  • 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?出自《西风颂》作者:雪(1792——1822)
    If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?      ——《Ode to the West Wind》     ——Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
  • 济慈死时,雪还在世。
    Shelly was still living when Keats died.
  • 的一生可能也不是无可责难的,但那并不贬低他作为一个诗人所取得的成就。
    Shelly may not have lived a blameless life, but that does not take from his achievement as a poet.
  • 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦、托马斯·爱迪生、埃德加·爱伦·坡、雪、惠斯勒等都曾被学校开除,都失败过。
    Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Edgar Allan Poe, Shelly, and Whistler were all expelled from school at one point. They all failed.
  • "今晚秘鲁的人民要为民主政治的胜利而庆祝,"托多向聚集在利马市中心谢拉顿酒店门前的人群宣誓:"兄弟姐妹们,我向你们发誓,我绝不会让你们失望。
    "Tonight Peruvians celebrate the triumph of democracy," Toledo told thousands gathered in front of the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Lima. "I swear, brothers and sisters, I will never let you down."
  • 彬格先生说:“那正说明了她的手足情深,真是好极了。”
    "It shews an affection for her sister that is very pleasing," said Bingley.
  • 早饭吃过以后,彬格家的姐妹也来陪伴她们,伊丽莎白看到她们对吉英那么亲切和祥,便不禁对她们有了好感。
    When breakfast was over, they were joined by the sisters, and Elizabeth began to like them herself, when she saw how much affection and solicitude they shewed for Jane.
  • 佛士女子中学的例子只是昙花一现,还是预示一个充满爱心的社会将要到来?在一个具有爱心的社会里,除了追求物质生活和学术成就,人们所表现的善心也同样会得到珍惜。
    Is the shinning example shown by RGS a mere flash in the pan, or is it the harbinger of a more caring society, in which human kindness is valued no less than material success or scholastic achievement?
  • 德班克镇苏格兰中西部克德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括玛丽女王号,此船建于此镇船厂。人口52,385
    A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners, including the Queen Mary, were built in its shipyards. Population,52, 385.
  • 上帝对亚伯拉罕说:“对你的妻子撒,你不要叫她撒了,改叫做撒拉。”
    God said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife; you shall call her not Sarai, but Sarah."
  • 镶嵌在她的房门外墙壁上的两幅老德伯家族的肖像闪着不祥的幽光,克和苔丝发现肖像中邪恶却又高贵的鼻、眼,看得出与苔丝有微妙的相似之处时,不禁感到不寒而栗。
    From the paneled wall outside her door two old D'Urberville portraits gleam evilly and Clare and Tess shiver as they trace a subtle likeness to her own in the malignant yet noble features.
  • 上星期一天晚上吉利克斯拨了无数次市政暖气投诉讼电话号码。当时,她在哈姆区141号街158号她叔叔的单人卧室公寓里冻得发抖。
    Darlene Jelicks was shivering in her uncle's one bedroom apartment at 158 West 141st Street in Harlem one evening last week when she dialed the city's heat complaint number for the umpteenth time.
  • 多从小家境贫寒,在成为世界银行的经济学家之前曾为别人擦过皮鞋,后来他步入政坛,如今,他将成为秘鲁第一位自由选举的有印第安人血统的总统,同时也是第一位以印第安人的自豪感作为竞选活动基石并赢得大选的总统。
    Toledo, a shoeshine boy who rose from poverty to become a World Bank economist before entering politics, will become Peru's first freely elected president of Indian descent and probably the first president ever in Latin America who made Indian pride a cornerstone of his campaign.
  • 昂内尔被指控冒充顾客进行商店行窃,但是据他自己所说,他甚至从来没有去过那家商店。
    Lional was accused of shoplifting but by his account he has never even been in shop concerned.
  • 休斯敦贝勒医院放射肿瘤科的主任布恩·巴特勒医生说:“以前我们使用的机器象机关枪。
    "Before, our machines were like shotguns," says Dr. Brian Butler, chief of radiation oncology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
  • 我们在离此不远的地方有个展示间,布克先生,您现在有空吗?
