  • 經法庭裁定觸犯可判監禁罪的吸毒犯,可判處在戒毒所接受戒毒治,為期兩個月至12個月不等,視乎個別犯人的進度而定。
    Drug addicts found guilty of an offence punishable by imprisonment maybe sentenced to a drug addiction treatment centre. They can be detained for two to 12 months, depending on their progress.
  • 美沙酮一種有效的合成麻醉藥,c21h27no不象嗎啡或海洛因那樣容易讓人上癮,在戒毒治中被用作這些毒藥的替代品
    A potent synthetic narcotic drug, C21H27NO, that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs.
  • 國務院發佈了《強製戒毒辦法》,有關部門製定了《阿片類成癮常用戒毒法的指導原則》和《戒毒藥品管理辦法》,規範了全國的戒毒治工作。
    The State Council has promulgated the Procedures for Compulsory Drug Addiction Rehabilitation, and the related department has formulated the Guiding Principles for Commonly Used Therapies Applicable to Opiates Addicts and the Procedures for the Control of Pharmaceuticals for Drug Addiction Treatment, to standardize the work of the rehabilitation and treatment of addicts in China.
  • 解除身體對毒品或者酒精的依賴的治
    a treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol intended to rid the body of the addictive substances.
  • 類似於嗎啡但是很少慣性的合成麻醉劑;用來治海洛因上癮。
    a synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in treating heroin addiction.
  • 解毒法一種淨化酒精或癮君子體內毒素的受醫監督的治方案。該方案是剋服生理或心理中毒的第一步
    A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction.
  • 他一邊與癌癥作鬥爭,接受有風險性的治,一邊在程間歇期繼續進行訓練。
    He fought those odds with a risky cancer treatment and continued to train between chemotherapy sessions.
  • 塗油禮作為宗教,典禮或治儀式本部分的塗油行為
    The act of anointing as part of a religious, ceremonial, or healing ritual.
  • (1)重大關鍵技術項目:兩係法雜交水稻技術、抗蟲棉花等轉基因植物、惡性腫瘤等疾病的基因治技術、大規模並行計算、光纖放大器及泵源、2.16米高分辨率自適應光學望遠鏡、2.48gb/ssdh高速光纖傳輸係統、航空遙感實時成像傳輸處理係統、基於step的cad/capp/cam係統、6000米水下自治機器人、高溫氣冷堆、雙層輝光離子滲金屬技術、金鋼石膜製備技術;
    Key technologies: two-line hybrid rice, insect pest-resistant transgenic cotton and other transgenic plants, gene therapy for malignant tumors and other diseases, large scale parallel computing, optical fiber amplifier and pump, infra-red adaptive optics observation system for 2.16-meter telescope, 2.48 GB/S SDH high speed optical fiber transmission system, airborne real-time remote sensing imaging transmitting and processing system, STEP-based CAD/CAPP/CAM system, 6,000-meter autonomous underwater vehicle, high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, double-layer glow plasma surface alloying technology, and research of the diamond film;
  • 生物心理學派一個精神治學派,該學派以人對生物,社會,文化和環境因素的適應性反應來解釋性格,行為和精神病癥
    The school of psychiatry that interprets personality, behavior, and mental illness in terms of adaptive responses to biological, social, cultural, and environmental factors.
  • 新針法打開了聾啞禁區,治愈了多種“不治之癥”。
    The new acupuncture treatment has opened up the forbidden zone of deaf-muteness and has cured many" incurable" diseases.
  • 解放軍醫隊用針刺法治聾啞病人的消息很快傳了開來。
    The news that the P. L. A. medical team was treating deaf-mutes with acupuncture soon got about.
  • 此外,我們還開展了抗衰老的整體法:瑜伽、草藥、針刺等。
    Furthermore,we have also developed holistic approaches to fighting aging: yoga,herbs,acupuncture,etc.
  • 西方世界起來越多的人開始相信針刺治效。
    More and more people in the western world have come to believe in acupuncture therapy.
  • 很多老人經常氣喘,應該進行針灸治
    Many old people are often short of breath and should be under acupuncture treatment.
  • 幸虧用了針刺法,病人大有起色。
    Thanks to acupuncture therapy the patient is getting along very well.
  • 有些醫生提出了關於針灸治的新見解。
    Some doctors have put out new ideas on acupuncture and moxibustion.
  • 有些醫生提出了關於針灸治的新見解。
    Some doctors have put forward new ideas on acupuncture and moxibustion.
  • 經過針刺治,他的腰痛減輕了。
    After the acupuncture treatment, the pain in his sides eased off.
  • 我想給你用針灸法。
    I am going to use acupuncture on you.
  • 新針法把他的病治好了。
    The new acupuncture treatment got him round.
  • 針灸治減輕了他的痛苦。
    The acupuncture treatment eased off his pain.
  • 施行針灸治,施行針灸麻醉
    To subject to acupuncture.
  • 皮膚針療法
    acupuncture with cutaneous needle
  • 針刺法經常可使昏迷中的人蘇醒過來。
    Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to.
  • 絞痛根一種百合科粉條兒菜屬多年生草本植物,特別是北美粉條兒菜,産於北美東部,長有白色小花的總狀花序,根莖最初用於藥中治疝痛
    Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
  • 卡普多普瑞爾一種用於治高血壓的藥物,該藥通過抑製激活高血壓素的酶起作用
    A drug used in the treatment of hypertension that functions by inhibiting the enzymes that activate angiotensin.
  • 用來治十二指腸、蟯蟲和蛔蟲橫行的殺蟲。
    an anthelmintic used to treat hookworm and pinworm and roundworm infestations.
  • 更生黴素放射綫菌素群中的一種抗生素,c62h86n12o16,從細菌中分離出來,在某些癌癥的治中,被用作一種抗腫瘤的藥物
    An antibiotic of the actinomycin group, C62H86N12O16, isolated from bacteria and used as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of certain cancers.
  • 慶大黴素一種從絳紅小單孢菌屬放綫菌中得到的廣光譜抗生素,以硫酸????形式被用來治各種傳染病
    A broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from an actinomycete of the genus Micromonospora, used in its sulfate form to treat various infections.
  • 土黴素寬幅射的抗生素,c22h24n2o9,由放綫菌衍生鏈菌素屬黴素用來治各種細菌感染
    A broad-spectrum antibiotic, C22H24N2O9, derived from the actinomycete Streptomyces rimosus and used to treat a variety of bacterial infections.
  • 製黴菌素一種抗體,c46h77no19,由諾爾斯氏鏈黴菌屬産生,主要用於真菌感染的治
    An antibiotic, C46H77NO19, produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces noursei and used especially in the treatment of fungal infections.