  • 我现在得结账离开旅馆了。我往204房间,名叫鲁思卡
    I have to check out mow. I am in room 204. The name's Ruth Carson.
  • 我现在得结帐离开旅馆了。我住204房间。名叫鲁思·卡
    I have to check out now. I was in Room 204. The name's Ruth Carson.
  • 我现在得结帐离开旅馆了。我往204房间,名叫鲁思卡
    I have to check out now. I am in room 204. the name 's Ruth Carson.
  • 法郎比利时、贝宁、布基纳法索、布隆迪、科麦隆、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、刚果、吉布提、法国、加蓬、科特迪卡、列支敦士登、卢堡、马达加斯加、马里、摩纳哥、尼日尔、卢旺达、塞内加尔、瑞士和多哥等国家的基本货币单位
    A basic unit of currency in Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, France, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Switzerland, and Togo.
  • 生丁一种用于以下国家的货币单位:阿尔及利亚、比利时、贝宁、布基纳法索、布隆迪、喀麦隆、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、刚果、吉布提、法国、加蓬、海地、象牙海岸、列支敦士登、卢堡、马达加斯加、马里、摩纳哥、摩洛哥、尼日尔、卢旺达、塞内加尔、瑞士、多哥及瓦努阿图
    A unit of currency in Algeria, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, France, Gabon, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu.
  • 许多国家的辅助货币单位;法国阿尔及利亚比利时布隆迪喀麦隆乍得刚果加蓬海地象牙海岸卢堡马里摩洛哥尼日尔卢旺达塞内加尔瑞士多哥等国家。
    a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo and Upper Volta.
  • “最佳投资”金融顾问公司的代理执行主任詹坦言,投资者不应该只凭感觉在股市中闯荡。他认为通过个人存款账户妙股最保险的方式就是制定每月定期的存款计划。
    Jason Hollands, deputy managing director of financial adviser Bestinvest, says investors should not try to second gues stock market movemets,He argues that the safest way of investing in a stocks?and?shares Isa is through a regular monthly savings plan.
  • 加利福尼亚林地带褐色并有黄色斑点的蝾螈。
    yellow-spotted brown salamander of California woodlands.
  • 鲍威利美国纽约城曼哈顿南部的一个区。该地区因一条曾是通向彼得·史蒂文的鲍威利或农场道路的街道而得名。在各种不同的时代鲍威利因酒吧,低级的罪犯行为和流浪汉而恶名远扬
    A section of lower Manhattan in New York City. The street that gives the area its name was once the road to Peter Stuyvesant's bouwerij, or farm. At various times the Bowery has been notorious for its saloons, petty criminals, and derelicts.
  • 森林抽样调查
    sampling method for forestinventory
  • 您说穆尔林离旧金山很近?
    You said that Muir Woods is near San Francisco?
  • [美国]政府与萨尔瓦多官员会谈两小时以后,国务院拉丁美洲事务高级专员阿伦引伸布什的谈话,指控叛军“故意拖延”停火方案,同时加强作乱。
    After a two-hour meeting between Administration and Salvadoran officials, the State Department's senior Latin American specialist, Bernard W.Aronson, amplified Mr.Bush's remarks, accusing the rebels of "stalling deliberately" on a cease-fire plan while stepping up their violence.
  • 特·谢安的《我的经历》中的短短两章,我就读了三四个小时之久——对每个段落,我仔细品味,一唱三叹;对每个句子,每个短语,甚至每个词,我都流连徘徊,依依不舍;书中胜境在我脑海里,历历如画,一览无余。
    I spent three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean, savoring each paragraph, lingering over a sentence, a phrase, or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene.
  • 而在那人被处死时,生长在法兰西和挪威林里的某些树木很可能已被“命运”这个樵夫看中,要砍倒它们,锯成木板,做成一种在历史上以恐怖著名的可以移动的架子,其中包含了一个口袋和一把铡刀。
    It is likely enough that, rooted in the woods of France and Norway, there were growing trees, when that sufferer was put to death, already marked by the Woodman, Fate, to comedown and be sawn into boards, to make a certain movable framework with a sack and a knife in it, terrible in history.
