  • 汤姆现在读六年级。
    Tom is now in the sixth form.
  • 姆吹他溜冰很棒,但是当地摔倒后,他就感到难为情了。
    Tom boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed on the other side of his mouth.
  • 姆昨天没有熨衬衣。
    Tom didn't iron his shirt yesterday.
  • 把汤里的浮油撇去。
    Skim the soup to remove the fat.
  • 请您把菜中的油脂撇去好吗?
    Will you please skim the fat off from the soup?
  • 她撇去了上的大部分浮油
    She skims the soup to remove most of the fat
  • 牛的有皮的尾巴,常用来做
    the skinned tail of cattle; used especially for soups.
  • 去了皮的牛尾做成的
    a soup made from the skinned tail of an ox.
  • 姆瘦骨嶙峋地穿着一条牛仔裤和起皱的衬衫,说的是装腔作势的话,夹杂着许多猥亵语言。
    Tom sticks his skinny frame into blue jeans and wrinkled shirts, and he talks hip talk, punctuated with obscenities.
  • 小姐说,1977年1月31日已经把202635号保险单发给了姆先生。
    Miss stated that Policy No.202635 had been issued to Mr. Tom on January31, 1977.
  • 他就像姆一样小心地写。
    He wrote just as carefully as Tom.
  • 姆因为上课交头接耳被送到校长那儿去了。他以前没有犯错记录,所以校长没处罚他。
    Tom was sent to the principal for whispering in class. He had a clean slate so the principal did not punish him.
  • 一个低俗的性指导者--姆·克鲁斯在《木兰花》中的新角色
    A Sleazy Sex Guru -- Tom Cruise's new part in Magnolia
  • 姆·克鲁斯欣然接受在《木兰花》中出演一个低俗的性指导者,《木兰花》是《一夜成名》的导演p.t.安德森执导的另一部电影。
    Tom Cruise jumped at[1] the chance to play a sleazy sex guru in Magnolia, the new ensemble[2] piece from Boogie Nights director P.T. Anderson.
  • 姆把蒙骗看守当做极大的乐趣。
    Tom took great delight in slipping one over on the guards.
  • 寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子姆敬上。
    A holiday wish from your son Tom.
  • 姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。
    Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.
  • 汤溢出。
    The soup slopped over.
  • 他端端得很不稳,以致泼了出来。
    He carried the soup so unsteadily that it slopped over.
  • 姆看见一辆公共汽车在进站前慢慢停下来。
    Tom caught sight of a bus slowing down hefore the stop.
  • 姆是个聪明而有点懒散的学生,难怪他的学习成绩总是大起大落。
    Tom is a clever but a bit sluggish student; on wonder his school record is either a feast or a famine.
  • 姆太累了,往椅子上一倒便睡着了。
    Tom was so tired that he slumped down in the chair and fell asleep.
  • 直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝是粗俗的
    Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar.
  • 他喝汤时嘴作声。
    He smacked his lips over the soup.
  • 姆一月能挣几千块,这使他不用为钱担忧了。
    Tom could earn thousands of yuan a month. It smoothed away his worry about money.
  • 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家 司达)
    A novel is a mirror walking along a main road. (Stendhcl,French writer)
  • 姆对做代数厌烦起来,但过了一会儿,他来了精神,又兴致勃勃地做了起来。
    Tom became very tired of working at his algebra, but after a while he got his second wind and began to enjoy it.
  • 姆昨天约会了爱丽斯。
    Tom dated Alice yesterday.
  • 他们也会对这样的事实视而不见,最近审理姆·格林一案使我产生这样的看法。
    They tend also to be blind to that fact, as I was reminded recently by the trial of Tom Green, a ex-Mormon allegedly married to five women at once.
  • 这些苹果是分给姆的。
    These apples are allotted to Tom.
  • 几乎每个人都知道姆把波利大婶的围栏油漆成什么样子。
    Almost everyone knows how Tom got his Aunt Polly's fence painted.
  • 我和姆现在都在同一个班学习。
    Both Tom and I are studying alongside of each other in the same class now.