  • 我不愿意这一伟大的事业因此而被削,仅仅因为我个人表面上有着某些优于他人之处。
    I do not want this great cause to be weakened by even a semblance of any personal advantage to any individual.
  • 他们或则根本忘记了强这个矛盾,而单单记起了其他矛盾;或则对于中国的长处,夸大得离开了真实情况,变成另一种样子;或则拿一时一地的强现象代替了全体中的强现象,一叶障目,不见泰山,而自以为是。
    Either they completely forget the contradiction between strength and weakness, remembering only the other contradictions, or they exaggerate China's advantages beyond all semblance of reality and beyond recognition, or they presumptuously take the balance of forces at one time and place for the whole situation, as in the old saying, "A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai."
  • 半殖民地和半封建社会是它的特点,所以被称为国。
    She is a semi-colony and a semi-feudal society, and she is consequently considered a weak country.
  • 蹒跚的虚的,衰的,因老而糊涂的
    Infirm, feeble, and often senile.
  • 老迈,衰老老年岁人的脆;老态龙钟
    The frailty of old age; senility.
  •  在每个洞窟的不同位置精心布下各种探头,让这些灵敏的传感器在不同梯度上捕捉日照的强,温度的升降,湿度的波动,气流在洞内行曲走折的循环路线。
    Different types of probes are mounted in different positions in each grotto so that these sensitive sensors will be able to catch the intensity of sunshine, the rise and fall of temperature, the fluctuation of humidity, and the zigzag cyclic route of air flow in the grotto.
  • 感伤的或脆弱的情感
    Sentimental or tender emotion.
  • 陈腐的,过时的,伤感的或感情脆
    Trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental.
  • 愚蠢而感情脆的一个乏味的体的人。
    an insipid weakling who is foolishly sentimental.
  • 易感伤的人缺乏生气,矫揉造作或虚的人
    One that is insipid, sentimental, or weak.
  • 很虚并且很多愁善感的人。
    a person who is weak and excessively sentimental.
  • 首先要认识目前问题的严重性,认识改变思想战线的领导软涣散状况的迫切必要性。
    First and foremost, they should recognize the seriousness of the problems and the urgent need to overcome weakness and laxity in leadership in this area.
  • 具有细分支软水母亚目水螅体的一个属。
    sessile hydroid that forms feathery colonies.
  • 这次挫折削了我的热情。
    This setback has drained away my keenness.
  • (指疾病)以严重程度的周期性减为特点。
    (of a disease) characterized by periods of diminished severity.
  • ”碰巧的是,卡特总统用美国南方口音,重复“重要的”一词时,听起来很像是“软无力的”一词。这样,国王也以为双方的观点是一致的。
    Now in his southern accent, the word "important" souded very much like the word "impotent", and the Shah too felt most pleased that the President should agree with him.
  • 国王认为这个组织是软无力的。
    The Shah didn't have a very high opinion of the said organization as he found it beset with many internal problems, so he used the word "impotent" to describe it.
  • 由于虚或缺陷而容易摇晃的。
    inclined to shake as from weakness or defect.
  • 不稳的,虚的;摇晃的
    Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky.
  • 禁食使他虚弱。
    His abstinence from food makes him weak.
  • 他懦地把钱还给了她。
    sheepishly he handed her back the money.
  • 轻而薄的;薄的;虚无漂缈的
    Sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous.
  • 敌人的阵线被炮击所削
    The enemy lines were weakened by shelling.
  • 的小人,那么你们不会帮助我了——p·b·雪莱。
    cowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then- P.B.Shelley.
  • 年内,社署增设了340个庇护工场名额、580个辅助就业名额、147个展能中心名额、50个精神病康复者训练及活动中心名额、40个中途宿舍名额、400个长期护理院名额、360个智人士宿舍名额和60个辅助宿舍名额。
    In 2001, there were an additional 340 places in sheltered workshops, 580 places in supported employment, 147 places in day activity centres, 50 places in training and activity centres for ex-mentally ill persons, 40 places in halfway houses, 400 long stay care home places, 360 places in hostels for the mentally handicapped, and 60 places in supported hostels.
  • 或者间歇性的发光。
    shine with a weak or fitful light.
  • 我想我已发现了她的薄环节。
    I think I've detected the crack in her shining armour.
  • 性欲减弱,性欲缺失
    Decline or absence of sexual desire.
  • 点:查伯斯说他是在以一种“公平和光明正大”的方式参与竞争的,但是联合贸易委员会(ftc)对查伯斯是否曾参与密谋瓜分市场表示怀疑。
    Weak spot: Chambers says he competes "in a fair and aboveboard way," but the FTC wonders if Cisco has conspired to divvy up markets.
  • 政府正支持因战争而受到削的经济。
    The government is shoring up the economy weakened by the devastaion of war.
  • 缺点或弱点
    A shortcoming or defect.
  • 它的点,就在只限于知识分子,没有工人农民参加。
    Its shortcoming was that it was confined to the intellectuals and that the workers and peasants did not join in.