  • 美国密里州西部一城市;圣大菲小道的起点。
    a city in western Missouri; the beginning of the Santa Fe Trail.
  • 在那几年,有若干国家对伊拉克有很大影响力。美国供给对伊朗作战情报。联与法国供应武器。沙特阿拉伯与科威特提供现金。
    In those years a number of countries had great leverage on Iraq. The United States was providing intelligence for the war on Iran. The Soviet Union and France were supplying weapons. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were bankrolling Iraq.
  • 弗洛先生建造的圣日芮维埃芙教堂,不用说是有史以来萨瓦省用石头建造的最美丽蛋糕。
    The Sainte-Genevieve of M. Soufflot is certainly the finest Savoy cake that has ever been made in stone.
  • (植物学)叶形边缘的;边部被剪切的、具流状的或具圆齿状的。
    (botany) of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped.
  • 赞提普古希腊一位妇女,格拉底之妻,她常被描述得很泼辣而且老爱责骂人
    Greek woman. The wife of Socrates, she is traditionally described as shrewish and scolding.
  • 由克里姆林宫支持编写的人物传记《弗拉基米尔·普京:生活的故事》近日面世。该书是对生活中的普京总统的真实写照。这本《弗拉基米尔·普京:生活的故事》仅仅是普京三部曲中的第一部,体裁是传统的联传记写法(当初布尔什维克领袖列宁的传记也是运用的这种体裁)。
    It is a scrupulously unbiased snapshot of Vladimir Putin if you believe the author of the first volume of a Kremlin-backed trilogy on Putin's life, written in the unmistakable style the Soviets once reserved for Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
  • 为了挽救祖国的危亡,抵御强寇的进攻,保卫华北和沿海,收复平津和东北,全国人民和国民党当局必须深切地认识东北平津丧失的教训,认识阿比西尼亚亡国的覆辙,认识联过去战胜外敌的历史,认识西班牙现在胜利地保卫马德里的经验,坚固地团结起来,为保卫祖国而作战到底。
    To save our motherland, to resist the attacks of the powerful invaders, to defend northern China and the seacoast and recover Peiping, Tientsin and northeastern China, the Kuomintang authorities and the whole people must thoroughly learn the lesson of the loss of northeastern China, Peiping and Tientsin, learn and take warning from the fall of Abyssinia, learn from the Soviet Union's past victories over its foreign enemies, learn from Spain's present experience in successfully defending Madrid, and firmly unite to fight to the end in defence of the motherland.
  • 例如在江境内,应不顾顾祝同、冷欣、韩德勤⑵等反共分子的批评、限制和压迫,西起南京,东至海边,南至杭州,北至徐州,尽可能迅速地并有步骤有计划地将一切可能控制的区域控制在我们手中,独立自主地扩大军队,建立政权,设立财政机关,征收抗日捐税,设立经济机关,发展农工商业,开办各种学校,大批培养干部。
    In Kiangsu Province, for example, despite the verbal attacks and the restrictions and oppression by anti-Communist elements such as Ku Chu-tung, Leng Hsin and Han Teh-chin,[2] we should gain control of as many districts as possible from Nanking in the west to the seacoast in the east and from Hangchow in the south to Hsuchow in the north, and do so as fast as possible and yet steadily and systematically;and we should independently expand the armed forces, establish organs of political power, set up fiscal offices to levy taxes for resistance to Japan and economic agencies to promote agriculture, industry and commerce, and open up schools of various kinds to train large numbers of cadres.
  • 愚人节在4月1日正午正式结束--在世界各地都是如此,只有一个地方例外,那就是位于格兰爱丁堡北部被海水包围的法夫半岛。
    And there it ends--everywhere,that is,except in Fife,the seagirt peninsula north of Edinburgh,Scotland.
  • 万鸦老印度尼西亚拉威西岛东北一城镇。1657年由荷兰人建成是一个重要的港口。人口217,159
    A town of northeast Celebes, Indonesia. Established by the Dutch in1657, it is a major seaport. Population,217, 159.
