某个实体的抽象性质。 an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity.
这么一个人变成了一个形而上的抽象名词。 Such an individual becomes a metaphysical abstraction.
富抽象的,抽象的抽象的或由抽象引起的 Of or derived by abstraction.
这是一种抽象物。 This is a kind of abstraction.
克勒,保罗1879-1940瑞士画家。他把对线系和色彩的熟练运用和其关于抽象艺术的理论结合起来创造出了古怪而单纯的作品 Swiss artist who combined his expert use of line and color and his theories of abstract art to produce works of whimsy and innocence.
一个抽象观念的具体形象。 a representation of an abstract idea in concrete terms.
作为某些抽象事物的明显标志。 serving as a visible symbol for something abstract.
从抽象上升到具体 rise from the abstract up to the concrete
表现真实的事物;非抽象和观念。 representing what is real; not abstract or ideal.
花是美的,但美本身是抽象的。 Flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.
抽象的词语是幼童所无法理解的。 Abstract words are beyond the ken of children.
这种画被称作“抽象派”画。 This kind of painting is termed " abstract ".
“诚实”这个词是抽象名词。 The word "honesty" is an abstract noun.
抽象主义抽象艺术的理论或实践 The theory and practice of abstract art.
具体、实在、有形的特性(不抽象)。 the quality of being concrete (not abstract).
到达目的地,真实的或者抽象的。 reach a destination, either real or abstract.
我对现代抽象艺术是外行。 Modern abstract art is outside my province.
今年他对抽象艺术很感兴趣。 He's hung on abstract art this year.
给抽象的概念以具体的形式。 giving concrete form to an abstract concept.
大量地支出;也可后跟抽象名词。 expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns.
把一个抽象的概念作具体的考虑。 consider an abstract concept to be real.
数和符号的抽象的集合。 an abstract collection of numbers or symbols.
抽象派绘画引不起他的兴趣。 Abstract paintings did not appeal to him.
一种可见的抽象观念的标志。 a visible symbol of an abstract idea.
抽象概念,抽象术语抽象的观念、意识或术语 An abstract concept, idea, or term.
得到一种特殊的(抽象的)治疗。 receive a specified treatment (abstract).
哲学和抽象思维这些东西会令他们大惑不解。 Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them.
一个对事特赋与抽象品质的人。 one who personifies an abstract quality.
一些抽象名词,如真理和正义 Abstract words like truth and justice.
难道祖国是抽象的吗? Is the motherland something abstract?
难理解的极度抽象的或理论上的 Highly abstract or theoretical; abstruse.