  • 放射性元素自产生或人为制造的放射性元素
    A naturally occurring or artificially produced radioactive element.
  • 他欣应允了我的要求。
    He agreeably consented to my wishes.
  • 放射性同位素天存在或人工合成的某种元素的有放射性的同位素
    A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.
  • 而,放射性一直是大约三十种天物质特有的性质。
    Nevertheless, radioactivity remained a property exclusively associated with some thirty substances existing naturally.
  • 学生们欣赞成我的提议。
    The students were agreeable to my suggestion.
  • 修理汽车,虽你很熟练,但如何修理收音机,你还不知道。
    Although you are skilled in repairing cars, you are not dry behind the ears in repairing radios.
  • 欣然同意某事
    be agreeable to sth.
  • 由镭裂变生成的放射性气体元素,惰性气体中最重的一种,天生成(尤其在花岗岩上),被认为对健康有害。
    a radioactive gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium; the heaviest of the inert gasses; occurs naturally (especially in areas over granite) and is considered a hazard to health.
  • ,我们也不能排除莱佛士书院、英华中学、圣约瑟书院、维多利亚中学、国家初级学院等英校培育出一个诺贝尔得奖人的可能性,毕竟这些英校培育了新加坡一些顶尖的人才!
    Of course, we are not excluding the possibility of having the accolades go to Raffles Institution, Anglo-Chinese School, St Joseph's Institution, Victoria School, National Junior College and other English-language schools, which have produced some of our best brains in Singapore!
  • 那个捡破烂的从街上东捡西捡,居积攒了一笔可观的家产。
    That rag-picker scraped together quiet a property out of the street.
  • 用小瓶装有易燃液体和少量易燃物的天燃烧弹。
    a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick.
  • 日常天气仍支配着我们生活中的许多细节,而且仍是服装业、旅游业-天知道还有些别的什么行业-的一种神赐的助力。
    Our daily weather continues to dictate the trivial scenarios of our lives-and remains manna to the rag trade, the tourist industry, and heaven knows what else.
  • 突然发怒
    An access of rage.
  • 他勃然大怒。
    He exploded with rage.
  • 他勃然大怒。
    He broke out in a rage.
  • 他勃然大怒。
    He worked himself into a rage.
  • 她勃然大怒。
    She broke out in a rage.
  • 大发脾气,勃然大怒
    Fly into a temper(passion, rage)
  • 他勃然大怒。
    A gust of rage swept through him.
  • 我弯下身去捡那两便士的硬币,突间腰直不起来了,我觉得痛苦万分。
    I bent over to pick up a twopenny piece and my back seized up-couldn't straighten it properly and I was in agony.
  • 抓住扶手,不你会滑倒的。
    Hold on to the rail or you'll slip!
  • 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,而它突失去了平衡,滑回水中。
    For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.
  • “国会委员会长达872页的披露中国政府窃取美国核机密的三卷本报告使举国哗
    Now that congressional committee has released its three-volume, 872-page techno-thriller on the theft of atomic secrets by Chinese spies, much of Washington is agog.
  • 雨突然停了。
    The rain stopped suddenly.
  • 然后是两个星期前。
    And then again two weeks ago.
  • 而,假如没有灰尘,降雨量将会减少,落日的余辉也不会绚丽多彩。
    However, without dust there would be less rainfall and sunsets would be less beautiful.
  • 十月的总雨量只有112.8毫米,比正常少32.0毫米,但自本年一月一日起的累积雨量则达3329.4毫米,比正常高55%,也超过了一九八二年录得3247.5毫米的最高年雨量纪录。
    Rainfall in October amounted to only 112.8 millimetres or 32 millimetres below average. However, the accumulated rainfall since January 1 of 3 329.4 millimetres was 55 per cent above the normal figure, surpassing the previous record maximum annual rainfall of 3247.5 millimetres set in 1982.
  • 骤雨,大暴雨突的大暴雨;倾盆大雨
    A sudden, heavy rainstorm; a downpour.
  • 来临的暴风雨把屋顶刮塌了。
    The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.
  • 的暴雨会使山洪爆发。
    Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down.
  • ,只要稍有雨水便会无法渗透,而四面汇集后流入窟区,造成种种麻烦。
    Obviously, no rainwater would be able to permeate no matter how scanty. Rather what rainwater there is would flow into the grotto region after collection causing all kinds of trouble.
  • 广泛使用清洁能源和环保材料,广泛采用雨水收集、中水利用、自通风、自采光等节能技术,保护环境,节约资源。
    Cleaner energies, environment-friendly building materials, and energy saving technologies such as rainwater collection, gray water utilization, natural ventilation and natural lighting will be extensively used to protect natural environment and save resources.