  • 瓦格斯出自己的工具袋,把它留给印第安人。
    Vargas emptied his tool bag and left the bag with the Indian.
  • 这房间很快就空了。
    The room was emptied very quickly.
  • 其他大型湖泊洞庭湖、达赉湖、洪泽湖、兴凯湖、南四湖、博斯湖、白洋淀、洱海、镜泊湖和洪湖10个淡水湖泊中,洱海、兴凯湖、博斯湖和洪湖水质良好,湖体水质均达到ⅲ类标准;
    Other Large Lakes In the ten fresh water lakes - Dongting Lake, Dalai Lake, Hongze Lake, Xinkai Lake, Nansi Lake, Bositeng Lake, Baiyangdian Lake, Erhai Lake, Jingpo Lake and Hong Lake, the water quality of Erhai Lake, Xinkai Lake, Bositeng Lake and Hong Lakeis good, attaining standards for Grade III;
  • 与此同理,逐渐高升者比骤然达者较少遭人嫉妒。
    And for the same reason, those that are advanced by degrees, are less envied than those that are advanced suddenly and per saltum.
  • 吹气把新蒸发的分子赶走从而给未蒸发的分子出了空间!蒸发得越快则凉得越快!。
    Blowing whisks away newly evaporated molecules to make room for others. Faster evaporation means faster cooling.
  • 与其它大型建筑不同的是,这些令人震撼的设施常让人热血沸
    These inspiring structures can tantalize and evoke emotions not normally associated with mega structures.
  • 人们因胜利而欢腾。
    The people exulted at the victory.
  • 前手翻跃一项身体从笔直的姿势翻一整圈,先是手着地再是脚着地的体操技艺
    A gymnastic feat in which the body is flipped completely forward or backward from an upright position, landing first on the hands and then on the feet.
  • 飞球运动员为防守练习而击打的空球,先将球抛起来,在球未落地前,用长而细的轻快球棒击打
    A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat.
  • 流行音乐乐团演奏终曲时,观众的情绪沸了。
    By the time the pop group went into the finale o f their act, the audience was at fever pitch.
  • 其中的pcg?sr17k款仅3磅重,1英寸厚。它由一块700兆赫的奔ⅲ芯片带动,内存为128兆,并带有一个20gb的硬盘驱动器。
    The flagship PCG?SRI7K model is barely 3 pounds and a single inch thick,yet is powered by a 700MHz Pentium Ⅲ chip and fueled by 128MB of memory and a 20GB hard drive.
  • 火焰升腾。
    The flames leapt up.
  • 他击出空球至左外场被守方球员接住而出局。
    He flied out to left field.
  • 飞腾八法
    the method of Flight
  • 他采用的翻式转身,是最快的转身方式。
    That's a flip turn, the fastest turn.
  • 琼听了这话,心里一阵捣,但是他使劲往下咽,点头表示同意。
    Jean’s stomach did a flip-flop, but he swallowed hard and nodded.
  • 那些鱼在船底扑著。
    The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.
  • 一倒在别人的杯里,这酒的跳的泡沫便要消失了。
    It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others.
  • 在这间热气的房间里,我的眼镜蒙上了一层雾。
    My glasses fogged up in this steamy room.
  • 跃马的轻盈跳跃动作,在前腿快要落下时,两条后腿同时跃离地面
    A light leap by a horse, in which both hind legs leave the ground just before the forelegs are set down.
  • 遗忘积极的一面是为新的信息出空间。
    The positive side of forgetting is that it serves to provide storage space for new information.
  • 这意味着要出时间去爱抚你的孩子、亲吻你的爱人,要让别人先于你感到舒畅惬意。
    It means taking time to hug your kids, kiss your spouse and let the other fellow ahead of you on the freeway.
  • 如果夫妻两人能把出时间相守在一起看作头等重要的事情,美满的婚姻就由此开始了。
    A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their No.1 priority.
  • “可是,”船主一边说,一边把眼光盯在了正在指挥抛锚的唐太斯身上,“在我看来,格拉尔,一个水手要干得很内行,实在也不必象你所说的那样的老海员才行,因为你看,我们这位朋友爱德蒙,不需任何人的指示,似乎也干得很不错,完全可以称职了。”
    "But," replied the owner, glancing after Dantès, who was watching the anchoring of his vessel, "it seems to me that a sailor needs not be so old as you say, Danglars, to understand his business, for our friend Edmond seems to understand it thoroughly, and not to require instruction from any one."
  • 和通用合作达8年之久的昆公司正在开发汽车储氢燃料箱。
    The company, which has been working with GM for eight years, is developing hydrogen-storage tanks for vehicles.
  • 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎空。
    He exploded into a run, flying over the filed like a greyhound, his hooves barely touching the ground.
  • 生产奔(pentium)微处理器的英特尔公司总裁格罗夫(grove)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。
    Grove, President of Intel, producer of the Pentium microprocessors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for industry of the future.
  • 翻跟头,空翻不使用特殊器械而进行的体操活动,如筋头、旋转和前手翻
    Gymnastics, such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings, performed without the use of specialized apparatus.
  • "伐木工人们整天都在砍树,为新的铁路出地方来。"
    The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway.
  • 走路时,我们很难相互协调起来--他的步子慢慢,我的步子焦燥不安。所以一路上我们交谈得很少。
    It was difficult to coordinate our steps -- his halting, mine impatient -- and because of that, we didn't say much as we went along.
  • 原地跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出
    An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out.
  • 跃抬后腿向前跳跃。用于指马
    To spring forward on the hind legs. Used of a horse.