派Chinese English Sentence:
| - 派遣;发送送到特定的目的地或分派特定任务
To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business. - 七届四中全会的决议指出:“对于那种与党对抗,坚持不改正错误,甚至在党内进行宗派活动、分裂活动和其他危害活动的分子”,党“必须进行无情的斗争,给予严格的制裁,直至在必要时将他们驱逐出党,因为只有这样,才能维护党的团结,才能维护革命的利益和人民的利益”。
The resolution adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee states, "As for those who take a stand against the Party, stubbornly refuse to correct their errors, or even carry on sectarian, splitting or other malignant activities within the Party", the Party "must wage relentless struggle against them and subject them to severe disciplinary measures or even expel them from the Party if necessary. Only by so doing can Party unity be maintained and the interests of the revolution and the people be defended." - 我们今天开大会,就要戳破他们的纸老虎,我们要坚决地反对反共顽固派。
We are meeting here today precisely to punch holes in this paper tiger of theirs.Let us relentlessly combat these anti-Communist die-hards. - 正因为这种趋势和现象的冲击、演变,下世纪也许会出现一个“世界教”,统合目前世界上的大宗教派系。
Because of the impact and evolution of these trends and phenomena, a "World Religion" may appear in the next century, amalgamating the major religions of today's world. - 正因为这种趋势和现象的冲击、演变,下世纪也许会出现一个“世界教”,统合目前世界上的大宗教派系。
Because of the impact and evolution of this trend and phenomenon, a "World Religion" may appear in the next century, amalgamating the major religions of today's world. - 他时常谴责宗派主义。
he condemned religious sectarianism. - 教派间的属于或包括不同教派的
Of or involving different religious denominations. - 在抗日方面,顽固派又有两面性,我们对其尚能抗日的方面是加以联合的政策,对其动摇的方面(例如暗中勾结日寇和不积极反汪反汉奸等)是进行斗争和加以孤立的政策。
Moreover, the die-hards have a dual character with regard to resistance to Japan, and our policy is to unite with them, in so far as they are still in favour of resistance, and to struggle against them and isolate them in so far as they vacillate (for instance, when they collude with the Japanese aggressors and show reluctance in opposing Wang Ching-wei and other traitors). - 新老师可能被分派到电脑教学刚刚启步的学校,大家必须从头学起,一齐开步走;资深的老师空有丰富的教学经验,在运用电脑教学的大前提下,却突然无法施展,不但士气受挫,也可能影响教学表现,得不偿失。
Hence, all teachers -- including the seniors who are very experienced in teaching, but who are suddenly at a loss when it comes to computers -- will have to start from scratch and will have to progress together.Eventually, they will become frustrated and their teaching performance may be adversely affected. Based on this scenario, the cons seem to outweigh the pros. - 对于反动派中的动摇分子和胁从分子,应有宽大的处理。
Vacillating elements and reluctant followers among the reactionaries should be dealt with leniently. - 结果无论多么普通都是重要的;不论多么不愿意,他们都开始承认反对派所关注的问题的合理性。
The results, however general, are important; they have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition's concerns. - 卢沟桥事变以后,蒋介石一派参加抗日了,汪精卫一派就代表了亡国论,并准备投降日本,后来果然投降了。
After the Lukouchiao Incident (July 7. 1937), the Chiang Kai-shek clique reluctantly took part in the War of Resistance, while the Wang Ching-wei clique became the representatives of the theory of national subjugation, was ready to capitulate to Japan and in fact subsequently did so. - 由于清除了主要的反对派,他可以从容不迫地收拾掉剩下的对手了。
Having disposed of the main opposition, he could polish off the remainder at his leisure. - 我们党在民众运动中,有严重的关门主义、高慢的宗派主义和冒险主义的传统倾向,这是一个妨碍党建立抗日民族统一战线和争取多数群众的恶劣的倾向。
In the mass movements our Party has a traditional tendency towards rank closed-doorism, haughty sectarianism, and adventurism; this ugly tendency hinders the Party in establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and winning over the majority of the masses. - 用发挥全党的积极性,锻炼出大批的干部,肃清宗派观念的残余,团结全党像钢铁一样。