    We have a showroom not far away from here, Mr. black. Are you free now?
  • 第二天彬格小姐跟达西两人在矮树林里散步,彬格小姐说:“我希望将来有一天好事如愿的时候,你得委婉地奉劝你那位岳母出言吐语要谨慎些,还有你那几位小姨子,要是你能力办得到,最好也得把她们那种醉心追求军官的毛病医治好。
    "I hope," said she, as they were walking together in the shrubbery the next day, "you will give your mother-in-law a few hints, when this desirable event takes place, as to the advantage of holding her tongue; and if you can compass it, do cure the younger girls of running after the officers.
  • 我告诉布恩,他的有一半血统的妹妹们还不知道他的存在呢。
    I told him that his half-siblings were unaware of his existence;
  • 他先在“保罗·霍华德的优质小夜曲”录音,后来为斯·海特乐队伴奏。
    He first recorded with Paul Howard's Quality Serenaders, and later as a sideman with the Les Hite Band.
  • “每个公司最终都会得愚人奖,”纽约席尔森—曼[财务公司]分析师海勒说。“布伦思威克是今年得这种奖的公司。”
    "Every company eventually wins the prize for shooting itself in the foot," said Sidney J.Heller, an analyst at Shearson Lehman in New York. "Brunswick won it this year."
  • 在本届电影节中参展的影片是由主席阿尔贝托-巴尔贝拉从世界各地900多部电影中筛选出的。他坦然承认:"好坞的电影工业的确很强大,但目前很多国家正在对抗这种文化帝国主义。"
    After sifting through more than 900 films from around the world to make up his short-list, festival director Alberto Barbera readily agrees: "Yes, of course the Hollywood film industry is still very strong but at the same time there are a lot of countries reacting against this cultural imperialism."
  • 当然,《玛侬·斯科》是一个动人的故事,我虽然熟悉故事里每一个情节,可是不论什么时候,只要手头有这本书,我对这本书的感情总是吸引着我,我打开书本,普服神父塑造的女主人公似乎又在眼前,这种情况几乎反复一百多次了。
    Manon Lescaut is a truly touching story every detail of which is familiar to me and yet, whenever I hold a copy in my hand, an instinctive feeling for it draws me on. I open it and for the hundredth time I live again with the abbe Prevost's heroine.
  • 盲读布叶点字法;看得懂手语
    Reading Braille; reading sign language.
  • 做过同样研究工作的利对此表示赞同:“我们可以保留减少使用甲烷的做法,直至我们需要一个快速、短期的应急措施。”
    Reilly, who has done similar work, agrees: "We can save methane abatement until we need a quick, short-term fix."
  • 坞的一些主要电影制片厂有意要和她签约。
    Some of hollywood's leading studios are interested in signing her.
  • 他们为了达到装模作样的效果故意加强他们角色的愚蠢;二十世纪四十年代装模作样的好坞音乐剧。
    they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect; campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's.
  • 在比较了所有的案件之后,普斯侦探发现盗窃手法如出一辙。
    When all the cases were compared, a striking similarity in the methods of burglaries was noticed.
  • 高斯函数模拟斯特函数
    Slater type orbital simulated by Gaussian type function
  • 顿先生想就这次选举和你打赌。
    Mr.Singleton wants to bet with you on the election.
  • 毫无问题,彬格喜欢你姐姐;
    Bingley likes your sister undoubtedly;
  • ??波斯顿运动员阿尔布特是第一位在奥运会花样滑冰项目中夺金的美国人。
    Boston-native figure skater Tenley Albright was the first American woman to win an Olympic figure-skating gold medal.
  • 超薄的特性文农说,更值得一提的是,这种油墨状的物质可以用在印刷机上压印,使电池具有真正的可弯曲性。
    The Skinny on Capabilities What's more, the ink-like material can be used in printing presses, allowing for really flexible batteries says Levanon.