实际上“想法”是一致的,那就是大家都不愿、也不要再被欺负。
    Prof Lee Yuan-tseh, President of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, told the island's China Times in a recent interview that, while China and Taiwan may differ in their arguments for "reunification" and "independence" respectively, they share one common concern: that they don't want to be bullied by foreigners anymore.
  • 市民从位于市区的意大利、爱尔兰、波兰或犹太人聚居区分散搬迁到各郊区。然后他们又把孩子送到大型公立大学读书,在那里然遇到了家住他方的别族孩子,但生活方式却仍然相似。
    City folk moved from their Italian, Irish, Polish or Jewish urban neighborhoods into diffuse suburban settings, then sent their kids to large public universities, throwing them together with youngsters from other ethnic backgrounds who, nonetheless, came from families with similar lifestyles.
  • 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年方十七,相貌出众,然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。
    Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon.
  • 然数学上用的软件十分紧缺,学校的计算机数量却迅速增加。
    Although there is an abysmal lack of educational software, the number of computers in schools expands rapidly.
  • 我和你在黑暗中漫步.身近但心已远.阴影在笑着而秘密还没揭露.我须知你的心路.-------《thecolourofthenight》
    You and I moving in the dark. Bodies close but souls apart. Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed. I need to know the way you feel
  • 浓密乌黑的鬃毛然给雄狮带来不少的麻烦,除了夏天格外闷热之外,还会招来捕猎者的注意,不过研究人员发现,雄狮的鬃毛对母狮来说却具有无法抵抗的性吸引力。
    A big, black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts trophy hunters, but it makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses, researchers reported.
  • 很难辨明那个教授然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人
    It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.
  • 已经采用过并且还将采用卑鄙无耻的劝降手段,企图不费大力实现其速决计划,整个地征服中国,但是过去的已经失败,今后的也难成功。
    Although the enemy has used and will continue to use base and shameless means to induce China to capitulate in the attempt to realize his plan for a quick decision and to conquer the whole country without much effort, he has failed so far, nor is he likely to succeed in the future.
  • 结婚好比一把大剪力,连在一块儿分不开来;然时时朝相反的方向动,但对走进其间的人,则常常会加以惩罚。
    Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.