  • 文化活动的重点场所是天安门广场、东西长安街、南北中轴线、中华世纪坛、北京标志性建筑的广场、奥林匹克公园以及其他重点公园等,充分发世界第一大城市广场、第一长街以及独一无二的城市中轴线在首都整体文化形象塑造中的重要作用,推出一批体现中国特色、北京气派的国际性品牌文化活动,提升北京作为中国文化中心和国际交往中心的文化品位。
    Major locations for cultural activities include Tiananmen Square, Chang’an Boulevard, the Central Axis Avenue, the China Millennium Monument, public squares featuring Beijing’s unique architecture, the Olympic Green and other key parks. The world’s largest public square, longest boulevard and sole central axis avenue, all found in Beijing, will be fully utilized to play their important roles in creating and shaping the overall cultural image of the capital city. A string of cultural activities worthy of international acclaim and featuring Chinese features and Beijing style will be presented to help enhance Beijing’s status as a center of cultural development and international exchange in China.
  • 不要乱发你的名片,不然你不是令你的名片贬值,就是使它们没有发应有的作用。
    Be selective in distributing your cards.Otherwise you may devalue them,or hoard them.
  • 这场选手发平平、观众热情万丈、搏杀异常激烈、令人担忧的半决赛,最终比分为:6?2,7?6(3)。
    Final score:6 2,7 6(3),in a fraught semifinal match marked by mediocre tennis,great theater and almost unbearable intensity.
  • 他故意压低自己在讨论会的成功中所发的作用。
    He played down his role in the success of the seminar.
  • 她们都长得很漂亮,曾经在一个上流的专科学校里受过教育,有两万镑的财产,花起钱来总是霍无度,爱结交有身价地位的人,因此才造成了她们在各方面都自视甚高,不把别人放在眼里。
    They were rather handsome, had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank, and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meanly of others.
  • 细胞生物内最小的能够独立发作用的结构单位,包括一个或多个细胞核、细胞质和各种细胞器官,均由具半透性的细胞膜包着
    The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
  • 帕蒂说,"修正法案是要将不多的联邦资源用在刀刃上,用在最能发作用的地方。
    ''The amendment targets scarce federal resources to where they will work best,'' said its author, Sen.Patty Murray, D-Wash.
  • 现在有些地方对选进领导班子的年轻人,还是论资排辈,发不了他们的作用。
    In some places, because the leading bodies are still wedded to seniority, they do not give full play to the ability of newly recruited young members.
  • 按资历来说,能指一个团,如果好好学点知识,学点本领,锻炼一下,当个中小工厂的领导,大厂的车间领导,应该说是可以的。
    As far as seniority and experience are concerned, a man who can command a regiment should be able to function as a leader of a medium-sized or small factory or of a workshop in a large factory, provided he has acquired some solid knowledge and skills and has really tempered himself.
  • 华文电视剧始终远比英语电视剧受欢迎,就是因为前者发了华语的感性特征,所以更有亲和力,能够牵动人心。
    Chinese drama series have always been more popular than English ones. The reason is that the former has been able to take full advantage of the unique sensibility of the Chinese language which the audience can identify with and relate to readily.
  • 这项新发明是基于能感觉发性化学物质的多种元素聚合体组合。
    The innovation is based on a multi-element polymer array for the sensing of volatile chemicals.
  • 上面所描述的传感器已在几项工业和实验的应用中发作用,它的精度和效果已得到证明。
    The sensor described above is already working in several industrial and experimental applications and has proved its accuracy and effectiveness.
  • 心智,意识感觉器官指和影响心理或生理行为的有意识和无意识的全过程
    The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior.
  • 新疆生产建设兵团近五十年的发展,对加快新疆经济发展,促进民族团结,保持社会稳定,巩固边防,维护祖国统一,发着十分重要的作用。
    The development of the XPCC in the past five decades has played a very important role in accelerating the economic development of Xinjiang, promoting unity among ethnic groups, maintaining social stability, consolidating border defense, and shoring up the unification of the motherland.
  • 我们发社会主义固有的特点,也采用资本主义的一些方法(是当作方法来用的),目的就是要加速发展生产力。
    While giving play to the advantages inherent in socialism, we are also employing some capitalist methods, but only as methods of accelerating the growth of the productive forces.
  • (军乐队在行进中演奏的)指
    Sergeant who leads a military band when it plays on parade
  • 对高新技术产业化项目的孵化培育功能,加快了全省科技创新进程。
    Increase the role of Hi-tech industrial development zones in incubation projects for high and new technological industrialization, accelerating to blaze new scientific and technological trails througout the province.
  • 官推荐威廉斯中士获勇敢勋章
    The commanding officer put Sergeant William in for a medal for bravery.
  • 充分发奥运会对全国经济发展的促进作用,推动我国现代化建设事业加快发展。
    we aim at maximizing the positive impacts of the Olympic Games on national economic development and accelerating the modernization drive of the country.
  • 科学技术:努力发科技优势,加快了科技成果产业化进程。
    Science and Technology: Due attention was paid to exert the scientific and technological advantages. The industrialization progress of scientific results was accelerated.
  • 是的,哈农考特是演艺界的"一代"先锋,一位极严肃的音乐家,还是在一年一度纷繁的新年演出中通常率领维也纳爱乐乐团的明星指的对立面。
    Yes,Harnoncourt pioneer of “ period” performance,a musician of the utmost seriousness,the antithesis of the star conductor who usually leads the Vienna Philharmonic on its new year whirl.
  • 监护人严词申斥被监护人霍浪费
    The guardian read his ward a sermon on his extravagance
  • 与此同时,为借鉴世界各国特别是发达国家军队建设的有益经验,1996年至今,人民解放军先后向20多个国家派出军事留学人员近千名,其中相当一部分是师、团职军事指干部和专业技术干部。
    At the same time, in order to draw on the useful armed forces building experiences of other countries, particularly developed countries, the PLA has since 1996 sent nearly 1,000 servicemen to study in over 20 countries, a considerable number of them being commanding or technical officers at the division or regiment level.
  • 炮火炸飞了我们的指
    An artillery shell blew our headquarters apart.
  • 有三艘船归他指挥。
    Three ships fall under his command.
  • 她愤怒地动着拳头。
    She shook her fist angrily.
  • 他愤怒地动着拳头。
    The man shook his fist angrily.
  • 她激发我们手书本、高声嚷叫地进行争论。
    She aroused us to shouting, bookwaving discussions.
  • 遗憾的是,正如凯文的经验所显示的,大多数作物并没有显示充分的诱导抗性并在农田里发重要的作用。
    Unfortunately, as Littleboy's experience shows, most crops don't show enough inducible resistance to make much difference in the field.
  • 我们为他找到了更容易发他才能的工作。
    We found him work more suited to his abilities.
  •  从北京竞技体育实际出发,遵循北京竞技体育的发展特点和规律,发举国体制优势,实施奥运金牌战略,全面提升北京竞技体育综合实力和竞技水平,攀登世界竞技体育高峰。
    Raise the overall strength of Beijing's competition sports and competition level in an all-round way and climb the world peak of competition sports by proceeding from its reality, abiding by the characteristics and laws of the its developments, giving play to the system superiority of the whole nation and implementing the strategy for winning Olympic gold medals.
  • 今早9点钟,位于休斯敦的航天地面指中心同我们的"哥伦比亚"号航天飞机失去了联系。
    At 9:00 a.m.this morning,Mission Control in Houston lost contact with our Space Shuttle Columbia.