Chinese English Sentence:
  • 老人一直在报纸堆中
    The old man has been routing among the piled newspaper
  • 汹涌的波涛掀了划艇。
    The rough waves capsized the rowboat.
  • 大受观众欢迎的杂技表演是筋斗。
    An acrobatic feat that made a terrific hit with the audience was the somersaulting.
  • ;用双手和双脚表演的一种杂技运动。
    do cartwheels: perform an acrobatic movement using both hands and feet.
  • 腾表演杂技如筋斗,滚或旋转
    To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.
  • 杂技演员来回滚的动作。
    an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end.
  • 杂技演员飞身连了个筋斗,孩子们看得连连发出“嗬嗬”的惊赞声。
    The audience of young children oohed and aahed as the acrobat flung himself into a triple somersault.
  • 筋斗者滚者,尤指杂技演员或体操运动员
    One that tumbles, especially an acrobat or a gymnast.
  • 她急速阅书页,查找答案。
    She ruffle the page of the book, searching for answer.
  • 为了让中国观众欣赏到世界同时期的戏剧作品,了解戏剧发展的现状,吴朱红正在积极地译最新的西方戏剧。
    In order to acquaint the Chinese audience with what is going on in the field of drama, and offer them a chance to enjoy contemporary dramatic works from the rest of the world, Wu Zhuhong is working hard on her latest translations from the west.
  • 联邦最高法院推佛州允许人工验票裁定。
    Supreme Court sets aside Florida court ruling.
  • 翻寻搜寻食物;搜索
    To conduct a search; rummage.
  • 我在抽屉翻找。
    I had a rummage in drawers.
  • 我要好好找一下,看看能找到点什麽。
    I'll have a good rummage around and see what I can find.
  • 我要好好找一下,看看能找到点什麽
    I 'll have a good rummage around and see what I can find.
  •  返家度假的部分乐趣是妈的杂物堆,那儿放着不值钱的东西。
    Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate.
  • 我翻寻到那支别针。
    I rummaged up the pin.
  • 我们寻了整个抽屉。
    We rummaged through the drawers.
  • 他在文件中翻找着。
    He was rummaging about among the documents.
  • 我喜欢去旧货店找找。
    I like rummaging around in old shops.
  • 谁在我的文件堆里找过东西了?
    Who's been rummaging about among my papers?
  • 他搜盒子的剩余部分。
    he rummaged through a box of spare parts.
  • 她在抽屉里去找铅笔。
    She rummaged about in the drawer for a pencil.
  • 了三个抽屉之後才找到指环。
    She rummaged three drawers before she found her ring.
  • 抽屉我都遍了,还是找不到。
    I rummaged all the drawers, but still couldn't find it.
  • 抽屉我都遍了,还是找不到。
    I rummaged all the drawers, but still couldn't found it.
  • 从皮箱里找出了一套旧衣服。
    An old suit was rummaged up out of a trunk.
  • 他们找出了一些旧衣服去做义卖。
    They rummaged out some old clothes for the jumble sale.
  • 她在提包里找时,顺手把孩子放在了柜台上面。
    Child was plumped down on the counter while she rummaged in her bag.
  • 为找课本他遍了顶层所有的抽屉直到找到才罢休。
    He rummaged about in the top drawers for his textbook until he found it.
  • 他在阁楼里到处找,取出了一堆旧报纸。
    He rummaged about in the attic and brought out a pile of old newspapers.
  • 我在那堆旧衣服中去,找到了我将钥匙放在里面的那件外套。
    By rummaging about among the pile of old clothes, I found the old coat in which I had left the key.