Chinese English Sentence:
  • 飞行自动控制研究所
    Flight Control Research Institute,Chinese Aeronautical Establishment
  • 该研旨在鉴辨为数约五万个有记录的人造斜坡的维修责任。
    Its purpose is to identify the maintenance responsibilities of some 50000 registrable man-made slopes.
  • 航空航天科学研机构
    aeronautical and astronautical research institutes
  • 中国航空研究院
    Chinese Aeronautical Establishment, CAE
  • 中国气动力研和发展中心
    Chinese Aerodynamic Research and Development Center
  • 1997年,英国米德尔塞克斯大学的研人员对63名志愿者进行实验,分别在他们完成增氧运动后和坐着不动看完录像后测试了他们的创造性思维。
    In 1997, researchers at England's Middlesex University tested creative thinking in a group of 63 volunteers after they'd finished an aerobic workout and then after they'd sat around watching a video.
  • 证实,每周至少进行三次适度增氧运动有利良好的睡眠。
    Studies confirm that moderate aerobic activity at least three days a week promotes sound sleep.
  • 为此,要求各地以《条例》为准绳,制定或修改本地的办法和规定,使之与《条例》保持一致。加强调查研和政策理论研,随时解决好工作中带倾向性的问题,总结、交流和推广先进工作经验,树立典型,纠正偏差,规范运作。
    To this end, different localities are required to formulate and modify the local methodology and rules and align them with the Regulations, strengthen field research and policy and theoretical study, address problems indicative of tendencies, summarize, share and apply widely advanced working experiences and to highlight models of excellence, correct aberrations and regularize operations.
  • 会议、公会议教会官员和神学研者的集会,来规定宗教条例和原则等事务
    An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.
  • 后市的巴罗神经研院,进行康复治疗。当别人问起她丈夫时,她回答,“我还没结婚。”
    Transferred later to the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix for rehab, Krickitt was asked about her husband and replied, “ I'm not married.”
  • 一九九六年,香港教育学院成为接受教资会资助的院校,并由一九九八至九九学年起开设教育学位及研院课程。
    It came under the aegis of the UGC in 1996. Starting from the 1998-99 academic year, it also offers degree and postgraduate programmes in education.
  • 碰巧哈里逊教授现在正在那所大学赞助下着手研他早先的材料,也许用不了多久就能发表一些东西了。
    Incidentally, Professor Harrison is now working on his original material under the aegis of that university and may before long be publishing some of it.
  • 政府会与房屋委员会研方法,安置这些居民。
    The government will explore with the Housing Authority ways to rehouse those affected.
  • 宗教研机构、高僧、学者的有关佛教专著,如《贝叶经的整理、研》、《西藏拉萨现存梵文贝叶经的整理》、《西藏宗教源流与教派研》、《活佛转世制度》、《郭扎佛教史》、《西藏苯教寺庙志》、《中国藏传佛教寺庙》、《西藏佛教寺院壁画艺术》等,都正式出版发行。
    Treatises on Buddhism written and published by religious research institutions, eminent monks and scholars include Collation and Studies of the Pattra Sutra, Compilation of the Sanskrit Pattra Sutra Extant in Lhasa, Studies of the Origin and Development of Religions and Religious Sects in Tibet, The Reincarnation System of Living Buddhas, History of Buddhism by Guta, Records of the Monasteries of the Tibetan Bon Religion, Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in China and The Fresco Art of Tibet's Buddhist Monasteries.
  • 中国在全面推进人权事业的过程中,不仅重视促进社会发展,加强人权的法律、制度和物质保障,而且高度重视人权的理论研和宣传普及。
    In the process of advancing the cause of human rights in an all-round way, China has attached great importance not only to social development and reinforcement of the guarantee of laws, systems and materials on human rights, but also to the theoretical study, publicity and popularization of human rights.
  • 开展动物"再引入"工程相关技术的研,加强珍稀物种回归自然栖息环境的技术研
    Research will also be made on the technology of reintroducing animals and the approaches to restore the rare wildlife in natural habitat.
