  • 吟诵重复或大声说出(预演的东西或记忆的东西),尤指面对一观众或听众的这种行为
    To repeat or utter aloud(something rehearsed or memorized), especially before an audience.
  • 基克拉泽斯希腊东南一岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的
    A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos.
  • 多立斯方言古希腊一种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴岛一部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言
    A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.
  • 爱琴海南部基克拉迪岛在麦锡尼文明前的文明。
    the pre-Mycenaean civilization on the Cyclades islands in the S Aegean sea.
  • 由爱琴海岛上的利姆诺斯岛发现的红褐土烧制成的。
    made from the reddish-brown clay found on the Aegean island of Lemnos.
  • 希俄斯岛希腊东部岛屿,位于土耳其西海岸外的爱琴海中。在古代因有一史诗诗人而著名
    An island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey. It was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets.
  • 驯鹿被一只狼寻踪追赶上来。
    The herd of reindeer was being trailed by a pack of wolves.
  • (五)切实做好基层党建工作,增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的众基础。
    5. Build the Party well at the primary level, reinforce its class foundation and expand its mass base.
  • 虽然目的不是为了重新引进鹦鹉,科学家正试图增加人工饲养的鹦鹉的数量,希望人工饲养的鹦鹉种健康、多样,以补充野生鹦鹉的数量。
    Scientists are trying to increase this captive population, though not for reintroduction purposes. Instead, they want to ensure a healthy, diverse population of captive birds as a reinforcement to those in the wild.
  • 现在所以仍然需要加以着重说明,是因为:第一,众路线是我们党的组织工作中的根本问题,是党章中的根本问题,是需要在党内反复进行教育的。
    There are several reasons why the mass line must again be explained with great emphasis: First, the mass line is of fundamental importance in the Party's organizational work and in the Party Constitution and therefore needs constant reiteration in Party education.
  • 委员会,理事会选出或委派的行使行政、司法和协商功能的
    A body of people elected or appointed to serve in an administrative, legislative, or advisory capacity.
  • 第二,顾问委员会的成员要联系众。
    Second, members of the Central Advisory Commission should keep in touch with the masses.
  • 欣喜的人挤满了庆祝二战对日作战胜利纪念日的街道;令人欢欣的胜利;喜悦的欢呼。
    rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day; a triumphal success; a triumphant shout.
  • 相互依赖的个体或体之间的关系。
    a reciprocal relation between interdependent individuals or groups.
  • 就大多数人来说,相对论原理是很难对他们讲明白的,但有一次爱囚斯坦给一年轻学生却讲得非常好。
    To most people the law of relativity is difficult to explain. But once Einstein explained it very well to a group of young students.
  • 爱因斯坦晚年时,有人请他解释一下他的相对论,他对一年轻学生幽默他说:“你和一位漂亮姑娘坐上两小时,你觉得不到一分钟;
    Later in life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he humorously said, When you sit with a nice girl for two hours , you think it's only a minute.
  • 听到演讲者巧妙的玩笑,人中发出轻松的笑声。
    The crowd relaxed into laughter at the speaker's excellent joke.
  • 将宣传面向范围更大的
    Direct one's advertising at a wider audience
  • 广告者不是对某一特定社会体感兴趣,也不是关心某一体任何成员的福利。
    The advertiser is not interested in a particular social group or in the welfare of any member of a group.
  • 在宣布的时间前好久,大队的众就已经在街上排好队了。
    Long before the advertised time great crowds were lined up all through the streets.
  • 中国少数民族众大多有宗教信仰,有的民族众性地信仰某种宗教,如藏族众信仰藏传佛教。
    In the case of certain ethnic groups religions are followed on a mass scale, for instance the Tibetans have Tibetan Buddhism as their traditional religion.
  • 中国少数民族众大多有宗教信仰,有的民族众性地信仰某种宗教,如藏族众信仰藏传佛教。
    Most people belonging to ethnic minorities in China hold religious beliefs. In the case of certain ethnic groups religions are followed on a mass scale, for instance the Tibetans have Tibetan Buddhism as their traditional religion.
  • 在化解金融风险隐患过程中,国家拿出相当大的财力,解决与众个人利益相关的遗留债务问题。
    Also, in tackling financial risks, the government spent a considerable amount of money ironing out troubles caused by old debts that were adversely affecting the interests of the masses.
  • 变种一个种类的细小分支,由自然发生或选择繁殖的体或个体而组成,在一定的较小的特点上不同于此类的剩余者
    A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of naturally occurring or selectively bred populations or individuals that differ from the remainder of the species in certain minor characters.
  • 我们党在民众运动中,有严重的关门主义、高慢的宗派主义和冒险主义的传统倾向,这是一个妨碍党建立抗日民族统一战线和争取多数众的恶劣的倾向。
    In the mass movements our Party has a traditional tendency towards rank closed-doorism, haughty sectarianism, and adventurism; this ugly tendency hinders the Party in establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and winning over the majority of the masses.
  • (4)湘南众未起来,成了单纯的军事冒险。
    as the masses in southern Hunan had not yet been aroused, the expedition proved to be pure military adventurism;
  • 我们知识分子出身的文艺工作者,要使自己的作品为众所欢迎,就得把自己的思想感情来一个变化,来一番改造。
    If our writers and artists who come from the intelligentsia want their works to be well received by the masses, they must change and remould their thinking and their feelings.
  • 我们虽然跨入华文“复兴”的门槛,但也不能忽略受英文教育的一
    We may be standing on the threshold of a Chinese ''Renaissance'', but we could not afford to disregard the English-educated.
  • 会把一只羔羊撕成碎片。
    Wolves will rend a lamb to pieces.
  • 伴随着极大的、刺耳的声音,这棵树被劈开了;听到了一种人向前涌进时发出的撕心裂肺的吼叫。
    the tree split with a great ripping sound; heard a rending roar as the crowd surged forward.
  • 一位同行的游客说音乐常常引来鲸,这位女演员受此话启发,即兴激动人心地高歌了一曲《迷人的风度》。
    The actress took a fellow passenger's remark that whales are often attracted by music as her cue to belt out a stirring impromptu rendition of"Amazing Grace."
  • 一位同行的游客说音乐常常引来鲸,这位女演员受此话启发,即兴激动人心地高歌了一曲《迷人的风度》。
    The actress took a fellow passenger's remark that whales are often attracted by music as her cue to belt out a stirring impromptu rendition of“ Amazing Grace. ”