  • 极谱法定量分析或定性分析中的一种电化学法,是以通过被分析溶液的一束正在增强的电流和用来产生该电流的正在增强的电压间的关系为基础
    An electrochemical method of quantitative or qualitative analysis based on the relationship between an increasing current passing through the solution being analyzed and the increasing voltage used to produce the current.
  • 我们要全面地正确地执行党的教育针,端正向,真正搞好教育改革,使教育事业有一个大的发展,大的提高。
    We must carry out the Party's policy on education comprehensively and correctly, put it on the right track and introduce appropriate reforms, so as to ensure both quantitative and qualitative progress.
  • 此外,我还看到,由於国家未来的经济发展,将会要求经济增长的式要从数量转为质量,先进的管理和彻底的市场研究和高科技的发展都是必须努力做到的事情。
    In addition, we have to note that the future economic development of our country demands a shift from the quantitative approach to a qualitative one. Efforts should be made to employ advanced management skills, conduct thorough market research and develop high technology.
  • 然而这种流动是有限制的,即流动于执行这一针的各种不同的战争行动的范围中,而不是这一针的根本性质的流动,即是说,是数的流动,不是质的流动。
    But it is fluid within limits, fluid within the bounds of the various war operations undertaken for carrying it out, but not fluid as to its essence; In other words, it is quantitatively but not qualitatively fluid.
  • 在某些面优于别人;拥有好的品质。
    the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree.
  • 给我们指明机场方向
    Directed us to the airport.
  • 直至最近,还是放弃东北和华北不顾,忘记日本帝国主义是中国的最大敌人,而把一切力量反对红军和从事贵党自己营垒之间的内争,用一切力量拦阻红军的抗日去路,捣乱红军的抗日后,漠视全国人民的抗日要求,剥夺全国人民的自由权利。
    Being blind to the fact that Japanese imperialism is China's deadliest enemy, you have had no qualms even in recent months about abandoning northeastern and northern China, you have used all your strength to fight the Red Army and wage factional struggles within your own party, you have blocked the Red Army on its way to fight the Japanese and harassed its rear, you have ignored the nation-wide demand for resistance to Japan and have deprived the people of their freedoms and rights.
  • 行为科学主义心理学的一个流派,着重研究行为中可以观察到的、可以量化的面,排除主观现象,如感情或动机
    A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.
  • 影响预测由定性开始,到用简单法定量,再用多因素的模型详细定量。
    Impact prediction begins with quality identification, then simple methods are used for quantification and finally multi-factor modeling is used for detailed quantification.
  • 两名英国科学家1月6日宣布他们发现了一个量化幸福的程式,可以用具体的数值来描述情感的状态。
    A pair of British researchers said Monday they had worked out a simple equation to quantify happiness that could put an exact figure on the emotional state.
  • 有的是在流域内几个工程徐满足的总水利任务已定的前提下,根据定量的环境指标,利用动态规划几排优劣矩阵法以投资少、环境影响小为目标函数,分配、确定各工程规模的法。
    A method is based on the quantified indices of environmental impacts, subject to satisfying of the multipurpose of development as its constraints and the minimum of total adverse impact (as people displaced) as objectives, by the dynamic programming technique and the matrix approach etc., to layout the plan and determine the scale of each water project.
  • 飞机突然迷失了方向
    The airplane suddenly lost its way.
  • 地理数量方法
    quantitative methods in geography
  • 飞机向东南方向飞去
    The airplane flew toward southeast.
  • 在美国各地大学和实验室研究者们的领导下,商业的芯片设计者如今将定量法引进到计算机结构体系之中。
    Following the lead of researchers at universities and laboratories across the US, commercial chip designers now take a quantitative approach to computer architecture.
  • 这些量化分析使关于全球升温的不确定争论转化成为一种非常精确的结论:可能性与预期损失相乘等于我们在减轻升温现象面的开支。
    These quantitative analyses transform the yes-no debate over global warming into an actuarial decision: probability times expected damage equals how much we should spend now on mitigation.
  • 这可以通过计数的式表达出来。
    this can be expressed quantitatively.
  • 且在量的面,又不得不有所减弱。
    Moreover, quantitatively speaking, we have had to sustain certain losses.
  • 日本的军力、经济力和政治组织力虽强,但这些力量之量的面不足。
    Japan's military, economic and political-organizational power is great but quantitatively inadequate.
  • 中国面,虽然在力量的强度上是劣势,因此造成了战略上的某种被动姿态,但是在地理、人口和兵员的数量上,并且又在人民和军队的敌忾心和士气上,却处于优势,这种优势再加上其他的有利因素,便减杀了自己军力、经济力等的劣势的程度,使之变为战略上的相对的劣势。
    As for China, though placed in a somewhat passive position strategically because of her inferior strength, she is nevertheless quantitatively superior in territory, population and troops, and also superior in the morale of her people and army and their patriotic hatred of the enemy; This superiority, together with other advantages, reduces the extent of her inferiority in military, economic and other power, and changes it into a relative strategic inferiority.
  • 飞行员开始对执行更多飞行任务的命令表示不服。
    The enemy airmen kicked up at the orders to fly more missions.
  • 对全部取样用同一量化器进行量化而且又与以前和将来的取样无关的任何一种量化法。
    Any method that quantizes samples independently of past and future samples, with the same quantizer for all samples.
  • 量子化学计算方法
    computational methods of quantum chemistry
  • 单粒子与多粒子体系的相对论量子力学
    relativistic quantum-mechanical equations of particle and multiparticle system
  • 普朗克,马克斯·卡尔·恩斯特·路德维希1858-1947德国物理学家,因其在有关量子理论面的发现而获1918年诺贝尔奖
    German physicist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for discoveries in connection with quantum theory.
  • 今日之量子论;量子力学根据schrodinger程的衍生;以粒子波解释原子事件。
    the modern form of quantum theory; an extension of of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation; atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves.
  • 博恩,马克斯1882-1970德裔物理学家。因在量子力学面的开拓性工作而获1954年诺贝尔奖
    German-born physicist. He shared a1954 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in quantum mechanics.
  • 被告承认有责任,但案子还是拿到法庭审判,因为双当事人不能就损害赔偿金金额达成协议。
    Liability is admitted by the defendant, but the case go to trial because they can not agree the quantum of damages.
  • 被告承认有责任,但案子还是拿到法庭审判,因为双当事人不能就损害赔偿金金额达成协议。
    Liability was admitted by the defendant, but the case went to trial because they could not agree the quantum of damages.
  • 用了几天时间追查到案中目标。
    It take the police several day to track down their quarry.
  • 用了几天时间追查到案中目标。
    It took the police several days to track down their quarry.
  • 你好,这是南航空公司,需要帮忙吗?
    Hello. This is South Airlines Company. May I help you?