  • 昨天,丁勤时市长在一次记者招待会中,对几位商界领袖们说:“曼哈顿南部是推动本市经济的发动机,”并宣布研改善此一地区的计划,设法使其复苏,并研拟本地的长期发展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • 但研者们现在宣称已经合成出一种药物,可以使心脏和肌肉恢复青春活力,办法是破坏那些在人体老化过程中形成的僵硬的糖一蛋白质结合键。
    Researchers now claim to have developed a compound that might rejuvenate hearts and muscles -- by breaking the stiff sugar-protein bonds that accumulate as we get older.
  • 《华尔街日报》在3月份报道,长沙的研人员声称克隆了几十个人类胚胎,作为有望复原衰竭器官的干细胞的来源--这显然是世界上从未有过的。
    In Changsha researchers claim to have cloned dozens of human embryos as sources of stem cells, which promise to rejuvenate failing organs -- an apparent world first, the Wall Street Journal reported in March.
  • 与财富有关的研不会同人类所关心的任何其他研工作混为一谈。
    The enquiries which relate to it are in no danger of being confounded with those relating to any other of the great human interests.
  • 命题、命题组合及其相关联词的符号逻辑。
    a branch of symbolic logic dealing with propositions as units and with their combinations and the connectives that relate them.
  • 他像个非官方的顾问,但说不好他竟是干什麽的。
    He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does.
  • 他们研相对论与科学史相关联的方式
    They studied the ways in which the relativity theory bears on the history of science.
  • 这期间,他第一次开始做研工作,研的结果就是他所创立的著名的相对论。
    This was the period when he first began the research and studies which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.
  • 爱丁顿,阿瑟·斯坦利1882-1944英国数学家、天文学家和物理学家,相对论的早期拥护者,在星体演化、结构和运动方面有很深研
    British mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was an early exponent of the theory of relativity and conducted research on the evolution, structure, and motion of stars.
  • 有一项研表明,香苹果有令人放松的效果。这是根据人们闻到香味后5分钟的脑电波测出来的。
    One study found that spiced apple had relaxing effects, as measured in brain waves, within five minutes of a subject's smelling the fragrance.
  • 结果党的各级指导机关日趋麻木,不细心地去研政策,忙于事务上的干涉政权,放松了政治领导。
    Under such circumstances the Party's guidance organs at various levels have become increasingly insensitive, failing to study policies carefully, and busying themselves only with interfering in the day-to-day work of the government, thus relaxing political leadership.
  • 由于注重产品质量、研顾客需要以及不遗余力地宣传品牌,海尔运用这些在国内非同寻常的策略征服了国内市场(海尔冰箱在中国占有的市场份额达到29%,洗衣机的市场份额达到26%)。
    It conquered its home market(29% market share for refrigerators, 26% for washing machines)by emphasizing product quality, studying customer needs, and relentlessly pressing its brand--unusual strategies for China.
  • (怎样在现代商战和管理学中发挥《孙子兵法》里的智慧,是过去10多年来,黄昭虎教授潜心研的领域。
    (Over the past 12 years, the writer has been lecturing and consulting on the subject of Sun Tzu's Art of War and its application and relevance to business practices and planning.
  • (怎样在现代商战和管理学中发挥《孙子兵法》里的智慧,是过去10多年来,黄昭虎教授潜心研的领域。他出过著作,也曾在20个国家,为120家大型机构的执行人员就这门课题主持过训练、讲座。
    (Over the past 12 years, the writer has been lecturing and consulting on the subject of Sun Tzu's Art of War and its application and relevance to business practices and planning. As of to date, he has provided executive training , talks and seminars to over 120 large organisations (including 500 companies) and 20 countries.
  • 第2节回顾了xx的相关研
    Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.
  • 开展相关的基因工程方面的研与应用。
    Research on relevant genetic technologies will be launched.