  • 这时,此一小段局域网被赋予了令牌环网的整个带,即16m位/秒。
    This small segment is then given the entire 16Mit/sec token-ring bandwidth.
  • 用户做了一个会话请求,这个请求需要50兆位/秒的带
    User makes a session request that requires 50M bit/sec of bandwidth.
  • 有了能提供10兆至20兆位/秒数据吞吐量的多个信道,100baseradio应该能为多数介质丰富的应用提供足够的带,如工作在3兆~8兆位/秒的dvd和mpeg-2应用以及19兆位/秒上的高分辨电视。
    With multiple channels providing between 10M and 20M bit/sec of data throughput, 100BaseRadio should provide more than enough bandwidth for even the most media-rich applications, including DVD and MPEG-2 running at 3M bit/sec to 8M bit/sec, and high-definition television at 19M bit/sec.
  • 荷,莲一种水生植物(莲属莲),生长在南亚和澳大利亚,具有硕大的叶子,香味,粉色花,并有,圆而且带孔的心皮,有多肉的块茎
    An aquatic plant(Nelumbo nucifera) native to southern Asia and Australia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, a broad, rounded, perforated seedpod, and fleshy rhizomes.
  • 他们处处表现出灵活变通、容体谅和通力合作。
    They have demonstrated flexibility, understanding, co-operation and accommodation every where.
  • 可以睡两个人的床。
    a bed wide enough to accommodate two sleepers.
  • 原先的“零容度”政策导致了几个经媒体大事报导的案子——在公海扣押昂贵游艇,结果仅发现少量大麻。船主提出抗议。更糟的是,原来在12英里以外仅因拥有毒品而扣押是违法的。
    The original "zero tolerance" policy resulted in a couple of highly publicized cases in which expensive yachts were seized in internaional waters for what turned out to be small amounts of marijuana. The owners squawked. To top it off, it turned out that outside the 12-mile limit, seizure for simple possession was itself against the law.
  • 苍鹰一种大型的,强壮的鹰(苍鹰鹰属),翅膀又圆又,长尾,全身灰羽或棕羽
    A large, powerful hawk(Accipiter gentilis) having broad, rounded wings, a long tail, and gray or brownish plumage.
  • 路慢慢了起来,最后我们走进一个广阔的山谷。
    The road gradually widened until we found our selves in a large valley.
  • 大型半水栖啮齿动物,后足有蹼,尾巴而平;建造复杂的水坝和水下巢穴。
    large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges.
  • 鸭嘴兽产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽鸭嘴兽属),尾阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴
    A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania, having a broad flat tail, webbed feet, and a snout resembling a duck's bill.
  • 然后,接收节点就通知发送方:要求的带已被分配、对声音、视频或数据的传输可以开始了。
    Then, the receiving node notifies the sender that the requested capacity has been allocated and the transmission -- voice, video or data -- can then begin.
  • 她有一副沉静的嗓子,她的弹奏给人以快感,就她这个年龄的歌手而言,她具有惊人的广的历史感。
    She has a hushed voice,a sensual touch at the keyboard and amazing historical breadth for a singer of her age.
  • 事实上,独立的测试表明,自适应加速可以把带可用性提高400%。
    In fact, independent testing has shown that adaptive acceleration can boost bandwidth availability by up to 400%.
  • 回首以往,我们渐渐认识到,是这些众多的生日使我们厚仁爱,更增智慧,年龄的增长使心境愈趋宁静。祝生日快乐!
    Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!
  • 那篇关于基督容的布道极为中肯。
    The sermon on Christian mercy struck home.
  • 被广泛种植的一种植物,其叶可以制作沙拉菜;其叶可分为卷曲的齿状和平状。
    widely cultivated herb with leaves valued as salad green; either curly serrated leaves or broad flat ones that are usually blanched.
  • 他妻子说:“他可以在更松的环境下,结识陌生人。他喜欢这样。
    " He's able to meet new people, which he loves, in much more relaxed settings," says his wife.
  • 深壑,深渊深而的裂口;深渊
    A deep, wide chasm; an abyss.
  • 父亲宽严并济。
    Father alternates kindness with severity.
  • 严之间找一居中的尺度
    Find the medium between severity and leniency
  • 许多人在谈论有关惩罚的严轻重。
    Many people talk about the severity and extensity of punishment.
  • 用大针脚松地缝在一起。
    sew together loosely, with large stitches.
  • 有相对大的叶子和羽毛状圆锥花序的一个高大北美芦苇属;广泛分布于潮湿地区;用作席子筛子和矢柄。
    tall North American reed having relative wide leaves and large plumelike panicles; widely distributed in moist areas; used for mats, screens and arrow shafts.
  • 我们拥有的信息非常丰富,堆积在数据库里,通过带网源源不断地流到桌面系统。
    Information we have is in abundance, piling up in databases and streaming onto desktops over broadband networks.
  • 共享一条链路的一台单用户pc和一台多用户服务器各自都得到相同的带占用。
    A single-user PC and a multiuser server sharing a link would each conceivably receive the same share of bandwidth.
  • 分层次的链路共享允许多个代理、协议组或流量类型以一种受控的方式在一个链路上共享带
    Hierarchial link-sharing allows multiple agencies, protocol families or traffic types to share bandwidth on a link in a controlled fashion.
  • 她披着长可及地的开司米大披肩,两边露出绸子长裙的阔的镶边,她那紧贴在胸前藏手用的厚厚的暖手笼四周的褶裥都做得十分精巧,因此无论用什么挑剔的眼光来看,线条都是无可指摘的。
    Her Indian shawl, with its point reaching down to the ground, gave free movement on either side to the flounced panels of her silk dress, while the thick muff, which hid her hands and which she kept pressed to her bosom, was encompassed by folds so skillfully managed that even the most demanding eye would have found nothing wanting in the lines of her figure.
  • 免豁免,免除(如债务)
    To absolve from payment of(a debt, for example).
  • 关于此事我的过失已被恕。
    I was absolved of blame in the matter.
  • 后来,救生挺上的700人只有等待,等死,待着活命,等待恕,但永远等不到。(泰坦尼克号)
    Afterwards, the seven hundred people in the boat had nothing to do but wait Wait to die, wait to live, wait for absolution. But was never come.
  • 穿过一块护盖的一根的水平的带子。
    a broad horizontal band across a shield.