  • 一种色晶状物质,带苦的余味,用于杀菌和制阿斯匹林、染料或香水。
    a white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes.
  • 白先生,午安。
    Good afternoon, Mr Bai.
  • 一个白痴不会分析。
    An idiot cannot reason.
  • 她同我争辩了一个小时,想使我明我的计划有多荒唐。
    She reasoned with me for an hour about the folly of my plans.
  • 我不明他的推理方法。
    I didn't follow his line of reasoning.
  • 当发生下列事情时,你就该明应重新衡量你和你的电脑的关系了.。
    You know it is time to reassess your relationship with your computer when.
  • 再没有谁比这位南非人更有理由信奉这条格言了:笃信上帝,但要保持火药干燥。
    No man was ever more fit than the Afrikaner to hold the motto: Have faith in God but keep your powder dry.
  • 一个海角省的种人土著,他是荷兰移民者的后裔并且说南非公用荷兰语。
    a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans.
  • 我反对一些人在厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦敦挺进,我们撤退时,就该烧毁整个农村。
    I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated.
  • 南非人具有欧洲血统且使用南非荷兰语的南非人,特指17世纪荷兰移民的后代
    An Afrikaans-speaking South African of European ancestry, especially one descended from17th-century Dutch settlers.
  • 南非人的南非人的,或与南非人有关的
    Of or relating to Afrikaans or Afrikaners.
  • 非洲南部的一种开色钟形花的草本植物。
    southern African herb with white bell-shaped flowers.
  • 光和热遇到色或光亮的表面都会反射。
    Light and heat will rebound from any surface that is shiny or white.
  • 很抱歉我想你没有明我的意思。
    I am afraidyou don't see my point.
  • 而现代的人音乐家们则稍晚被引入蓝调的艺术殿堂,研究并尝试着去重新锻造蓝调音乐。
    The modern White player came later - to "discover" the authentic music and recast it.
  • 丢卡利翁为人正直,他的妻子则虔诚敬神。朱庇特怜惜他们夫妻一生清,品行端正,就斥令洪水退去。
    Jupiter, remembering the harmless lives and pious demeanor of this pair, caused the waters to recede.
  • 他是高个子,脸色苍,前额有一撮稀稀的头发分开向后梳去,往后就渐渐秃顶了。
    He was a tall, colorless man, with hair that receded from a thinning widow's peak.
  • 班接待员在晚上9点由夜班接待员换班。
    The day receptionist will be relieved at 21. 00 when the night shift comes on.
  • 多少个美妙的、带着露水的黎明,他们一同走在田野上;多少个暖洋洋的夏日午后,他们同在凉爽的色牛奶房里搅黄油,做乳酪。
    Together they went afield in the wondrous dewy dawns and the warm summer afternoons found them making butter and cheese in the cool, white dairy-house.
  • 相反,他们关注一种更具诱惑力的对象,所谓“抗性”或r基因。r基因为识别单种病原的受体蛋指定遗传代码,并引导染病的细胞自行消亡。
    Instead, they have focused on a much more tempting target, the so-called "resistance" or R genes R genes code for receptor proteins that recognise individual strains of pathogen and then direct infected cells to commit suicide.
  • 一组化学传感器被用来模仿人鼻子中的蛋质感受器官的范围。
    An array of chemical sensors is used to mimic the range of protein receptors in the human nose.
  • 欧洲至阿富汗黎巴嫩旺盛的落叶攀援植物,有芳香的绿色花组成的圆锥花序,夏季和秋季常见。
    vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn.
  • 10天后,她在宫接见了11位逃亡的阿富汗妇女并敦促政治领导人在重建阿富汗时牢记人权并重视妇女地位。
    Ten days later she met in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House with 11 exiled Afghan women and urged political leaders to remember human rights and the status of women in establishing a post? Taliban government.
  • 不过,伊丽莎的为人一贯温柔乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他这样着迷过。
    but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her.
  • 伊丽莎本来打算使他难堪一下,这会儿见他那么体贴,倒楞住了。
    Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry;
  • 没有代表大会作依靠的执行委员会,其处理事情,往往脱离群众的意见,对没收及分配土地的犹豫妥协,对经费的滥用和贪污,对色势力的畏避或斗争不坚决,到处发现。
    An executive committee without a council behind it often acts without regard for the views of the masses, and there are instances everywhere of hesitation and compromise on the confiscation and redistribution of land, of squandering or embezzling funds, and of recoiling before the White forces or fighting only half-heartedly.
  • 应用于细菌的重组技术,能够产生不分解成半分子的可变化的血红蛋分子。
    Recombinant technology applied to the bacterium can produce altered hemoglobin molecules that do not break down into half molecules.
  • 第一代的血红蛋血液替代品,要么是依靠化学交联法,要么是利用重组dna技术,对血红蛋分子进行修改。
    The first-generation hemoglobin blood substitutes rely on molecular modifications of hemoglobin, either by chemically cross linking the molecules or by modifying them using recombinant DNA technology.
  • 如果这张卡片原封退回,我明你还不愿和解,那我将等到来年再试。
    If this card is returned unopened I'll know you aren't ready to reconcile yet, and I'll try again next year.
  • 对于完全由internet驱动的应用程序,oracle、peoplesoft和邓氏公司将必须重构他们的软件,不仅要用java或activex重写应用程序的客户机部分,还要重写服务器部分,以提高安全性。
    For applications to be fully Internet-enabled, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and Dun and Bradstreet will have to reconstruct their wares and rewrite not only the client, but also the server portion of their applications in Java or ActiveX to improve security.
  • 内战后为了自己的利益要求重建制度的南方人。
    white Southerner supporting Reconstruction policies after the Civil War usually for self-interest.
  • 其中建造坪洲和小榄避风塘及重建沙湾公众码头的初步可行性报告也已完成。
    Preliminary project feasibility studies for the Peng Chau and Siu Lam typhoon shelters and the reconstruction of the public pier at Pak Sha Wan were completed.