  • 西雅图一个对西北太平洋沿岸地区的白人移民友善的瓜密西族酋长。西雅图城以他的名字命名
    Suquamish leader who befriended white settlers of the Pacific Northwest. The city of Seattle is named for him.
  • 多年前,由于从事人工受精的格兰科学家面临激烈的批评,他们把工作转为地下,在隐蔽的地方继续实验,直至将这一技术完善。
    Years ago, Scottish scientists studying in vitro fertilization were subjected to such intense criticism that they took their work underground, continuing it in seclusion until they had the technology perfected.
  • 原先,他曾为未能娶上年轻、富有的珊娜·华代尔小姐而感到懊丧,但不久就策划想要勾引她那雍容华贵的母亲。
    He had briefly bemoaned the fact that he had not married wealthy young Suzanne Walter, but he soon became intrigued with the idea of seducing her mother, a pillar of dignity.
  • seige先生是位来自澳洲的商人。他已向江工艺品进出口公司购买了一大批陶器货物。
    Mr. Seige from Australia has purchased a lot of Crockery from Jiangsu Art & Craft Import & Export Company.
  • 陌生人无法接近珊。
    Susan is not accessible to strangers.
  • 第一局联队曾凭借威风凛凛的主攻手罗蒙·亚考勤夫以21比20领先,在第二局中双方又一度战成22平,但这两局最终皆被南斯拉队拿下了。
    The Russians, behind sensational hitter roman yakovlev, led 21-20 in the first game and were tied at 22 in the second, but Yugoshavia pulled away both times.
  • 苏格兰常识学派
    Scottish school of common sense
  • 醒悟;苏醒
    Come to one's senses
  • 他在医院里醒过来。
    He came to his senses in the hospital.
  • 她穿着实用的格兰粗呢制衣服。
    She was sensibly dressed in tweeds.
  • 真高兴能很快去杭州看一看了,第一次听说这座城市是通过东坡的诗,诗里说无论是雨是晴;是雾是雪,杭州西湖都是那么平静,迷人。
    I'm very excited that I can visit Hangzhou soon. Ifirst got to know the name of this city in Su Dongpo's which says rain or sunshine, fog or snow, the West Lake in Hangzhou is serenely charming.
  • 自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个给天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。
    After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral.
  • 据说在格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。
    large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland.
  • 我们的业务活动范围涉及到美国的采矿及格蓝的计算机服务。
    Our activity range from mining in the usa to computer servicing in Scotland.
  • 这样的假设是不是经得起考验,州工业园的经验是不是一个例外,还有待观察。
    It takes further observation, though, to find out whether such an assumption will stand the test of reality, and whether the setback with Suzhou Industrial Park project is a mere exception.
  • "作为联问题专家,赖斯于1989年被布伦特·斯考克罗夫特从学术界相中,进入前总统乔治·布什的国家安全委员会,为制订美国在联解体这一动荡时期的政策出谋划策。
    An expert on the Soviet Union,Rice was plucked from academia in 1989 by Brent Scowcroft to serve on the National Security Council of former President George Bush,where she helped shape U.S.policy during the tumultuous time of the Soviet Union's collapse.
  • 瑞典人在明尼达州定居。
    The Swedes settled in Minnesota.
  • 格兰品种的猎狗,毛发粗糙,身体长而矮,腿短。
    Scottish breed of terrier with shaggy hair and long low body with short legs.
  • 猩猩一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
    An arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish-brown coat, very long arms, and no tail.
  • 在衣服的角上由线制成的穗或须边,特别是祷告用的披巾,按宗教仪式法则要求男人们戴的披巾
    The tassels or fringes of thread on the corners of a garment, especially a prayer shawl, worn by men as prescribed by ritual law.
  • 佩斯利格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。人口86,100
    A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow. It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls. Population,86, 100.
  • 柯利狗一种源于格兰的大牧羊犬,毛长,口鼻窄长
    A large dog of a breed originating in Scotland as a sheepdog, having long hair and a long, narrow muzzle.