Let us give scope to the initiative of the whole Party membership and so train new cadres in great numbers, eliminate the remnants of sectarianism, and unite the whole Party as solidly as steel. - 其他主要宗派有基督复临安息日会、圣公会、宣道会、中华基督教会内的长老会和公理会、循道理联合教会和五旬节会。
Other major denominations are Adventist, Anglican, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Church of Christ in China (representing the Presbyterian and Congregational traditions), Methodist and Pentecostal. - 当她悄悄地等待他们从教堂归来时,她听到路边安吉尔的两个行为正派的哥哥的谈话,使她带着破碎的心往回家路上走去。
While she unobtrusively awaits their return from church she overhears a wayside conversation between Angel's two exemplary brothers that sends her homeward with rended heart. - 佛罗里达[选情]:共和党众议员康尼·麦克,为了赢得即将退休的民主党奇尼斯的参院席位,曾试图给民主党温和派众议员麦凯扣上一顶自派的帽子。根据意测验,两人难分轩轾。
Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call. - 好的,虽然您的保证期限已过了,不过我们会尽快派修护人员去。
All right, although your warranty has already expired, we'll send a repairman out as soon as possible. - 大部分非法入境者是为了找寻工作和获得较佳工资,因此当局经常派员前往建筑地盘、工厂及其他工作地点搜查,如发现非法入境者在港工作,会先行检控然后予以遣返。
Most illegal immigrants came to the HKSAR seeking work and higher wages. Frequent checks were conducted on construction sites, factories and other places of employment. Illegal immigrants found working were prosecuted before repatriation. - 所以必须坚决反对投降派,对于反共分子的进攻必须站在自卫立场上坚决地打退之。
we must resolutely oppose the capitulators and, in self-defence, firmly repel the attacks of the anti-Communist elements. - 用平板印刷;用来吸收或分派墨汁使它们达到理想模式的光滑平面(石制的或铁制的)。
printing by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern. - 听到约翰逊因通奸而被其妻子离弃,我大吃一惊。我原以为他一向过着来淡而正派的生活呢。
I was surprised to hear that Johnson had been divorced by his wife on the grounds of adultery. I thought he always kept to the straight and narrow. - 党代表伤亡太多,除自办训练班训练补充外,希望中央和两省委派可充党代表的同志至少三十人来。
Casualties among Party representatives are very heavy, and while we have started classes for training and replenishment, we hope that the Central Committee and the Hunan and Kiangsi Provincial Committees will send us at least thirty comrades who are able to serve as Party representatives. - 据说他在1960年曾派年轻的化学家瓦苏德瓦·伊亚前往法国,尽可能多地收集关于怎样准备钋(一种用于引发核爆炸的化学元素)的信息。
In 1960 he reportedly sent Vasudev Iya, a young chemist, to France to absorb as much information as he possibly could about how polonium--a chemical element used to trigger a nuclear explosion--was prepared. - 这个记者被派去采访国际新闻。
The reporter was assigned to cover international news. - 在未来的日子,我们会继续提高警队的服务质素,引入先进的资讯科技,增派前线警务人员驻守新发展地区,简化报案程序和改善警署环境,并且鼓励市民举报罪案,从而更有效地打击犯罪活动。
To combat crime more effectively, we will continue to upgrade the service of our police force through the introduction of advanced information technology, deployment of more front-line officers to newly developed areas as well as streamlining of crime reporting procedures and improvement to the environment of police stations to encourage members of the public to report crime. - 欺骗性的或两面派的手法。
a fraudulent or duplicitous representation. - 具象派艺术;具象派肖像。
representational art; representational images. - 十一、成立各党派联合委员会,每个党派派遣代表一人,以国民党的代表为主席,中共代表副之;
Form a joint committee of all the parties and groups, with one representative from each, and appoint the Kuomintang and the Communist Party representatives to be its chairman and vice-chairman respectively. - 他们委派他为代表。
They appointed him as their representative. - 他们派一个代表参加会议。
They sent a representative to the meeting.