  • 联合国采用严格竞争性试来征聘初级和中级职等的核心专业人员。
    Tough competitive examinations are used to recruit the core professional staff at the junior and middle levels.
  • 在电脑辅助筛选法中,求职者与一位“电子面试官”进行交谈。
    During a computer? assisted screening, job seekers speak to a" tele recruiter.
  • 针对你不同的回答,这位官还会提出些不同的问题。
    The tele recruiter is prompted by a variety of questions, depending on your answers.
  • 例如,如果他们想找一位服务员,“电子面试官”可能就会问你如何对付一位难缠的顾客。
    For example, if interviewing for a customer service job, the tele? recruiter might ask how you handled a difficult customer.
  • 虽然谁不听他的话,他就想整一下,但是整到什么程度,他还是有虑的。
    Despite the fact that Comrade Mao wanted to "rectify" anyone who disobeyed him, he still gave some consideration to how far he should go.
  • 学校说他们差点儿就要实行“对男生的优先政策”了,不过有些人吐露,大学入学试中给男生一点优惠正在变成常规的做法,尽管不说,实际上是这么干的。
    Schools say they stop short of offering "affirmative action for men," but some confide that giving male applicants a slight break is becoming a standard, albeit unspoken, practice.
  • “这一发现是证实古代青铜被循环使用这一商业行为的确凿证据,”图斯卡尼的古负责人弗朗斯科·尼克希亚断言道。
    "This discovery is the first tangible proof of commerce in the recycling of ancient bronzes," asserts Francesco Nicosia , archaeological superintendent of Tuscany.
  • 我们虑的是重新装饰起居室,然后买一条新地毯。
    What we have in view is redecorating the lounge and then buying a new carpet.
  • 虑管理顾问公司的建议及公开咨询所得的意见后,政府制订了教育署改革纲领,建立以客为本的文化,加强教育署的专业职能,并重新界定该署的角色、署方与学校的关系,务求达致提高教育质素的最终目标。
    Taking into account the recommendations of the management consultants and views received through public consultation, the Government has decided on the broad framework of reform for the department. The reform will serve to establish a client-based culture, enhance the department's professional capabilities, as well as redefine its roles and relationship with schools with the ultimate aim of enhancing the quality of education.
  • 其他学校则修改他们的招生材料,重新设计招生目录和改变给生直接寄信的办法。
    Other schools have fiddled with their recruitment materials, redesigning catalogs and revamping direct-mail campaigns.
  • 与增加营业额相比,应优先虑降低间接费用。
    Reducing overhead take priority over increasing turnover.
  • 特角美国北卡罗莱那州东海岸附近一块多沙暗礁上的一个岬,位于哈特勒斯角西南。1859年在那里建了一座灯塔
    A point on a sandy reef off eastern North Carolina southwest of Cape Hatteras. A lighthouse was built here in1859.
  • 关于克斯报告中对第二个已作广泛报道的说法,即“盗窃w88”弹头的设计信息,可获取克斯委员会所有信息的专家小组只得说:“中国至少获取了几种有关美国现代核武器重返大气层飞行器的基本设计信息”,包括(tridentii)三叉戟弹道导弹ii(w88)。
    With respect to this second widely reported general and specific allegation (p90) in the Cox Report of the "theft of design information for the W-88" warhead, the Panel of Experts [which had access to all the information the Cox Committee had] had only this to say: "China obtained at least basic design information on several modern US nuclear reentry vehicles, including the Trident II (W-88).(Key Findings, Appendix B)
  • 代理期内贵公司销售不良,反映出你方没有尽力而为,故代理权可能会重新虑。
    Your agency may be reexamine as your sale during period unjustly your effort and activity.
  • 代理期内贵公司销售不良,反映出你方没有尽力而为,故代理权可能会重新虑。
    Your agency may is reexamine as your sale during period unjustly your effort and activity.
  • 也许现在是应该重新虑大学为是智力的保证这种想法的时候了。
    Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that college degrees are a guarantee of intelligence.
  • 更多信息,请参考。
    For more information, refer to.
  • 欲知详细内容,请参投标单。
    For detailed information pls. refer to bidding information
  • ap管理日志参考
    AP Admin Log Reference
  • 惯性参考系
    inertial frame of reference
  • 国际地磁参考场
    international geomagnetic reference field
  • 一本简易参考书
    A handy reference book.
  • 我把参考资料归档。
    I file reference materials.
  • 模型参适应控制系统
    model reference adaptive control systems
  • 互相提供参考
    To make a cross-reference.
  • 年格林的论述作参资料
    Cite Green 1986 as a reference
  • 我需要几本参考书。
    I need some reference books.
  • 你需不需要参考书?
    Do you need any reference books?
  • 请告知参考价格。
    Please give me a reference price.
  • 他们还推荐了有关的参资料。
    They also recommended related reference material.
  • 用这本词典作随手查阅参
    Use this dictionary for easy reference.
  • 开出一张参考书单
    Draw up a list of reference books