  • 曼彻斯特大学创伤专家马克·费尔古指出:“在新细胞在其之上生长,繁殖之前,人体的免疫系统有可能毁坏或吸收掉这一布状纤维绷带。
    "A person's immune system can demolish and reabsorb the scaffold before the cells have a chance to migrate on it", he says.
  • 欧亚大陆温带林中的大蛾子,翅膀透明并有重鳞。
    large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings.
  • 特纳使用于德国和斯堪的纳维亚与英担相当的一种重量单位,等于50公斤(110。23磅)
    A unit of weight in Germany and Scandinavia corresponding to the hundredweight and equal to50 kilograms(110.23 pounds).
  • 他们刚踏上海滩,霍西就叫他们把艾伦逮住。
    They had scarce set foot upon the beach When Haseason made them put hands on Alan.
  • 霍伯说,调查显示54%的女人只在乎自己是否拥有30双风格各异的鞋子,而并不在乎是否已经攒足了3万美元的退休金。
    "The study found that 54 percent of women said they expect to accumulate 30 pairs of shoes before they save $30,000 for retirement," said Hobson.
  • 警察正在搜索,寻找那个丢失的小孩。
    The police are scouring the woods for the missing child.
  • 应从事会计工作,因为他具有计算的才能。
    Jason should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.
  • 波克博士建议我转院到西雅图佛雷德·赫钦癌症研究中心,那是全国最权威的移植中心。
    Dr. Berk referred me to Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,the country's top trans-plant center.
  • 哈里自荐任秘书的职务。
    Harrison put up for the secretaryship.
  • 我没有看到汤普先生,但我看到了史密斯教授。
    I didn't see Mr.Thompson, but I saw Prof. Smith.
  • 我没有看到汤普先生,但我看到了史密斯教授。
    I didn't see Mr. Thompson, but I saw Prof. Smith.
  •  违反本法规定,在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧致使林、林木受到毁坏的,依法赔偿损失;
    In case that firewood cutting and grazing in seedling forests and forests with special uses have led to the destruction of forests and trees in violation of the provisions of this law, the compensation in damages shall be paid;
  • 斯蒂芬·费尔斯对吉姆·汤普的小说《骗子》引人入胜、精彩纷呈的改编几乎赢得了评论界一致的好评。其中大部分是冲着主角安吉利卡·胡思顿、约翰·库萨克和安妮特·贝宁的表演。
    Stephen Frears's gripping[1], stylish adaptation of Jim Thompson's novel of the same name, The Grifters met with almost unanimous critical acclaim, much of which was aimed at the performances of Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, and Bening as the film's protagonists.
  • 非常敏捷、选择性强的读者——约翰·梅·布朗。
    an exceptionally quick and selective reader- John Mason Brown.
  •  在保罗·托马斯·安德的色情影片《一夜成名》受到评论界的赞扬之后,他打算拍点儿"题材轻松、摄制期短、成本又低的电影"。
    After the critical acclaim of his porn[3] opus Boogie Nights, Paul Thomas Anderson intended to make "something light and quick and cheap."
  • 正如1897年电子的发现是20世纪里的惊人的事件一样,1953年詹姆斯·沃突发奇想,对弗朗西斯·克里克说出了四种核酸如何能配对形成dna(脱氧核糖核酸)分子能自复制的密码--这一事件为21世纪播撒下了种子。
    Just as the discovery of the electron in 1897 was a seminal event for the 20th century,the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953,when James Watson blurted out to Francis Crick how four nucleic acids could pair to form the self? copying code of a DNA molecule.
  • 詹姆博士成为讨论会上引人注目的中心人物。
    Dr. Jameson became the centre of attraction at the seminar.
  • 三隆森贝丘遗址
    Shell Mound at Samrong-Sen