  • 我有多大年龄?
    Guess how old I am?
  • 你能出我的体重吗?
    Can you guess my weight?
  • 你能得出是哪一种方法吗?
    Can you guess which way?
  • 下一步要干什么。
    Guess what to do next.
  • 猜猜我碰到了谁?
    Guess who I stumbled upon?
  • 他的猜测离题太远。
    His guess is all abroad.
  • 我猜他们要来的。
    I guess they are coming.
  • 提出一种测、说法。
    out forward, of a guess.
  • 胡乱指控;胡乱猜测
    Wild accusations; a wild guess.
  • 你可以来大胆一下。
    You may hazard a guess.
  • 你猜得出价钱吗?
    Can you guess at the price?
  • 你能出我想要什么吗?
    Can you guess what I want?
  • 是哪个名人说过这句话?
    Guess what famous person said this?
  • 我今天碰见谁了。
    Guess who I ran into today.
  • ,我刚才见到谁了?
    Guess who I saw just now?
  • 我们为什么来亚特兰大?
    Guess why we come to Atlanta?
  • 猜一下答案。
    Have a guess at the answer.
  • 推测基于非结论性的或不完全的证据作出的推论或判断;
    Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.
  • 想这是你在[旅游指南]小册子中找出来的第一家餐馆。
    I bet you picked the first restaurant you found in the guidebook.
  • 要是让我的话,我说她大概。
    If I might hazard a guess, I'd say she was about 30.
  • 关於这本书的作者,我来试一下
    As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess
  • 朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏着一个人间美女的身躯,她的测确乎合理。
    Juno suspected, with reason, that the heifer's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold.
  • 有一个默默无闻的中国小说家,不知道现代所谓激动素,却做过一个正确的测,认为一切活动均发源于我们身上的“虫”。
    An obscure Chinese novelist, without the modern knowledge of hormones, made a correct guess about the origin of all activity as due to "worms" in our body.
  • 能减少疑和敌意并产生信赖。
    capable of allaying suspicion or hostility and inspiring confidence.
  • 通常在缺乏确实证据下的推测或想的假说。
    a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence).
  • 我猜都猜不出来。
    I have no idea.
  • 可是,如果神色可以传情的话,连傻子也得出我在没命地爱她。后来她懂得我的意思了,就回送我一个秋波——一切可以想象得到的顾盼中最甜蜜的秋波。
    still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears: she understood me at last, and looked a return--the sweetest of all imaginable looks.
  • 她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,想我一定拿到了钱,连忙向我瓜分。
    Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them.
  • 联合国通过的《关于各国内政不容干涉及其独立与主权之保护宣言》、《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系及合作之国际法之原则之宣言》和《不容干涉和干预别国内政宣言》都明确规定:“任何国家或国家集团均无权以任何理由直接或间接干涉任何其他国家之内政和外交事务”,“各国有义务避免利用和歪曲人权问题,以此作为对其他国家或国家集团内部或彼此之间制造疑和混乱的手段”。
    The Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance With the Charter of the United Nations, and the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, which were all adopted by the United Nations, contain the following explicit provisions: "No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatsoever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State," and every state has the duty "to refrain from the exploitation and the distortion of human rights issues as a means of interference in the internal affairs of States, of exerting pressure on other States or creating distrust and disorder within and among States or groups of States."
  • 测根据非结论性的证据所作的推测;
    To infer from inconclusive evidence; guess.
  • 吾信任轻率之傻子而疑律师。
    I trust an indiscreet fool and suspect a lawyer.
  • 我们可以想得到他出版那日记的动机并不高尚
    We can infer that his motive in publishing the diary was less than honorable.